Gods: Beginning With Becoming A Lord

Chapter 51: The Legions In The Territory

Therefore, for the safety of the territory, the number of soldiers guarding the territory cannot be small.

So, with the logistics of the territory allowed, Caesar directly carried out a large-scale expansion of the army.

First of all, it is naturally the heavy cavalry, which is the largest number of soldiers after Caesar recruited the primary knights.

Before obtaining the primary knights, the number of heavy cavalry under Caesar was not large. The elite heavy cavalry and the ordinary heavy cavalry recruited and trained from the low-level barracks did not exceed a thousand.

In fact, even now, with the elite heavy cavalry of the primary knights, the number of heavy cavalry under Caesar is only more than 3,000, less than 4,000.

Caesar was naturally dissatisfied with such a number of heavy cavalry, so this time, taking advantage of the fact that the territory was going to recruit soldiers on a large scale, Caesar directly spent tens of thousands of system points and recruited more than a thousand well-equipped elite heavy cavalry, increasing the number of elite heavy cavalry in the territory to 5,000.

In addition, Caesar also spent thousands of system points to recruit some well-equipped ordinary heavy cavalry, bringing the number of ordinary heavy cavalry in the territory to 1,000.

Afterwards, Caesar used these 5,000 elite heavy cavalry and 1,000 ordinary heavy armored cavalry to form the first official legion of the Sun and Moon Territory, the Giant Lizard Heavy Cavalry Corps, led by the Holy Light Knight Dulus.

At the same time, this Giant Lizard Heavy Cavalry Corps is also the strongest legion under Caesar.

After all, who said that the Giant Lizard Heavy Cavalry Corps has the largest number of extraordinary people? If you count the Holy Light Knight Dulus, there are eleven extraordinary people.

Compared with the Giant Lizard Heavy Cavalry Corps, the Dire Wolf Light Cavalry Corps, which also cost Caesar a lot of system points, is much worse.

In terms of the number of people, the Dire Wolf Light Cavalry Corps has only 3,500 people, and 2,000 of them are just ordinary light armored cavalry without even mounts. There are only 1,500 Dire Wolf Cavalry with good combat power and mounts.

In terms of the number of extraordinary people, the Wolf Light Cavalry Corps is far inferior to the Giant Lizard Heavy Cavalry Corps. There is only one extraordinary person, that is the leader of the Wolf Light Cavalry Corps. When Caesar expanded his territory to 6,001 square kilometers, he recruited the extraordinary top hero Wilkins through the hero recruitment order rewarded by the Hundred Days Expansion Buff.

Of course, the military development of a territory naturally cannot only have a cavalry corps.

Therefore, during this period, Caesar recruited a group of cavalry to form the Giant Lizard Heavy Cavalry Corps and the Wolf Light Cavalry Corps. In addition to the two cavalry corps, Caesar also formed the Heavy Armored Shield Corps, the Phantom Archer Corps, the Crossbow Guard Corps, the Fiery Sun Infantry Corps and the Phantom Moon Magician Corps.

Among them, the Heavy Armored Shield Corps is led by Barros, Caesar's second extraordinary hero. The number of the entire corps is slightly more than that of the Wolf Light Cavalry Corps, with a total of 5,000 people.

Among them, the number of elite heavy armored shield soldiers (primary knight strength) is 3,000, and the number of ordinary heavy armored shield soldiers (reserve knight strength) is 2,000.

As for the number of extraordinary people, there is only Barros.

By the way, it is worth mentioning that after this period of training, Barros's strength has been promoted from the late stage of transcendence to the peak of transcendence.

The Phantom Archer Corps is led by the Phantom Archer Cage of the late stage of transcendence.

Because Caesar is more concerned about it, the number of the entire Phantom Archer Corps is more than that of the Giant Lizard Heavy Cavalry Corps, with a total of 7,000 people.

Unfortunately, the strength of this 7,000-man Phantom Archer Corps is far inferior to that of the Giant Lizard Heavy Cavalry Corps.

There is no way, who said that among the 7,000-man Phantom Archer Corps, there are only 4,000 ordinary archers and only 3,000 elite archers.

Of course, this is not because Caesar does not want to recruit more elite archers, but because the training and consumption of elite archers are too high.

It has been said earlier that the soldiers recruited from the barracks are all blank soldiers with no combat experience and even no equipment.

Therefore, Caesar not only needs to equip these blank soldiers recruited from the barracks with appropriate equipment, but also needs to be responsible for training these blank soldiers' combat experience.

Other soldiers are easy to say, as long as they are equipped with appropriate equipment, the consumption and difficulty of training are not great.

But the training of archers is difficult. Not only do they need to train their archery skills and improve their hit rate, but they also need to spend system points at any time to replenish their arrows.

After all, arrows will inevitably be damaged during training.

Although the system points required to replenish 100 arrows are about the same price as a piece of equipment of the same level, they are still damaged.

Elite archer training is more difficult and more consuming than ordinary archer training.

To be honest, if Caesar didn't value archers, he wouldn't have spent a lot of system points to form such a phantom archer corps of 7,000 people.

But even so, the number of elite archers in the phantom archer corps is still not large, only 3,000.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that in the current Orlan plane, ordinary archers are enough to deal with most battles.

Otherwise, even if more system points are spent, Caesar will train more elite archers.

The Crossbow Guard Corps is a corps specially used by Caesar to guard the territory. There are not many of them, only 3,200 in total.

Among them, 1,200 are elite crossbowmen with the strength of the second-level, that is, the primary knight, and the remaining 2,000 are ordinary crossbowmen with the strength of the first-level, that is, the strength of the reserve knight.

Although, the combat effectiveness of the crossbowmen is more concerned with the equipment of the crossbowmen, and has little to do with the strength of the crossbowmen.

Because there is no suitable extraordinary hero to lead, the Crossbow Guard Corps is also the only one among the many legions under Caesar that has no leader and no extraordinary.

The Lieyang Infantry Corps, the legion with the largest number of arms under Caesar, has a total of 15,000 people.

It is also worth mentioning that although the Lieyang Infantry Corps is a legion, it is divided into two units because it has two types of arms.

The two units are the Warrior Corps, which is mainly composed of 5,000 elite warriors and 2,000 ordinary warriors, and the Pike Corps, which is mainly composed of 5,000 elite spearmen and 3,000 ordinary spearmen.

As for the leader of this Lieyang Army Infantry Corps, it is the late-stage extraordinary Leska.

In addition, Caesar also equipped this Lieyang Infantry Corps with four heroes in the early stage of extraordinary.

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