Gods: Beginning With Becoming A Lord

Chapter 58: Lady Romanlana

Madam Romanlana, a famous beauty in Dok City, has a very mysterious origin. No one in the entire Dok City knows her origin, even Eve and Irene, Madam Romanlana's two disciples.

Moreover, because she is one of the few high-level magicians in Dok City, and Madam Romanlana is the only high-level alchemist in Dok City, Madam Romanlana has a very high status in Dok City, second only to the lord family of Dok City.

It is precisely because she is a high-level alchemist that Madam Romanlana will always stay in the alchemy laboratory to conduct alchemy experiments unless there is something.

Therefore, after seeing Madam Romanlana coming home, Caesar knew that Madam Romanlana had something to discuss with her sisters.

As for why she didn't discuss it with Caesar, one reason was that Caesar had just returned home, and Madam Romanlana naturally couldn't come to find Caesar.

The second reason is that before the establishment of Sun and Moon Territory, Caesar was a waste and didn't care about anything, so there was nothing to discuss with Caesar.

If it was the previous Caesar, he would definitely not ask about the arrival of Lady Romanlana.

But the current Caesar is not the previous waste Caesar. After obtaining the super auxiliary system, he not only has the strength of a great knight and a great magician, but also a powerful earl.

Therefore, Caesar, who was curious about the arrival of Lady Romanlana, immediately asked Lady Romanlana: "Lady Romanlana, what's the matter with you coming home?"

Hearing Caesar's question, Lady Romanlana was a little curious why Caesar dared to come and interfere in the affairs of herself and her three sisters after going out for training.

But he still answered: "I am going to leave Dok City recently. I came here mainly to discuss with your three sisters about the issue of whether Eve and Irene should stay or go. My personal suggestion is that Eve and Irene leave with me."

"I disagree!" After hearing Mrs. Romanlana's answer and thoughts, Caesar refused without hesitation.

After all, he returned to Dok City this time to take Elu, Aisha, Ain, Eve and Irene, the five sisters of the Griffin family, to the Sun and Moon Territory together. How could he be willing to let Eve and Irene leave with Mrs. Romanlana.

As for the problem of Eve and Irene's practice with Mrs. Romanlana, this is easier to solve.

Don't forget that Caesar now has three extraordinary magicians at the peak of the extraordinary level, which is more than enough to teach Eve and Irene, who are only at the intermediate and primary magician levels.

As for the problem of learning alchemy, after a lot of experiments, Leighton, who has already been promoted from a master alchemist to an extraordinary alchemist, is enough to teach Eve and Irene.

Therefore, it doesn't matter whether Eve and Irene go out to practice with Madam Romanlana or not.

So why did Caesar let Eve and Irene leave with Madam Romanlana!


Just when Madam Romanlana was about to argue, the two sisters Aisha and Ain also returned home.

Of course, unlike Caesar who just happened to go home, the reason why the two sisters Aisha and Ain returned home was purely because they received a notice from the maid at home and got the news that Madam Romanlana was coming home.

Otherwise, how could the two sisters Aisha and Ain rush home at this time.

As soon as they entered the hall, the two sisters Aisha and Ain noticed Caesar.

Immediately, without bothering to talk to Madam Romanlana, he rushed to Caesar, hugged Caesar, and said to Caesar: "Caesar, where have you been during this period? We have been in touch a lot. Do you know how worried we are about you?"

"Yes, you disappeared for several months. Even if I asked the people of the Chamber of Commerce to inquire about you nearby, they couldn't find out."

Caesar, who was holding the two sisters Aisha and Ain, heard the worry in the words of the two sisters Aisha and Ain, and immediately apologized: "Sorry, Sister Aisha, Sister Ain, I made you worried this time."

"We are fine, but my elder sister has been haggard recently because of your disappearance." Hearing Caesar's apology, Ain said.

"Eldest sister..." When Caesar was about to say something after hearing Ain's words, the voice of Elu Griffin came from outside the house.

"Madam Romanlana, I heard..." Walking into the hall, Elu, who was about to say something to Madam Romanlana, noticed Caesar holding the two sisters Aisha and Ain in his arms.

Suddenly, he stopped what he was going to say to Lady Romanlana and just stared at Caesar blankly.

And Caesar naturally noticed Elu walking into the hall.

Just as the third sister Ain said, the eldest sister Elu, who had not been seen for several months, was obviously much more haggard than the eldest sister she saw when she left.

"Sister Elu, I'm back."

"I'm back, that's good." Elu, who came back to her senses after hearing Caesar's words, spoke.

Although there were many things to talk to Caesar, Elu did not forget the main business. Looking at Lady Romanlana in the hall, Elu asked: "Lady Romanlana, you came here, do you have something to tell us?"

Hearing Elu's question, although Lady Romanlana had said it to Caesar once, she said to Elu again: "Ms. Elu, I am about to leave Doc City recently. I came here mainly to discuss with you, Miss Aisha and Miss Ain about the issue of Eve and Irene's stay or departure."

"What do you mean, Lady Romanlana?" Elu asked after hearing what Lady Romanlana said.

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