Godly Student

Vol 4 Chapter 892: Looking for Mu Ji!

It was almost half a month late here, and Cheng Yu and his party finally set off again and shuttled through the relics.

They have already got some information about the open mirror from Lin Yuxi's mixed memory, including the news of another part of the sky mirror.

The fairy of the wooden mirror is called Muji, and its position is in the woody forest of hundreds of thousands of miles in the northwest. Mu Ji is easygoing, but her condition is not good, it seems to be worse than the nightmare.

Therefore, in order to find Mu Ji as soon as possible, Cheng Yu speeded up the trip to prevent any accidents.

Just last night, Lin Yuxi had already handed the ice mirror to Cheng Yu and confessed to the Lord. Although the two were husband and wife, they had a **** relationship with the master and servant.

Originally Cheng Yu was unwilling to let the ice mirror recognize the Lord, because Lin Yuxi told him that she is now both the fairy and the owner of the ice mirror.

But when she said the nightmare, Cheng Yu agreed. After all, this is related to the growth of Lin Yuxi's realm in the future. Just like the fire feathers, there is a relationship with his own master. The growth of the fire feathers is obviously much faster.

Although Huo Yu and Lin Yuxi are not the same as Cheng Yu's contract, the effect of this connection will be the same. This is why the nightmare is the best for Cheng Yu.

Of course, although there is a layer of master-servant relationship between the two, Lin Yuxi is already a wife in Cheng Yu’s heart. Naturally, she will not treat her as a servant, nor will she harm her. However, through this relationship, the two will form a connection between the mind and the blood.

Even if they don't talk, they can talk. At first, the two people find it very interesting. They often use this way to say private words. Sometimes Cheng Yu will tell her some sly words, and Lin Yu's face is red and red. Shy, the other people who are engaged are inexplicable.

Although Lin Yuxi was integrated with the nightmare, there were obviously many words in the nightmare that didn't tell her, but their integration only gave some memories of the nightmare, and did not give Lin Yuxi without the thought of nightmare.

Therefore, some of the words that were said before the integration of the nightmare still made it somewhat confusing. She said these words to Cheng Yu in this way.

The information that Cheng Yu knows is known from Lin Yuxi. Compared with Lin Yuxi, he knows less, and naturally he can't understand what the nightmare said at the time.

However, Cheng Yu now believes that the nightmare will not lie to him. Since she said so, there is really a surprise waiting for them. They only wait for the surprise.

With the memory of the nightmare, Lin Yuxi is also familiar with the surrounding landforms. Even when he encounters some powerful World of Warcraft, Lin Yuqi, who has a nightmare atmosphere, will come out and these World of Warcraft will flee.

"Hey, younger brother and sister, you are really too domineering now, there is a kind of forest king's demeanor!" Xinhai saw the red flame tiger in front of Lin Yuzhen scared and ran, smiled and said.

"Heart brothers laughed again!" Lin Yuxi said embarrassedly.

"Hey, you just really domineering, the cold eyes are just like the previous nightmare. The people who look at it are really hairy, just like the whole person falls into the hail!" Han Xue said.

"This is inevitable. After all, the nightmare has now merged with Xiaoyan. The temperament of the nightmare will appear on her more or less." Xin Yun said.

"This time, we really owe a nightmare to a person who can never be repaid!" Cheng Yu remembered that the glamorous woman to the extreme, my heart is also a burst of emotion!

When I heard Cheng Yu’s words, everyone was also sighing. The woman said that she was like an enemy and a friend. But in the end, she used her own life to complete Lin Yuxi, this kind of kindness, afraid that it can always be recorded in her own heart.

Lin Yuxi touched his chest and he must live well. Although she is no longer there, her memory will always remain in her own head. It is another way to survive. I must find a way to restore the ice mirror, which is to make up for the last regret of the nightmare.

Hundreds of thousands of miles away, it took the party a dozen days to get to the woody forest area where Mu Ji was.

"Is this a wooden beast forest? I haven't seen many wooden beasts!" said Xin Luo.

"Wu Ji is a wooden attribute fairy. In her range of perception, all wood attributes are her weapons, so all the flowers and trees here may attack us. This is the wooden beast!" Lin Yuxi relies on himself The memory I got from the nightmare said.

"It turns out that, but the younger brothers and sisters, you are now half a nightmare, these wooden beasts should not be embarrassing us?" Xinluo nodded.

"I don't know about this. I don't know if Mu Ji can sense the nightmare of my body." Lin Yuxi shook his head and said.

"Don't you say that all the flowers and trees here are her weapons? Since she can treat them as weapons, they can naturally use them as eyeliners. When we enter her territory, she should know that she should also be able to perceive the breath of us. "Xin Yao looked at everything that was calm around and said."

"Hey, take your ice mirror and try it out!" Cheng Yu felt that it was justified.

Although he and the ice mirror confessed to the blood, but he did not keep the ice mirror. After all, Lin Yuxi is the master of the ice mirror, even though it is the fairy of the ice mirror.

And compared to Cheng Yu's **** confession, Lin Yuxi's soul is perfectly integrated with the ice mirror. ~ Cheng Yu hopes that Lin Yuxi is better able to master the ice mirror than him.

The reason why I want to shed blood is to recognize the Lord, but it is for Lin Yuxi to get the bonus from his special talent, and he can better understand and master the ice mirror, even related to the open mirror, the two form complementary, each Take what you need.

Lin Yuqi nodded, his left palm was facing up, and a blue mirror appeared on his hand. In the mouth, the right-handed sword points to the mirror, and the waves of blue water rush into the distance!

In the expectation of all, the dense forest in front of it suddenly spread out on both sides, forming a beautiful road.

"She perceives it!" Seeing this scene, everyone is overjoyed.

Lin Yuxi is also full of excitement. When he came to the world of cultivation, he could finally contribute to everyone. Although these things are brought to myself by the nightmare, now it is their own.

Everyone walked into the avenue, and there was a frankness in front of them. Since entering the ruins for so long, it has never been so safe and worry-free. Don't worry about the sudden encounter with Warcraft's attack, don't worry about someone putting a cold arrow behind your back! Reading network

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