Gods: Beginning With Becoming A Lord

Chapter 56: Receiving The Noble Badge

As for why Ceris wanted to make friends with Caesar, in addition to the fact that Caesar and his group were much stronger than the Bill family, the more important reason was to deal with the crisis that was about to happen.

And this crisis was nothing else, it was the orcs who were defeated more than ten years ago and were expelled from the Northern Wilderness to the Everwinter Plain by the Second Legion of the Boro Kingdom.

At that time, although the orcs suffered heavy losses in the battle with the Second Legion of the Boro Kingdom, they were expelled from the Northern Wilderness by the Second Legion of the Boro Kingdom and went to the Everwinter Plain to survive.

But now, more than ten years have passed since that battle, and the orcs have also been recuperating in the Everwinter Plain for more than ten years.

As the orcs continue to grow in the Everwinter Plain, they will definitely launch an attack to recapture the Northern Wilderness and even attack Korundir, thereby invading the Boro Kingdom.

If the Second Legion of the Boro Kingdom, or other legions of the Boro Kingdom, are still stationed near Korundir, then the counterattack of the orcs is nothing.

But the problem is that there is no army of the Boro Kingdom stationed near Korundir now.

Therefore, in order to deal with the orcs who may attack the northern wilderness at any time, Seris would be so humble to make friends with Caesar.

Because the Noble Council is not far from the City Lord's Mansion, Caesar and his party followed Seris and quickly arrived at the City Lord's Mansion of Korundir.

After that, Caesar and his party rested in the City Lord's Mansion of Korundir for one night.

The next day, Caesar spent the whole morning playing around Korundir with the three girls, Saffrina, Sevilla, and Emilia.

It must be said that Korundir, as the center of communication between the former Boro Kingdom and the Northern Expansion Lord, has been developing for more than ten years. The city is still very prosperous and there are many places to play.

To be honest, if Ceris had not invited Caesar to attend the auction at the auction house in the afternoon, Caesar might have continued to play in the city of Kolondiel with the three girls, Shafulina, Sevilla, and Emilia.

Caesar was still very interested in the auction held by the auction house.

As an ordinary social animal in the previous life, he naturally had no chance to attend the auction. In this life, although Caesar was adopted by the Griffin family, you know the situation of the Griffin family, which is just a downtrodden noble.

Later, although the Griffin family rose because of a group of Griffin sisters, Caesar was busy practicing at that time, so he also had no chance to attend the auction.

Therefore, although Caesar did not care about the auction house in Kolondiel and what was auctioned at the auction held, he was also keen to attend the auction and experience the auction process.

In the afternoon, Caesar and Shafulina, Sevilla, and Emilia, led by Ceris, came to the royal auction house in the southern city of Kolondiel.

The Royal Auction House, as the name suggests, is an auction house belonging to the royal family of the Boro Kingdom, and is affiliated with the Royal Chamber of Commerce, which is also a chamber of commerce belonging to the royal family of the Boro Kingdom.

The Royal Chamber of Commerce, the largest chamber of commerce in the Kingdom of Boro, was established by the royal family of the Kingdom of Boro.

Perhaps because the Royal Auction House belongs to the royal family of the Kingdom of Boro, there are quite a few people who come to participate in the auction held by the Royal Auction House.

Moreover, those who come to participate in the auction are either nobles and big businessmen in Korendier, or the powerful lords in the wilderness of the North.

Of course, the items auctioned at this auction held by the Royal Auction House are not bad.

In addition to various magic weapons and magic plants, there are also breathing methods, combat skills and other items that can be inherited as auction items.

Even the finale of this auction is a baron expansion order that can expand a baron in the wilderness of the North.

Although this Baron Expansion Order, which can only expand a baron territory, is far from comparable to the unlimited expansion order given to Caesar by the super auxiliary system, the value of this Baron Expansion Order is extremely high for the nobles, big merchants, and even the powerful lords in the North who came to participate in this auction.

Therefore, this Baron Expansion Order was directly snatched up like crazy, and finally it was snatched by a great noble in the city of Korendiel at the level of 220,000 gold coins.

Caesar, because of his limited money and the fact that he didn't want any items in the auction, did not participate in the bidding for the auction items. He really just wanted to experience it.

After the auction, there was nothing interesting in Korendiel.

Therefore, in the next period of time when the noble certification was completed and he obtained his own noble badge, Caesar, in addition to the daily necessary practice, took Safrina, Sevilla, and Emilia to play around in Korendiel.

Time passed as Caesar, Shaflina, Savier, and Emilia played in the city of Korendir, and it was the day when Caesar received his own noble badge.

On this day, Caesar came to the Noble Council early and received his own noble badge from the Noble Council.

After receiving his own noble badge, Caesar said goodbye to Ceris, and left from the south gate of Korendir with Shaflina, Savier, and Emilia, as well as the two guard heroes Ada and Aer, and entered the territory of the former Boro Kingdom with a group of troops.

After entering the territory of the former Boro Kingdom, Caesar and his party did not stay on the road for long because there were few monsters in the former Boro Kingdom.

After a period of continuous travel, Caesar and his party arrived outside the city of Dok, Caesar's hometown in the Orlan plane.

Dok City is not very big, at least it cannot be compared with Korendir, but it is not very small. If it is small, it cannot accommodate the Chamber of Commerce established by Ain. It is a medium-sized city that is well-behaved!

The arrival of Caesar and his party directly alarmed the city guards of Dok City.

There is no way. As a city within the territory of the Boro Kingdom, and because the lord of Dok City does not pay much attention to Dok City, the defense force in Dok City is not very strong.

There are only over 2,000 soldiers in the entire Dok City. Moreover, most of these over 2,000 soldiers are ordinary people, and there are only 300 to 400 professionals with extraordinary powers.

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