Godly Student

Vol 4 Chapter 826: Are you crazy?

"Golden, can the water in my hand make you grow up?" Cheng Yu asked.

"I don't know Shenshui, I only know that the things in your hand help me a lot." Jin Hao shook his head. Although he didn't know what God Water is, he naturally understood what he meant by listening to Cheng Yu's words. ○

Cheng Yu nodded and didn't speak. He thought to himself that since this **** water can help Jin Hao grow up, does that mean that this **** water can help all the strange animals grow?

Thinking of this, Cheng Yu’s heart is a little excited. If he wants to encounter another animal in the future, he will use God water to lure them. Think about how it would be if you could form a different army of animals.

It turned out that he wanted to form a ghost repair army, but this ghost repair belongs to the ghost. If he really put these ghosts out, he is afraid that there will be big troubles, so this ghost repair army can only be cultivated in secret.

But if you can form a different army, who dares to lick the tongue

When Cheng Yu thought about how to find some exotic animals to form a different army, the golden dragonfly in front stopped and Cheng Yu hit his face on the golden ass.

"Hey, you swear, stop and do something." Cheng Yu was shocked. He stepped back and spit in a few steps, and screamed at the golden scream.

"Haha Yu, younger brother, how is this big **** taste?" Xin Luo and others saw it and suddenly laughed.

"There is a battle in front", but Jin Hao at this time did not pay attention to Cheng Yu's name for it, but a serious tone to Cheng Yu.

"Fighting" Cheng Yu wiped his mouth again and again, regardless of the people's teasing, and asked.

In this regard, the knowledge of these people has been greatly restricted, so it is impossible to compare with Jin Yu. Now Jin Jin said that there is fighting in front, which must be true.

"Can you find out what they are doing?" Cheng Yu asked.

"I don't know, but in front of it is a large rhinoceros site, where there is fighting, the strength of both sides is certainly not simple."

"How big rhinoceros compares to your strength," Cheng Yu asked. When it comes to it, since this big rhino can hold a piece of land, the strength is at least not lost to Kim Min Jong.

"It’s a bit more powerful than me, we still avoid them." I didn’t expect the golden crickets of the bulls to show weakness. It seems that this rhinoceros is really not simple.

"Yu Shidi, what are you doing?" Xinluo and others followed, and saw Cheng Yu’s face standing solemnly but not talking, not knowing what the ghost was doing.

Where do they know that Cheng Yu is using the contractual exchanges between them?

"Just Jin Yu said that there is fighting in front, and at least one side is better than Jin Hao's strength. It suggests letting us detour. What do you think?" Cheng Yu turned around and said to a group of people.

"Since there is fighting in front, we naturally listened to the detour of Jin Yu. Anyway, there is gold, and I am not afraid that it will take us to the robbers." Xinluo first said, Cheng Yu has already told you about it. He named the poisonous singer a gold scorpion.

"Yes, if the strength of the other side is really stronger than Jin Hao, it is too dangerous. We still don't want to smash this drowning." Xinhai nodded.

"Yu Shidi, you still talk about your views." Xinhe seems to see that Cheng Yu has other ideas, or Cheng Yu will not let everyone express their opinions.

"I think that since we have entered this mirror, it is dangerous and dangerous. Of course, it is really unwise to know that it is difficult to return. But we are now clear about what the situation is like, I think Go up and see, you follow Jin Hao first. I have a contract with Jin Hao, I can always know where you are located to find you," Cheng Yu said.

"No, I don't want to be separated from you, I want to go with you." Hearing Cheng Yu wants to go alone to check the battle, Lin Yuhan quickly seized Cheng Yu's hand.

"Yes, you said that we should always stay with us to keep us. How can you go alone and take risks? We must die together." Han Xue pulled Cheng Yu's hand and refused.

Cheng Yu then looked at the expressions of several other women, and all of them wanted to follow Cheng Yu’s death, and Cheng Yu was helpless.

"Younger brother, since

You want to take risks, but throw our brothers and sisters aside. Are you too despised us? Since we have come in together, it is a life and death. You want to take risks, are we afraid of death? Just like the younger brothers and sisters said, we can't die together." Although Xinluo always looks like a big man, but at the crucial moment, he is the most important.

The other brothers and sisters did not speak, but they all looked at him. The meaning was obvious. Everything he had said, they all listened to their own, which made Cheng Yu feel very moved.

A person who can give his life to someone else's hand, this is a group of friends who are worthy of their lives to protect. Cheng Yu will not forget their friendship.

"In this case, I don't have to say anything extra, so let's see what these powerful characters are," Cheng Yu said heavily.

Although Jin Hao is not very happy, there is no way. Whoever makes himself a beast of Cheng Yu is now because Jin Yu’s perception is wide, and Jin Yu is connected with Cheng Yu’s mind, so he continues to lead the way. Cheng Yu and Jin Hao walked together.

"Golden, how far we are from the battle," the pedestrian walked about two kilometers very cautiously, Cheng Yu asked.

"About five kilometers or so. I have already felt the familiar atmosphere, and the big rhino is definitely a party to the battle."

Obviously, Kim Min Jong also followed the big rhinoceros, otherwise it would never be so sensitive to the rhinoceros.

Cheng Yu counted the distance between them and the battle. About two kilometers away, Cheng Yu almost could hear the sound of the battle.

"Tiejiatuo rhinoceros and blast double-headed magic eagle" everyone walked to a place one kilometer away from the battlefield, Cheng Yu finally saw the protagonist of the battle.

Iron armor rhinoceros and blast double-headed magic hawks are extremely World of Warcraft, Warcraft from the first level to the nine levels correspond to the human refining period to the Golden Age. Warcraft of level 10 or above belongs to Extreme Warcraft, and Extreme Warcraft is divided into low-level World of Warcraft, Intermediate-level Extreme Warcraft and Advanced Extreme Warcraft, which correspond to the human-infant period, the distraction period and the fit period. And then up is the holy beast and the beast, which are equivalent to the human Mahayana and the power of the fairy, and even stronger.

And this time Cheng Yu, they saw the iron armor rhinoceros and the blast double-headed magic eagle, which is equivalent to the intermediate stage of the distraction.

The armored rhinoceros is full of earthy yellow, with eight plates on the back and a one-meter-long horn on the head. It looks very overbearing, but its strength is not only huge, but also The long angle is so simple.

As a Warcraft, it has its own talent for communicating with heaven and earth, and its talent is to use the soil energy to strengthen its hard shell and enhance its defense ability. On the other hand, it can affect the enemy's gravity, suddenly high, and the speed is naturally slow.

The blast double-headed magic eagle belongs to the wind system of Warcraft, it can use the power of the wind, increase its flight speed, and use the wind to cause a lot of damage.

These two World of Warcraft can be said to be both restrained and mutually supportive. The Earth Magic uses gravity to pull the double-headed eagle down and affect its speed. However, the two-headed hawk can use the wind power to increase the speed.

In turn, the double-headed eagle's double-winged fan has produced countless wind blades, but the earth and the rhinoceros have earthen energy to enhance defense. Therefore, the strength of their two World of Warcraft is between the two, who can not help who at a time.

"The two powerful World of Warcraft" heart has also seen two scenes of Warcraft fighting, suddenly amazed.

Although there is a fundamental difference between Warcraft and human monks, the results are common. Warcraft generates natural attacks through the energy of heaven and earth. The human monk uses natural law and magic to generate natural and even supernatural attacks through the laws of heaven.

Therefore, there are countless roads, impermanence, but the same goal, the result is the same.

But the heart of the sea came out~www.ltnovel.com~ These two World of Warcraft attacks are stronger than him, not only is the heart is very unbalanced. The three beasts around Cheng Yu seem to be better than him. Now I see two more World of Warcraft than him. I am upset, people are not as good as beasts.

"Hey, there are a lot of treasures in these two World of Warcraft." However, when a few people in Xinluo’s heart balance their strength with World of Warcraft, Cheng Yu suddenly opened his mouth.

Remember the body parts of these two powerful Warcraft.

"Yu Shidi, you don't want to die, do you still want to hit the two of them?" Xinhe was shocked.

These two World of Warcraft he also knows, naturally know what these two World of Warcraft have, and know why Cheng Yu will say this. But what are the strengths of these two World of Warcraft? It is the same as Jin Hao, even if they are not invincible under the fit period, it is enough to kill most of the strong players below the fit period.

Cheng Yu’s words are not only to make the heart river nervous, but even the heart and other people feel nervous. However, whether it is the skin and horn of the earthen rhinoceros, or the feathers of the double-headed eagle, and finally the crystals in their bodies, they are very precious materials.

Things are good things, but they must have the ability to take them. Otherwise, they are purely looking for death. Although they are willing to live and die with Cheng Yu, they can’t find their own way. Who doesn’t want to live for two years.

"Hey, don't be excited, I just talk about it casually, just talk about it. I don't know what to do, they are so strong, how can I do this stupid thing?" Cheng Yu said with a smile, but his heart is This is not the case.

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