Godly Student

Vol 4 Chapter 887: Moving!

"So you want to find someone to become its fairy?" Cheng Yu suddenly became clear.

"Yes, you should know that this is a good thing for others to think about!" Meng Yu said to Cheng Yu.

"So you started my woman's idea?" Cheng Yu frowned.

"This is not good for you, isn't it?" The nightmare said in disapproval.

"I don't think it is necessary! If you become a fairy, if this magic weapon is taken away, then I am not going to lose my own woman!" Cheng Yu shook his head, this risk Cheng Yu is not willing to try.

There are more powerful people at this time. If you accidentally take away the magic weapon, you will lose money.

"This shows that you don't know the fairy!" The nightmare shook his head.

"What do you mean?"

"I was born to be a fairy. It is a natural spirit. This fairy is my body. I can never get away from the restrictions of the magic weapon. But your woman is not with me, but she owns it. Your own body can be born out of the magic weapon. Even if this ice mirror is really taken away, you don't have to worry about the impact on your woman!" Nightmare said.

"Who do you choose?"

"Lin Yuxi!"

"Why is she?" Cheng Yu did not understand.

"Because her attributes match the ice mirror best."

"What will she do after the integration?" Cheng Yu still does not trust.

"She will have some of my strength and memory. As for how much she can get, it depends on my fit with her!"

"So will your thinking affect her?"

"No, after the integration, I will completely disappear from this world, and will only leave her some strength and memory."

"Why do I believe in you!" Cheng Yu stared at the nightmare. He didn't know enough about these things. He couldn't determine whether the other party said it was true.

"You can't believe me, you can choose to leave now, I won't stop you! But there is something I want to remind you, although you have your own way to promote these women to the Golden Age, but how many do you have? Ability to help them all enter the Yuan Ying period, even the distraction period!

As long as you want to be with them, you must help them reach the immortal world. Even if it is a real immortal, it is very difficult to do it. Do you think you can? "The nightmare is very calm.

However, the calm words made Cheng Yu's heart not calm, and it was his heart disease that his woman continued to improve the realm. Although the fairy tower can be used to assist in cultivation, it does not help them to constantly improve their realm.

And the more they go back, the harder they are to improve. Cheng Yu does not have a better way to help them.

"Even so, I can't let my woman take this risk. Even if I turn the fairy world over, I won't let them leave me." Cheng Yu thought, still can't be touched by the temptation of the other party. .

“Is it only the people of the Holy City who have this power?” Just a few steps away from Cheng Yu’s turn, the nightmare faintly said a word.

"What are you talking about!" Cheng Yu turned around and suddenly petrified.

"The people of the Holy City let me down!" The nightmare shook his head, as if to talk to himself.

"How did you know the holy city?"

"I have been here for thousands of years, and how can I not know the holy city!"

"How did the holy city disappear?"

"This is not what I can know!"

"You are not willing to tell me!" Cheng Yu stared at the other party.

"What I can tell you is that you are the best person to get a mirror, whether it is for you, for your woman, or for you to revitalize the Holy City! Finally, how to choose Look at yourself!" The nightmare closed his eyes and ignored him.

Cheng Yu looked at the nightmare and turned and left.

"Yu Shidi, what did she say to you? Is she open the mirror in her hand?" Seeing Cheng Yu coming back, Xin Luo asked several people to go forward.

"No!" Cheng Yu shook his head and said the contents of his conversation with the nightmare.

"Fairy? The spirit of the fairy? Then she is not the strength of the immortal?" Everyone knows the identity of the nightmare, shocked and said.

"No! First of all, there is no fairy spirit here, she can't use the power of the immortal. In addition, she has been damaged, and the power is greatly reduced."

"I see this woman is clearly a plot, I think we still do not believe that she is wonderful." Xinhai said.

"Cheng Yu!" But Lin Yuxi suddenly spoke up.

"Hey, you can rest assured that I won't let you get involved in half of the risk." Cheng Yu took her hand and said firmly.

Although the nightmare is quite tempting, Cheng Yu can't believe her. After all, the safety of Lin Yuxi is not enough! He can't afford to lose!

"Cheng Yu, I want to try it!" Lin Yuxi said softly.

"No! This is not a joke." Cheng Yu refused.

"Cheng Yu, I believe that the nightmare is true. You are not saying that this breakthrough is also thanks to her? If she really shows me, she does not need to release us. Not to mention. With her strength, even if we come hard, we can't stop it. She has no reason to lie to us!" Lin Yuqi rarely speaks, but it doesn't mean she doesn't know anything. She just doesn't want to say it.

Cheng Yu hesitated, Lin Yuxi said that it is very reasonable. These things can be thought of by everyone. It’s just because of the women involved in them, Cheng Yu is confused. He does not want his woman to go into any danger.

"Hey, what you said is really reasonable, but I still can't let you go!" Cheng Yu looked at each other seriously.

"Why?" Everyone looked at Cheng Yu without understanding.

"For me, what is the mirror, what is the fairy, whether it is dispensable, or not, I can stand on the top of the world. Any one of you is more valuable than this! Everything I do is to be separated from you forever. www.ltnovel.com~ If I lose any of you for strength, I can't afford it.

Even if the nightmare really didn't lie to me, but after the integration, what will happen, no one can predict! So I can't let you take risks, any one of you has something going wrong, I will go crazy! Cheng Yu said to a few women.

Listening to Cheng Yu’s true words, the women’s eyes are wet, and they can feel their position in Cheng Yu’s heart.

"Thank you, Cheng Yu! Thank you for seeing me so heavy, and more because of this, I don't want to be just a canary that you have in your arms! Every time I see you fight for us, we are It can only be seen from a distance, silently crying, it is really painful, and it makes us feel farther and farther away from you! Cheng Yu, forgive my waywardness, let my heart be closer to you, okay!" Lin Yuqi fluttered in Cheng Yu’s arms and said to Cheng Yu’s eyes.

Listening to the dialogue between the two, everyone's eyes began to wet, and even Cheng Yu's eyes were wet. Looking at Lin Yu's firm eyes, Cheng Yu put his gaze on the faces of several women.

"What do you think?" Cheng Yu wants to hear their thoughts!

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