Godly Student

Vol 4 Chapter 848: First into the swamp!

After escaping from the scorpion nest, Cheng Yu and his party finally got a good night. However, because everyone suffered more or less injuries in this experience, Cheng Yu slowed down the speed of Linglong, leaving a trace of thoughts, flying slowly according to the map clue left by Qi Feihuang.

However, Linglong Ding itself is a soul device. It is so free from the foggy jungle that it will always attract the attention of some people. After all, this place is evil. When most people come in, they are indistinguishable. It is inevitable that human beings will appear everywhere.

In this desolate and barren but dangerous place, maybe one day I will encounter a very high-end Warcraft, and now it is actually a Horcrux, who will not desperately.

Although Cheng Yu needs a break, there are still a few people whose status is better. For example, Jin Yu and Xin Mei, Cheng Yu opened all the permissions to them, and they were completely free to enter and exit his magic weapon. Therefore, when these guys play the idea of ​​Ling Ding Ding, it is inevitable that they will die.

They also don't know how many days and nights they walked in the fog, because it was really impossible to distinguish between day and night, even during the day, it was dark and the sight was unknown.

On this day, everyone recovered almost. A group of people sat around the mountain river map. Cheng Yu took out the wine and started the barbecue.

"Hey, follow Yu Shidi, it really is delicious and spicy! These days everyone is healing, I have not eaten a decent meal!" Heart sea holding a big leg, squatting and drinking The next wine is very beautiful.

"Hey, you are still very embarrassed to say that when you came out from Fang Yecheng, you would let yourself prepare the food. I don't know who can't bear the pieces of the stone on your body?" The meat was put into the mouth and it was not angry.

"Hey, Yu Shidi has prepared so many delicious and delicious, why should we spend this money, and everyone is their own, who buys it or not? Is it? Yu Shidi!" Da Yang’s legs said with a smile.

"Cut, now I think that my own people are coming. When I was in the scorpion hole, I saw you stunned, and I didn't see you as a part of me!" Cheng Yubai took a look at the sea, using a knife Cut a few pieces of fresh lamb and hand it to several women.

"Hey, Yu Shidi told you what to say, to your younger brother, your body, and you will care about these two yuan crystals." Xinhai smiled.

"My person is this diǎn good, never dismissed the money less, the big money does not let go, the small money does not abandon, this is the way to get rich and keep the family. The most important thing is that the heart of the sea brother has such sincerity, how can I Refused? Xinhai brother, what do you say?" Cheng Yu picked up a knife and forked a piece of meat, put it in his mouth, chewed it, diǎndiǎn head, um, it was delicious.

"No! Yu Shidi, you don't really want me two yuan crystals, but I am so hard to find such a few pieces?" Xinhai was shocked.

"Hey, you are doing this diǎn, isn't it just two yuan crystals? It's like a miser! If you don't have a younger brother, you have no life, and there is Yuanjing for you!" Defiantly said to the heart of the sea.

"Who said that I can't bear it, isn't it two yuan crystals? Yu Shidi, give, this is five yuan crystal, my heart is not so stingy!" by the heart of Luo, the heart and sea do not say anything I took out five pieces of Yuan Jing and handed it to Cheng Yu, but it was ridiculous to look at his twitching cheeks.

Cheng Yu did not say much, Yuan Jing, who took over the heart, directly threw it into the space ring. The heart of the sea was even more painful. He had to pick up his big leg again and smashed it up, and made everyone laugh. laughing out loud.

"Haha! It's rare to see the heart is so generous, the younger brother I blame you, come, I will respect you!" Seeing the heart and the big bleeding, Xin Luo laughed and raised the glass of the hand.

"Hey! I am not in front of me with false compassion, I don't want to eat you!" The heart of the heart is so angry, but still lifted his own glass of wine and hit the heart of the wine glass, and then drank it.

"Heart brother, I already knew that you want this crazy sword. Since the heart of the sea is so generous, I can't accept your Yuanjing, give it!" Looking at the heart of the sea, everyone is teasing, everyone is very Happy, not process Yu did not really intend to pit a few pieces of Yuanjing, but it was a joke, only to see Cheng Yu took out a silver sword with a lower soul device thrown to the heart.

"This... this... Yu Shidi, you... are you not really talking?" Xinhai also refused to hold hands full of oil, grab a long sword, and look Surprised.

"Cut, you think that I am like you, do you want it, if you don't want it, give it back to me!" Cheng Yu stretched out and prepared to take the sword back.

"If you want to! Brother, this ceremony is sent out, and there is a reason to take it back, thank you Yu Shidi!" Xinhai held a long sword, excited to say.

This sale is really too successful, and the five yuan crystals are replaced by a lower soul device, but that is a big appreciation! He had long remembered Cheng Yu's mad shadow sword, but Cheng Yu has been reluctant to give him, but anyone can see it, Cheng Yu is now white to the heart.

Although Yuanjing is quite valuable, it is far from being comparable to the Horcrux. Is this not a white pass and what?

"Yu Shidi, I have ten yuan crystals here, you give me a different soul device!" Seeing the heart of the sea with five yuan crystals in exchange for a soul device, Xinluo is both regretful and envious, knowing early This is the case. Just now, he shouldn’t be tempted by his heart. Wouldn’t he just take five yuan crystals to Cheng Yu? I really missed the opportunity.

"Cut, do you treat me as a fool or a big man?" Cheng Yu said with no anger.

"Then you just used a soul device for five yuan crystals?" Xinluo said with conviction.

"That is because I think that the heart of the sea is too kind, the kind people should get the reward they deserve!" Cheng Yu said with a smile.

"Good... kindness? You said that he is called goodness? He is just a deduction!" Hearing Cheng Yu's words, Xin Luo's heart was broken.

"Who is deducted, can you deduct it? Only the ten Yuanjing in the district wants to change the soul device of Yushidi, which is simply a whimsical! Yushidi, can't be cheap, how can he have to have a thousand pieces!" I got the Horcrux, I was in a good mood, and I opposed it.

One thousand yuan crystals are replaced by a soul device. This is a reasonable price in the world of comprehension.

"What! A thousand! You only spent five yuan crystals, you actually want me to spend a thousand, you are too kind." This heart can be blown up by the heart.

Before he was gloating, he let the heart out of the five yuan crystal to Cheng Yu, seeing the heart and sea bleeding is quite happy, now it is good, the plot reversal, immediately retribution on himself, really do not live.

Although it is quite reasonable to change a thousand yuan crystals into a soul device, it is only five pieces in front of me, so that he can make two hundred times more. It is a fake if he does not feel sad.

"Hey! Hey! I just don't know who said that I am deducting this one? One thousand yuan crystals for a soul device is definitely a conscience price, even if there is a market price. If you get the auction house, one It is not a rare thing to shoot a four or five thousand yuan crystal. You are only reluctant to be a thousand, it is too deducted, Yu Shidi, we are not optimistic about him!" Heart does not forget to add oil and vinegar.

"Bastard! Don't think that you can't afford to hold the Horcrux in your hand. Today, I want to beat you as much as you can!" It was really annoyed by the heart, and the heart was out of his own sword and chased out to the heart.

"Hehehehe..." I saw the two people quarreling like a child, and everyone laughed.

"Okay, you guys don't bother, you can't raise your wounds, but don't make an internal injury. This is the soul of the soul machine." Almost, Cheng Yu once again took out a long sword of the Horcrux and threw it out to Xinluo.

"Ha ha ha ha! A good sentimental sword, thank you Yu Shidi!" Xinluo flew up, grabbed a long sword, and suddenly ecstatic.

Up to this point, in addition to Cheng Yu's several women's cultivation is too low, others are a human hand, so a luxurious experience team, in this mirror in the immortal trace must be unique.

laugh! laugh! Just when the picture of the mountain river was full of laughter and laughter, Linglong Ding suddenly stopped, so that everyone is not clear. When everyone looked out, they found that Linglong Ding was entangled in countless marsh vines.

"What is going on here? How come there are so many vines here?" Everyone is puzzled.

"You stay here, I go out to see!" Cheng Yu frowned and looked at it all, and with a confession, he disappeared into place.

In a short time, Cheng Yu has appeared outside Linglong. However, Cheng Yuyi appeared, and countless maroons were like him. Looking at so many marsh tangles, he felt that the scene was so familiar, as if he were using his scenes.

But this time ~www.ltnovel.com~ is not attacked by others, it is himself. Fortunately, he is still a little knowledgeable in the face of all this, and he wants to spread these marshes into several segments.

But he was amazed that these vines were really hard, and Cheng Yu couldn't break them. Cheng Yu, who was not prepared, was directly entangled in these marsh vines and could not move.

"Marsh? Tiewei vine?" Cheng Yu only noticed the surrounding environment at this time, and immediately remembered the information recorded on the map of Qi Feihuang.

This is the swamp area, and these marsh vines are the iron marsh vines introduced by Qi Feihuang. They are very hard, and it is almost impossible to break these vines by normal means!

"Not good! Yu Shidi was trapped." In the picture of the mountain river, Xinhe and others saw the situation outside, and suddenly they were surprised and suddenly disappeared into the mountain river map.

With the leadership of Xinhe, other people also appeared in the first time outside Linglong.

"You are going back!" Cheng Yu suddenly shouted when everyone saw it.

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