Gods: Beginning With Becoming A Lord

Chapter 5: Extremely Cold Mountains

This second-level magic beast group is the second-level magic beast dire wolf that is unique to the Northern Wilderness.

Dire wolf, a second-level magic beast, is a unique magic beast race in the Northern Wilderness. Because of its body shape similar to that of a warhorse, it is often seen among the wolf cavalry of the orcs.

However, after the orcs were defeated by the Second Legion of the Boro Kingdom and expelled to the Everwinter Plain, which is further north than the Northern Wilderness, dire wolves were rarely seen in the Northern Wilderness.

And Caesar's current encounter is probably related to Caesar's current location, which is not far from the Everwinter Plain!

The dire wolf group that Caesar encountered was not large in number, only about ten, which was considered a small dire wolf group!

Caesar still had a lot of ideas about this small dire wolf group.

After all, since the orcs could use dire wolves to establish wolf cavalry, why did he subdue the dire wolves and establish his own wolf cavalry!

You know, the large group of knights in the novice gift pack, although they belong to cavalry, the mounts they ride are still the horses that Caesar bought from the inland cities of the Boro Kingdom.

But even so, there are still many people in this large group of knights who don't have mounts (horses are too expensive, and the money Caesar brought is not enough to buy a large number of horses. After all, Caesar didn't plan to stay away from home for too long this time).

Do it as soon as you think of it, Caesar immediately said to Shafulina: "Shafulina, take a squadron of cavalry to see if you can subdue this group of dire wolves."

"Okay, Lord Caesar." After hearing Caesar's words, Shafulina replied, and then took a squadron of soldiers and went straight to the small dire wolf group not far away.


However, before Shafulina led a squadron of knights to approach the small dire wolf group, a dire wolf in the small dire wolf group let out a warning wolf howl.

Afterwards, the dire wolves in the small dire wolf group looked at Shafulina and the squadron of knights led by Shafulina.

However, perhaps because Caesar asked Shafulina and the knights to restrain their aura in order to obtain a large number of system points (Shafulina was too strong, and the aura she exuded could easily scare away the monsters weaker than her), the small dire wolf group noticed Shafulina and the squadron of knights.

Although they knew that Shafulina and her group were much more numerous than them, they did not have any fear of retreating.

On the contrary, after seeing Shafulina and the squadron of knights led by Shafulina, they were eager to move.

As Shafulina and the squadron of knights got closer and closer to the small dire wolf group, the dire wolves in this small dire wolf group finally couldn't hold back and ran straight to Shafulina and the squadron of knights led by Shafulina.

Running in both directions, it didn’t take long for Shafulina and the squadron of knights she led to meet the dire wolves in the small dire wolf tribe.

Although the small dire wolf tribe was not weak, it was still slightly weaker than the squadron of knights led by Shafulina.

After all, even if we ignore the existence of Shafulina’s super strength, among the squadron of knights led by Shafulina, there were ten junior knights who were not weaker than the second-level dire wolves, and two intermediate knights who were even stronger than the second-level dire wolves.

In addition, among this squadron of knights, there are fifty reserve knights with the peak strength of reserve knights.

How can a small group of dire wolves win?

The result of the battle between the first squadron of knights and the small dire wolf group was not unexpected. After the dire wolf leader of the small dire wolf group was beheaded by Shafulina with a sword, this small dire wolf group was gradually captured by the first squadron of knights led by Shafulina.

Killing several dire wolves that were seriously injured in the battle with the knights, Caesar finally captured a total of eight dire wolves, including five adult second-level dire wolves and three sub-adult first-level peak dire wolves.

Of course, the dire wolves were captured, but it is not so easy to tame these eight captured dire wolves.

At least, Caesar cannot subdue them now.

However, it is not possible now, which does not mean that it will not be possible later.

When Caesar first obtained a large group of knights and knew that this large group of knights did not have mounts, he looked for a way in the super auxiliary system.

The system mall of the super auxiliary system is worthy of its reputation of satisfying Caesar's needs as long as he has them.

Caesar found countless solutions to the problem of not having a mount, and among them, Caesar was most satisfied with the primary taming ground.

Primary taming ground (upgradeable): can quickly tame fourth-level and lower-level monsters.

Moreover, the points required for the primary taming ground are not many, only 500 system points. According to the first-level monster, one point, the second-level monster, five points, the third-level monster, twenty points, and the fourth-level monster, fifty points, Caesar only needs to kill ten fourth-level monsters or twenty-five third-level monsters to exchange.

After knocking out the eight captured dire wolves and exchanging a cargo carriage from the system with system points, Caesar ordered a small team of knights to transport the eight dire wolves back to the territory.

As for Caesar, Shafulina and others, they continued to move towards the Extreme Cold Mountains.

This time, on the way to the Extreme Cold Mountains, they did not encounter any other monsters, and Caesar and his party arrived at the Extreme Cold Mountains smoothly.

The reason why the Extreme Cold Mountains can be called the Extreme Cold Mountains is naturally because the temperature in them is very low.

Look, Caesar and Shafulina and their group have just arrived at the foot of the Extreme Cold Mountains, and the temperature has dropped below zero.

Fortunately, Caesar and his group are not ordinary people. Even the weakest ordinary knight has the strength of a reserve knight.

In addition, although the temperature in the Extreme Cold Mountains is low, except for those peaks covered with ice and snow all year round, most of the other areas are covered by forests composed of towering trees.

In this forest-covered area, there are a large number of magic beasts, which is one of the reasons why Caesar established his territory in the northern wilderness and the Extreme Cold Mountains.

Look, Caesar and Shafulina had just entered the Extreme Cold Mountains with a group of soldiers, and they were attacked by magic beasts from the Extreme Cold Mountains.

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