Godly Student

Vol 4 Chapter 823: How can this be?

"Oh, I think we have let go of this guy!" Seeing this guy's vitality is so tenacious, he smiled.

"Shi Ji, I said that this poisonous illusion is more valuable than killing." The rhyme has always been thoughtful, and I saw that this poisonous illusion is so tenacious, and I think of Shi Ji’s words, I’m puzzled. .

"This is ugly, but its strength is really strong. Just now it was not something unexpected. I may have been killed by this guy. But it is because of this, it shows that the value of this guy is huge!" It is rare for Shi Ji to explain it to everyone.

"This guy is awesome, but it is so powerful that we can't conquer it! What's the use?" Xinhai shook his head and understood Shi Ji's thoughts, but he thought it was unrealistic!

This guy is so powerful, they can't even subdue it, and just now they have missed the best chance to conquer, who will fight again with it? I think Shi Ji himself is not willing to go!

In this way, they have no way and no longer attack the poisonous illusion, and the poisonous illusion has added the clean water of the earth, but they have not left, but look at them there!

"You said what this guy wants to do? Why don't you still go? Do you still want to fight with us?" Xinluo looked at the big guy and motionless there, only two big eyes stared at them.

"What about it? As long as it doesn't bother us, we don't care about it!" Xinhe said.

Even if he really wants that tongue, he does not have this strength, and thinks of the venom on it, but even the Yuanli defensive cover can be broken, even Shi Ji has eaten this dark loss, not to mention them.

However, there is no need to be afraid of the fire feathers, but the fire feathers can only persist with it for a while!

Ever since, everyone slowly put down their defenses, let it be there, but in order to prevent the first one, others have to leave two people to rest.

"It's been two days. Why didn't Yushi's brother still wake up? Heart rhythm sister, you will show him another look!" The heart of the sea holds a branch, and two rabbits that have already been prepared are inserted. The scent of the fire burned, and Cheng Yu did not wake up, and some helplessly said to the rhyme.

"I have already said that the younger brother is just too weak, and the body has no other serious problems. When he recovers enough, he will naturally wake up!" said the rhyme.

"But it's been two days. We have to hurry to find the remains of the mirror in the mirror. If we go in late, the baby will let others **** it!" said Xin Hai.

"You stupid goods, do you think that the relics in this mirror are so good to find? Even if you find you, you may not be able to grab it? Since ancient times, the baby has been a good-natured person. Do you think that it must have been useful? Besides, did they not say it? This mirror has more than a month to go out of the world, enough for us to break into it!" Heart River glanced at the sea.

"Hey, I know, but I am not in a hurry? Think about the open mirror that everyone dreams of, I am a little excited in my heart!" Xinhai smiled.

"It’s useless in anxious! The remains of the fairy in this mirror are dangerous. We should be careful every step of the way. We can’t mess with our arrogant baby!” The heart rhyme also reminds everyone.

Most of them are desperate, but most of these people can really find the baby! This world of cultivation can be said to be everywhere, except for life. As long as there is a life, what baby has a chance. But if you don't even have a life, then it will give you a better baby, and you will not be able to make it! What is the use?

Everyone nodded and agreed with the words of the rhyme!

"You see that the big guy has been here for two days. You said what the guy wants to do?" Xinluo pulled a rabbit from the heart of the sea and pointed to the poisonous sorrow in the distance.

"Who knows? Maybe it is hungry?" Xinhai shook his head and pulled a few pieces of rabbit meat to everyone.

"Then you said that if I throw this rabbit to it, will it listen to me?" Xinluo said very well.

"There are dozens of distractions that have been swallowed into the belly the day before yesterday. Do you think it will be bought by a rabbit? Even if it is not enough for it!

"Heart River said nothing."

"That can be difficult to say, he is eating a stranger, except for the **** taste, there is no such thing as a rabbit! If I have it, I would rather eat a rabbit!" Xinluo said.

"Crap, you want to eat people, you can't eat!" Xinhe scorned.

"You don't believe that I still have to try, when I admire you!" Xin Luo stood up unwillingly, and walked toward the big bang!

Others look at Xinluo with a look of helplessness. If they can conquer such a powerful pet, then the world is not a pet beast.

"Hey! Dad, my rabbit is here for you. How do you mix with me later?" Xinluo came to the giant poisonous scorpion twenty meters, raised his rabbit and shouted at the big cockroach.

Hey! The big bang banged his nose, but he did not turn his head to the side!

"Ha ha! This idiot, do you really think that a rabbit can conquer a beast!" Xinhai laughed!

"Ha ha" saw the fascination of Xinluo, and others laughed!

"Hey! Dad, don't look at this rabbit meat, but this is much better than the people you have eaten. Don't you believe it?" Xinluo is very upset about those people behind him. Stopping to the poisonous illusionist blowing, I hope it smells this scent and changes its mind.

But this time, the poison illusionist did not even look at him, lifted his limbs and moved a few steps toward the side, and then collapsed!

"Haha! You still keep the rabbit and eat it yourself! Don't be embarrassed!" The crowd laughed again!

"Hey! I will see you with this eyesight, I am not very optimistic about you!" Xinluo has no face, slamming, picking up his rabbit and turning away!

"Do you believe now? No high-order beast will be taken over by a rabbit! Otherwise, the realm of comprehension is not followed by a beast!" Xinhe looked at the heart of the back. Nor did it strike him too much.

"I don't want to try it too? In case this guy likes to eat cooked food, I just sent him a fragrant rabbit, it is not impossible!" Xinluo said indifferently, in fact, he is boring. Picture a music, and did not think that you can really use a cooked rabbit for a pet!

In this way, two days later, Cheng Yu finally woke up this morning!

"Yu Shidi, you can really sleep, it's four days and four nights, and finally wake up!" Seeing Cheng Yu woke up, Xinluo and others came together.

"I have been sleeping for four days and four nights?" Cheng Yu shook his head and asked.

"Yes! If you don't wake up again, we will carry you back and go back!" said Xin Hai.

"Working hard, have those people been solved by you?" Cheng Yu only remembered that he was too tired at the beginning. Although there were still a group of enemies, he really didn't have any energy.

"Of course, or not let you make such a big sacrifice in vain!" Xinhe nodded!

"But let the white Yichen and Gu Yilin run away!" Xin Yao said with some concern.

"Run and ran! As long as everyone is fine!" Cheng Yu looked at everyone, no matter what.

"But these two people are not very strong. I am afraid that they are from the nine major families! If that is the case, we will be afraid of going out in the future!" Xin Yao said.

She has always suspected that Bai Yichen is from the nine family of comprehension. Cheng Yu now has a lot of troubles. Kunlun and Xuantianzong always want Cheng Yu’s life. If they get into the nine family, then Cheng Yu It’s really hard to be outside in the future.

"Nine major families? You are talking about the nine major families in the real world?" Hearing the words of the nine great family, he reminded him of Chen Hongyuan who was saved in the Yin dynasty. He is not the Chen family of the nine major families in the real world. What?

"Yes! Did you save Chen Chen Chen Hongyuan at the beginning? This time, if there is a chance, I think you should go to Chen's home to visit it. This Bai Yichen is really a person from the nine family, who can make good friends with Chen. Give you a few extra points!" Xin Yao said to Cheng Yu.

"There is a chance to say it again!" Cheng Yu shook his head, although he also wanted to see the real Chen family, but it is not the time.

Once Chen

Hongyuan said that in their family, the distraction period is only a medium-level master. If he visits Chen’s family now, it is easy to be looked down upon. Therefore, in his opinion, it is better to upgrade his own strength. The root ~www.ltnovel.com~ instead of relying on others!

Xinyao knows that Cheng Yu’s character is strong and he does not force him. With his talent, he is more advanced than others. Now he has been able to kill the late part of the distraction. If he has the opportunity to enter the distraction period, then it is not invincible under the fit period, plus Shi Ji and Huo Yu and various magic weapons on him. I believe he is self-protected enough.

"Why is that guy still there?" Cheng Yu suddenly saw a big cockroach not far away, not a poisonous sorrow and what?

"Yu Shidi, you don't know, this guy's strength is too strong, Shi Ji almost touched her way!" Xinluo told Shi Yu about the battle of Shi Ji and the poisonous saga.

"So powerful?" I heard that Shi Ji was almost killed by this guy. Cheng Yu was also taken aback, which seems to be more powerful than he thought. However, I heard that there is a colorful body in Shi Ji's body. Other people are not clear. He naturally knows that it is the source of the sacred dragon that Shenglong has left for her.

"Yeah! This guy has been here for four days and four nights, Yu Shidi, you said we should kill it, take the tongue down and build a few powerful Horcruxes!" Seeing Cheng Yu woke up, Xinluo took Cheng Yu to agree to kill this big sister!

"Cheng Yu, Shi Ji's meaning not to kill it, but to conquer it!" Xin Yao naturally knows Xin Luo's abacus, gave him a look, said to Cheng Yu.

"What? Accept it? How is this possible?" Cheng Yu was shocked!

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