Gods: Beginning With Becoming A Lord

Chapter 10: Territory Expansion

"The territory area has expanded by ten square kilometers, and you will be rewarded with an ordinary building wall x 1."

This is the reward prompt given by the Hundred Days Expansion Buff after Caesar used his points to expand the territory area by ten square kilometers.

Not to mention, the wall given by the Hundred Days Expansion Buff is not bad. Not only is it four hundred kilometers long, but it is also made of stone.

After obtaining the wall, Caesar immediately built the wall around the territory.

Afterwards, Caesar received the low-level soldiers rewarded when expanding the territory from the Hundred Days Expansion Buff.

There are not many, only eleven. Because they have to deal with the extremely cold baboons in the extremely cold mountains, Caesar chose crossbowmen with long-range attack capabilities.

Afterwards, Caesar brought the crossbowmen he chose to the stone wall in the territory, waiting for the monsters affected by the expansion of the territory to attack the territory.

The magical beasts that came to attack Caesar's territory under inexplicable influence did not let Caesar wait for long. Not long after Caesar, Safrina and a group of soldiers came to the stone wall, these magical beasts affected by the expansion of Caesar's territory rushed towards Caesar's territory.

Perhaps because the area of ​​Caesar's expanded territory this time was larger than the previous expansion of territory, the number of magical beasts that came to attack this time was quite large, more than 500.

Although most of these more than 500 magical beasts were half-magic beasts with strength less than the first level, there were also many magical beasts with strength reaching the first level. Even among them, Caesar found a third-level magical beast muscle bull.

Good guy, that muscle made Caesar greedy.

After integrating the gluttony talent, Caesar was still greedy for these edible magical beast meat.

After all, who can refuse this kind of beef that contains rich energy and tastes delicious?

In order to prevent the body of the Muscle Demon Bull from being seriously damaged in the battle, Caesar immediately ordered Shafulina: "Shafulina, kill the Muscle Demon Bull directly, don't damage the body of the Muscle Demon Bull too much." As a supernatural peak strongman, Shafulina naturally achieved Caesar's requirements easily, leaving only a small wound on the body of the Muscle Demon Bull, and then killed the Muscle Demon Bull. Just as Shafulina killed the Muscle Demon Bull according to Caesar's requirements, Caesar's troops also launched an attack on the attacking monsters. Although the number of troops under Caesar's command was far less than that of the attacking monsters, Caesar's troops firmly suppressed the attacking monsters. In particular, the crossbowmen specially selected by Caesar from the Hundred Days of Expansion Buff, made extensive use of the stone walls and continuously slaughtered the attacking monsters with crossbows. It can be said that among the more than 500 attacking monsters, at least 300 were killed by Caesar's 16 crossbowmen.

The remaining monsters were killed by Caesar's light armored cavalry.

After dealing with all the attacking monsters, cleaning up the corpses of all the monsters, leaving the necessary patrol members to patrol, Caesar and the large army returned to the territory with the harvested monster corpses.

After making the captured muscle magic bull into food, Caesar couldn't wait to eat it.

With the help of the super digestive ability brought by the gluttony talent, Caesar ate half a muscle magic bull in one breath.

And this muscle magic bull is worthy of being a third-level monster. Although Caesar only ate half of it, the energy brought by the half muscle magic bull after being digested and transformed by the gluttony talent still allowed Caesar to break through from the middle stage of the primary knight (although Caesar has been busy on the road for nearly a month since he obtained the super auxiliary system, with the help of the gluttony talent and the scorching sun breathing method, Caesar still broke through from the early stage of the primary knight to the middle stage of the primary knight) to the late stage of the primary knight.

In addition, it must be mentioned that perhaps today is Caesar's lucky day. After eating half a muscle magic bull and breaking through from the middle stage of the primary knight to the late stage of the primary knight, Caesar also successfully broke through to the primary magician realm when he practiced the Youyue Meditation Method at night.

Although, Caesar, a junior magician who does not know any magic, is very weak.

The next day, Caesar, who was in high spirits, left some soldiers to guard the territory. Early in the morning, he and Shaflina led a group of soldiers under his command to clean up the monsters around the territory, and then rushed to the Extreme Cold Mountains with a group of soldiers.

This time, Caesar did not choose to go straight through the outermost area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains occupied by the Extreme Cold Baboon Clan and enter the outer area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains. Instead, he stayed in the outermost area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains and hunted the Extreme Cold Baboon Clan.

Because the number of crossbowmen brought by Caesar this time reached 16, Caesar hunted tens of thousands of Extreme Cold Baboons in one day.

Afterwards, Caesar returned to the territory and continued to expand the area of ​​the territory with system points.

When the expanded territory area reached 20 square kilometers, the Hundred Days Expansion Buff gave Caesar ten ordinary houses as a reward.

On the third day, as before, Caesar and Shaflina first led a group of soldiers under their command to clean up the area around the territory, and then rushed to the outermost part of the Extreme Cold Mountains to hunt the Extreme Cold Baboons.

After killing more than 10,000 Extreme Cold Baboons, they returned to the territory, injected system points into the Lord's Heart, and continued to expand the territory.

Then, they received the rewards given by the Hundred Days of Expansion Buff to deal with the monsters that came to attack the territory because of the expansion of the territory.

On the fourth day, they cleaned up the area around the territory, entered the outermost part of the Extreme Cold Mountains to hunt the Extreme Cold Baboons, returned to the territory to expand the territory, received the rewards given by the Hundred Days of Expansion Buff, and dealt with the monsters that came to attack the territory because of the expansion of the territory.

The fifth day...

The sixth day...

The seventh day...

The eighth day, this is a day worth celebrating for Caesar's territory, because on this day, the system points Caesar obtained by hunting the Extreme Cold Baboons just made the territory area expanded by Caesar's territory reach 100 square kilometers.

After Caesar's expanded territory reached an area of ​​100 square kilometers, not only did the Hundred Days Expansion buff give Caesar more rewards, but even the super auxiliary system gave Caesar a gift package as a reward.

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