Godly Student

Vol 4 Chapter 884: 0 years of fate!

"Do you love him?" The nightmare naturally took the barbecue and there was no polite words.

Lin Yuqi stunned, I don’t know how the nightmare suddenly asked, and nodded.

I think of the two people from acquaintance to love, once thought that the other party is just a knack for not learning. However, Cheng Yu's hegemony, warmth, and help to her slowly melted her heart.

Although I later learned that this guy has several women who are really upset, but now I am used to these sisters together, maybe in her heart, everyone is a family, regardless of each other.

In the end, the city changed greatly, and Cheng Yu’s all kinds of magic brought her into the new world of subverting the outlook on life. Nowadays, everyone’s heart is always filled with the man who never gives up and smashes the world.

"But the woman of this kid seems to be quite a lot!" The nightmare bite a piece of barbecue, a meaningful smile.

"I know that he will love me forever!" Lin Yuqi said, raising his head firmly, and now everyone is very good together, those sisters are very hurting her.

"Oh, forever? There is no time to cultivate immortals, mortals have been for thousands of years! How long will you mean?" The nightmare disdains.

"What do you mean by this?" Lin Yuxi did not know why he told her this.

"If I guess that's right, you can achieve the current state of cultivation, shouldn't it be your own practice?" The nightmare looked at Lin Yuxi and smiled.

"How do you see it?" Lin Yuxi said with amazement.

"I naturally have my way, but I am even more curious that the other four women are also very ordinary, and they have all reached the Golden Dan. It seems that the guy really spent a lot of thoughts for you!" The nightmare looked like a smile and looked at Lin Yuxi, and looked at the other four women in the distance.

Passing on power can directly improve a person's cultivation, but in general no one is willing to do so. Because this requires a very strong person to do it, and this is also very serious for the loss of the passers-by themselves.

It is not easy to promote a person to Jindan, but to promote five people to Jindan, even if the master of the Mahayana period will not be able to do all the exhaustion of life, and which master will do this?

"..." Lin Yuxi was shocked. This woman was really powerful. She could see that their cultivation was done by Cheng Yu.

"You don't have to worry, although I am curious what the guy did, but this is not useful to me?"

"So what do you mean by me?"

"Do you know what is the biggest enemy for a monk?" The nightmare did not answer her words, but asked one.

"It's time!" Didn't wait for Lin Yuqi to answer, but the nightmare answered himself. "For a monk, time is the greatest enemy of his life. Every time you raise a realm, you can grow a hundred years. For ordinary people. One hundred years is very long and long.

But for a monk, a hundred years is just a blink of an eye. How many monks under the sun are not dying from the hands of others, but they have not been able to move forward until the deadline.

The talent of that guy may be even more amazing than I thought. If he lives, his future achievements will definitely affect the whole world. But in terms of your talents, it is very close to him.

At least in my opinion, even if he has some special methods to help you improve the realm, it is not unlimited. The more difficult it is, the more difficult it is, not to mention that you still have five people. Maybe in the end, he even has to give up some people, can only help one of them, do you want to be the one who was abandoned? ”

"This..." Lin Yuxi was stunned by the nightmare.

It is undeniable that the words of nightmares are indeed very reasonable. The biggest problem they are facing now is that the gap between Cheng Yu and Yu Yu is getting bigger and bigger, and the life span is getting bigger and bigger. But is the fact really like what she said? Will Cheng Yu really give up on himself? No, but what if you really get to that day?

Lin Yuxi’s heart is a little messy.

"You shouldn't just tell me these words?" Lin Yuqi looked up at the casual woman who was eating barbecue and felt that there was something in this woman's words.

"Yes, these words are not simply for you to listen to, but for you, there is no harm, my words are not alarmist, maybe it will be too late after that day, you regret it."

"So what do you do?"

"My approach is not only a loss for you, but even a monk dreams!"

"In this case, why do you induce me like this?" Lin Yuqi did not believe this woman's words. Just said so much, nothing more than waiting for her here, but now she is indeed heart-warming.

"What is induction? What I said is not necessarily true. I think you are very clear!"

"Then you talk about it? Do you have any way to help me?"

"It's very simple, you become me!" The nightmare laughed.

"I am you? I am me, you are you, how can I become you?" Lin Yuxi is incomprehensible.

"You don't need to know this. As long as you promise me, you can not only become as powerful as I am, but the most important thing is to let you always accompany your beloved! And what I say is forever, is true. Forever!"

"Is this really harmless to me?" Lin Yuxi still does not believe that the world has such a pie falling on her hand.

"Well, this is not a harm, it depends on whether the guy can hold you!" The nightmare laughed and seemed to think of something fun~www.ltnovel.com~ Lin Yuxi was a puzzled, hesitant After a while, said: "Can I think about it?"

"Yes, as long as you figure it out, you can come to me at any time. But I want to tell you a word, you are definitely not willing to just be a vase of him, or even a burden, but if you become me, you Not only is it no longer a vase, but it can also help him to achieve the avenue of excellence, including the open mirror you want, and you should consider it yourself!" The nightmare continued to eat the barbecue on hand.

"I will!" Lin Yuqi was shocked, and opened the mirror in her hand, then nodded and went back.

Looking at Lin Yu's back, the nightmare's eyes are also somewhat complicated, I don't know if this is right or wrong. Looking at the other women over there, look at the two gods floating above the water polo. This may be God's will!

"It is such a coincidence that it is a successor or a substitute. It can only be said that God is so! The resentment of the millennium will eventually require an account, and the world will once again set off a storm!"

The owner said yes, maybe this is my mission! At the end of my life, everything will start again! ”

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