Godly Student

Vol 4 Chapter 833: Is it really just like this?

"This is the beast master servant contract." Cheng Yu looked at this man and the beast and two wrecks, calmly said.

I thought that Cheng Yu also threatened it with the egg of Huo Yu, and let it compromise. I thought it would be very uncomfortable in my heart, and even hate myself.

"Fire feathers, will our results be the same?" Cheng Yu gently patted the wings of the fire feathers, full of emotion.

Hey. Huo Yu seems to understand the sadness of Cheng Yu's heart. He actually bowed his head and stunned Cheng Yu's head to comfort him.

"I believe in you, Huo Yu, although we have a contract, but I have never regarded you as my slave, but a partner." Cheng Yu touched the head of Huo Yu.

Hey. The fire feather nodded.

"Golden aunt, although you came for the gods of my body, but I also regard you as my partner, not a slave." Cheng Yu looked at the big beggar on the side.

Jin Hao’s time to follow Cheng Yu is not long, that is, only a few days, and there is not much emotion. Jin Hao is indeed uncomfortable with Cheng Yu, because his strength is not as high as himself. If it is not for the **** water in him, it will become the beast of others.

However, these days, it has some understanding of Cheng Yu. I feel that although this human being is of general strength, its potential is very large, and it is still very loyal to brothers and friends.

In the battle, it was in trouble several times, and Cheng Yu helped him to save it. This also made it feel good for Cheng Yu. At least Cheng Yu did not just use it as a ready-to-go beater, but a real combat partner.

"You can rest assured. We have a master and servant contract in the body, killing you, I can't live, I don't want to die, so I won't find you with the same." Jin Yu took a look at Cheng Yu.

"Oh, you don't want to die, I don't want to die. But you can rest assured, follow me, I will never let you regret it." Cheng Yu said with a smile, then lost a bottle of water to each other.

"I hope so." Jin Hao is not polite, anyway, Cheng Yu's body is more, open his mouth and bow his head, directly swallowed into the stomach.

Hey. Fire Yu saw Cheng Yu gave Jinshen Shenshui, suddenly dissatisfied, and opened his mouth and called out. It is the highest animal beast that follows Cheng Yu. Of course, I don't want Cheng Yu to be better than Jin Hao.

Even if you are not very demanding about this **** water, but your treatment can not be worse than Jin Hao, not to mention that this thing is better than water, it is still helpful to itself.

"Oh, you want to drink and find me. If you don't want to, you will not give it to you." Cheng Yu smiled and patted the head of the fire feather, and threw a bottle for it.

"Yu Shidi, you said that this imprint is the beast master servant contract. This sword in the human hand is also inserted in this Warcraft body. It is said that these so-called slaves have chosen to go with their beastmasters." Remind, Xinhe suddenly realized.

"If there is no accident, the situation at the time should be like this." Cheng Yu nodded.

"The truth of the matter is like this. These human beings are really pitiful. They can't catch the magical pets. The result is that they become slaves of Warcraft. In the end, they are all left together and miserable." The bones of the ground, shaking his head and sighing.

"What is tragic? There is no killing in the world of comprehension. Whether it is World of Warcraft or human beings, no one wants to be a slave. Maybe they just wanted to turn these Warcraft into their slaves, and they will have such a result. Do not live.

Even if they are not going to turn these Warcraft into magical ones, since they are here, they must have come to the huge treasures of the mirror. The blessings of man are all from greed. Even if we say that we are great, we can't escape a greedy word, or we will not come in and look for the remains of the mirror.

Speaking of it, we are no different from these people. Perhaps what we see today is us tomorrow, and who will finally sigh for us? "The heart of the sea stood up and said it."

I heard a lot of screaming in the heart of the sea, everyone was full, and all eyes were on the heart.

"You...you are looking at what I am doing. Isn't that what I said wrong?" I was so watched by everyone, my heart was straight, my scalp was numb, I took a step back and added, "I... I am not To curse everyone, I only said nothing.

It’s just a matter of fact. ”

"Oh, my heart brother, I used to think that you and the heart of the brothers are just missing the roots in the brain, but I did not expect that you can say such a profound words, your image in the heart, suddenly became wise." Cheng Yu said with a smile.

"Yes, I can't believe that this is actually from your mouth, heart, you are not taking the wrong medicine." Xinhe also said with a smile.

"Call. It turned out to be like this, scared me." Xinhai saw that everyone was not trying to fight him, and suddenly he let out a sigh of relief, but this sounds always sounds strange.

"Hey. Yu Shidi, are you praising him or hitting me?" Xinluo jumped out and called, and I don’t want to mention more depression, what is the less string in my head.

"I am going, are they boasting about me? Yu Shidi is right, you just don't have a long brain." Xinhai called.

"It's as if you are growing up, give me less." Xinluo said with no anger.

"Okay, the two of you will continue to argue, and will only expose the defects that you have no long brain." The rhyme can't stand any more, and quickly stopped the two live treasures.

"God. Sister, I remember that you are not such a person. I didn't expect you to laugh at us. You fell." Xinluo said, the heart rhyme can always be the big sister of these people, mature and steady, but did not expect it. Confused with these guys.

"Too lazy to care about you." The heart rhyme gave him a look and didn't want to see him.

"Don't make troubles, quickly pack up these spirits and look for the whereabouts of the earthen rhinoceros. You can't give it a chance to heal." Cheng Yu also thinks it should be appropriate, and there is something waiting. where are they.

This hall is not big, but it is not big, but everyone searches for a few laps in the hall, but they have never found any secrets. In desperation, they can only prepare to go home.

"It seems that the demon rhinoceros is really not here, let's go somewhere else to find it." Looking for a circle, did not get any clues, Xinhe said.

"I always feel that something is wrong in this hall." Cheng Yu glanced at the entire hall.

"Where something is wrong." Xinhe asked.

"I can't say it, I just think that this hall is too simple. I think that the outside ramp is almost four or five kilometers. The result is just such a hall. There is no retreat. It is too unreasonable." Cheng Yu frowned.

"But we have found so many circles, and indeed did not find any organs or secret doors." Xinhe felt that Cheng Yu's words did make sense.

"I don't think so. Yu Shidi also said that these people are slaves of these Warcraft. They built this cave naturally and built it with these World of Warcraft ideas. If you think about it, this Warcraft is even smarter. Highly humans. Even if they are extremely World of Warcraft, their wisdom is at best similar to the children who are just sensible, how can they consider the problem of the back road." Xinluo stood up and said.

This long martyrdom ended up with only one blocked hall, which may be an unreasonable design in the eyes of human thoughts. But it is precisely because of this that they all look at the cave from the perspective of human beings, which is naturally unreasonable.

But from the perspective of Warcraft, there is nothing unreasonable, anyway, it feels normal.

"There are some truths in Xinluo's words. This cave is built by the thought of Warcraft. It is not impossible for human beings to think so long." Some people also nod their heads and feel that Xinluo's words are more reasonable.

"Human wisdom must be higher than Warcraft. Do not say anything else, the wisdom of the earth and the rhinoceros is not lower than humans. And, do you know the World of Warcraft." Cheng Yu said calmly.

"From these bones and wreckage, these Warcraft are a bit like cats and foxes, but this claw is like a tiger. I think this must be a mutant fox. As for the fox, I can't see it." The vision of rhyme is still very broad, and I have carefully reviewed the opening.

"Yu Shidi, can you see what this is World of Warcraft." Xinhe said.

"Heart Master's eyes are good, these are indeed mutated Fox World Warcraft, but they are not ordinary foxes ~www.ltnovel.com~ but the most powerful scorpion tiger fox in the fox family. You see this

The claws are clearly tigers, and there is a bone spur in the three-inch land of this paw, which makes them very lethal.

But toughness is not their greatest feature. Their greatest feature is that their wisdom will never be lower than humans, or even smarter, or they will not hunt for so many human slaves," Cheng Yu said.

"Secret bone tiger fox. I have never heard of this fox world of Warcraft." Xinluo shook his head.

"The sacred tiger thorn fox is a very powerful World of Warcraft race that appeared 10,000 years ago, but it seems to have disappeared now. I didn't expect Yu Shidi to recognize it. It is really curious," Xin Yun looked thoughtfully at Cheng Yu. Said.

"Sister, you know this sturdy bone tiger fox." Xin Luo asked curiously.

"I don't know very well. I just saw a little portrayal in an ancient book. Just listening to Yu Shidi said that I only remembered this kind of Warcraft. But it is Yu Shidi, it seems that there is nothing I don't know." Cheng Yu is more and more puzzled. This guy doesn't know everything about the realm of cultivation. But when it comes to the horizon, it seems that he really doesn't know what he doesn't know. This is really strange. Is he really a secular?

"Haha, where the sister said, I have no other advantage, but the reading of books has always been my greatest strength. The sister does not like to study some anecdotes. Or how would you know this sacred tiger?" Assassin Fox, "Cheng Yu is sweating, this woman is really suspicious.

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