Godly Student

Chapter 6031: Really treacherous!

In fact, although there are so many people in the periphery who are paying attention to Lu Zhihong's battle, most of them don't understand why Lu Zhihong suddenly attacked those people.

However, some people expressed doubts about Lu Zhihong's behavior.

After all, all of them have the same purpose, they all want to leave this world. Since they all have such thoughts, how could Lu Zhihong not want to!

Therefore, many people suspected that the reason why Lu Zhihong suddenly attacked these people who were guarding the exit was that his real purpose was something else.

But some people didn't know what Lu Zhihong was planning, so they kept staring at Lu Zhihong, wanting to see what the **** he was up to.

At this time, Lu Zhihong didn't think so much, at least he only had one goal now, which was to clear all the obstacles of this exit first.

"Lu Zhihong, don't go too far, although our strength is not as good as yours, we are not up to you to kill.

We just don't want to screw up everyone's chances, so don't blame us for being rude if you're being so aggressive again. "

Seeing that Lu Zhihong had killed several of them in succession, these people were really angry and anxious.

If this guy really wants to keep killing like this, they don't have enough manpower on their side.

But this guy's strength is really strong, at least for them, they are indeed not Lu Zhihong's opponents.

But even so, they dare not run away.

Because as long as they run, the six people on the platform will definitely take the opportunity to escape.

In that case, not only would their people die in vain, but all their efforts would also be meaningless.

So now they really hate Lu Zhihong to death.

Now I can't fight and fight, and I can't be reconciled to retreat and retreat.

"Hmph! If you have the ability, just let your horse come here. If I'm afraid of you, I won't be called Lu Zhihong anymore!" But how could Lu Zhihong be intimidated by their few words?

To be honest, he just couldn't beat Situ Zhongyun and Cheng Yu.

But other people, he was really not afraid of anyone.

Even without the strength of Cheng Yu and Situ Zhongyun, wouldn't it be impossible to deal with these few people? Then he would be too useless.

What's more, being shocked by Situ Zhongyun's powerful strength during this period of time, he was very upset.

Even if Situ Zhongyun was really stronger than him, he was still not convinced.

With so much anger accumulated in my heart, it's time to vent it.

Since he was going to do it now, these people were the targets of his venting.

"Damn it!" Hearing that Lu Zhihong had no intention of stopping at all, the man scolded him all over his heart.

Seeing that Lu Zhihong made it clear that he wanted to fight them to the end, he also began to hesitate in his heart.

Although thinking that they had guarded the exit here for so long, and just let the six people on the platform escape, I would naturally feel uncomfortable.

But now that Lu Zhihong is so strong, if they need to guard the exit with their lives, then he feels that it is not worth it. new

So he wanted to retreat a little bit!

He also winked with other people, many of them hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded slightly.

At this moment, those watching from afar noticed that these people were clearly showing signs of retreating, which made them anxious.

"They seem to be withdrawing, let's quickly make up for it and give them a little confidence!" After speaking, the person rushed towards the exit with some impatient people.

"Lu Zhihong, did you see that? They came to help, it's still too late for you to evacuate now, or if you wait until they come together, it will be too late for you to escape even if you want to!" But when these people were about to evacuate, they Seeing the people on the outside rushing over suddenly, I was overjoyed.

Although they don't know whether these people are here to help or deal with them, the appearance of these people has given them great confidence.

Because as long as enough people come over, no matter whether these people's targets are them or Lu Zhihong, there is enough chance to defend this exit.

"Hmph! Do you think it's useful if there are more people? As long as they dare to come, I dare to let them come and go!" Lu Zhihong also noticed the changes of the people outside, but he did not withdraw.

If he was frightened like this, how could he leave this world?

Besides, would those guys really help these people deal with themselves?

What good would it do them to kill themselves?

Cheng Yu and Situ Zhongyun didn't know who could win. If they killed him, they wouldn't want to take away the tokens of the six people on the platform.

And even if those people really came to help these people, he has nothing to fear. With his strength, doesn't he have a chance to withdraw?

But what made him happy was that when these guys only rushed halfway, they all stopped and did not continue to approach them.

"Haha, they didn't seem to come to save you, should you be willing to die now?" Seeing this situation, Lu Zhihong suddenly burst out laughing.

Seeing that those people did not come closer, he was naturally overjoyed.

Although I don't know what these guys are planning, but as long as these people don't come here to make trouble now, it will be beneficial to him.

"Those guys are indeed very cunning, but they didn't come to help when they ran there. It seems that they hope that we and Lu Zhihong will lose both." Someone said angrily.

"It's probably like this. It seems that we can't hold on any longer, otherwise we may all die here."

"But if we leave now, there will be no one guarding this exit, and those people will really leave directly." One person said worriedly.

"Now we can't even keep our lives. How can we control this exit. If they want to leave, let them go.

Anyway, they're gone~www.readwn.com~ Those who watched the fun don't even want to get any bargains! "One person said indifferently.

At this time, he only wanted to take care of his own life, so why did he want to take care of the exit!

It would be fine if Lu Zhihong just frightened them, but this guy has already killed several people.

And they were Lu Zhihong's opponents at all. If they continued like this, more people would die.

When there are many people, they are no match for others, and fewer and fewer people are killed by others. Can they still win each other?

If those people really came to help, they naturally didn't need to retreat.

But those guys still came to watch the excitement after a long time. Can this make him bear it?

They are working hard here, but others are watching the excitement, and they may still want to pick up the loopholes. What reason does he have to continue! Remember the URL of this site, www. biquxu. Com, convenient for reading next time, or enter "" in Baidu to enter this site

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