Godly Student

Chapter 6028: It's too early!

"That's true, rather than watching them leave smoothly, it's really better to just keep them.

But we need to find a suitable distance. Only in this way can we ensure that after they come out, whether they want to enter the exit or return to the platform, we can stop them in the first place.

As long as they don't leave this world, we still have a chance.

And when the distance is right, they will have more courage to try.

If they get too close, they feel that our distance poses too much threat to them, and they will definitely not dare to try even if they think about it.

But if their distance is right, they dare to give it a go. They will think that as long as they are fast enough, they can enter the exit smoothly.

So the choice of this distance is very important. "Another person suggested.

"At this time we are playing a psychological warfare. Only when we give them hope, they dare to fight. If they know that there is no hope, they will naturally dare to fight. This is a good idea!" Someone was very satisfied agreed.

"Okay, since everyone thinks this method is feasible, then let's implement it according to this plan. Now wait for Lu Zhihong to kill some of those people first, and then we will go there." The man also nodded. Analysis and speculation, I feel that this method does have a great chance of success.

"Maybe this time, we have a chance to leave!"

Now that the plan has been made, he can't wait to watch Lu Zhihong go to war with those people.

Because the situation on Cheng Yu and Situ Zhongyun's side is indeed too complicated, and both of them are too strong, so there must be no way to decide the result in a while.

And this result may not be what they want, because they are completely unable to control the result, which makes them have little confidence and expectations.

But Lu Zhihong's side was different. Although there were many unpredictable situations, they had half the chance to control the situation.

Once those six people really rushed out of the platform, they can basically be sure that the whole situation is completely under their control.

Although there are only six tokens here, there are so many of them, it is impossible for everyone to get a token.

But as long as the tokens are obtained from the hands of those six people, whoever can get the tokens and leave this world smoothly will depend purely on their own abilities.

What's more, with so many people, there are still great opportunities to fish in troubled waters, so everyone will have something to look forward to.

But the tokens in the hands of those six people have absolutely nothing to do with them.

Therefore, as long as they have a little brain, they will know what kind of situation is more beneficial to them.

"Although our plan has been made, the situation does not seem to be as smooth as we imagined.

Those people dared to stay and guard the exit under such circumstances. It can be seen that they are not only more courageous than others, but also represent that their strength is not weaker than others.

Although Lu Zhihong's strength was very strong, those people had the advantage in numbers, so it might not be so easy for Lu Zhihong to kill these twenty or so people.

If he couldn't even kill these people, it would be impossible for those six people on the platform to come out. "But watching Lu Zhihong's battle with those twenty or so people, that person's face was not very satisfied.

Obviously Lu Zhihong's strength has not yet reached the level of Cheng Yu and Situ Zhongyun.

If it was Cheng Yu or any of Situ Zhongyun, it would be no problem to deal with these twenty or so people.

But Lu Zhihong couldn't do it. Even if he could really kill these people, it would probably be difficult, and it would take a long time.

"Since the six people on the platform are with Lu Zhihong, will they come out to help?" someone asked.

"How is this possible? Let's not talk about whether they really think of Lu Zhihong as one of them. Even so, when they come out, they will naturally worry that we will also rush to deal with them.

And those people's strength is so strong, they are naturally not the opponents of those people, but may be defeated by them one by one.

Even if we haven't made a move yet, their tokens may have been taken away by those people.

So they absolutely dare not come out at this time. "One person directly denied.

"That's true. The situation is uncertain at this time, and they really dare not come out. But if this is the case, the situation will be a little troublesome. You think that Lu Zhihong will not be killed by those people, right?" Some people not only think that Lu Zhihong may not be able to kill him After losing those people, he was worried about him instead.

"This should be impossible, although Lu Zhihong's strength is not as good as Cheng Yu and Situ Zhongyun, but it is not impossible to beat these people.

When the war first started, this guy dealt with dozens of people at the same time, and many of them were not inferior to these people.

And in that case, he also killed quite a few people.

So to say that he was killed by these people, I think this is unlikely. "Someone analyzed.

"Not having that would be the best, otherwise he would be killed, and those six people would never be able to come out.

We discussed it for a long time, and all the plans were in vain! "

"Just wait, although Lu Zhihong is not that efficient, he should kill those people.

I think as long as he can kill half of them, the remaining half may not dare to fight him anymore.

After all, he can still kill half of the people when there are many people, so no matter what, the remaining half cannot be his opponent~www.readwn.com~ Naturally, there is no need for those people to waste time, and they have to Put your own life in it. "

"If that's the case, shouldn't we also find a suitable distance to approach now?

If they really ran away halfway through the fight, would the six people on the platform still wait for us to approach in a daze?

Maybe at that moment, they all slipped into the entrance and exit, and we will regret it later. "Someone reminded.

"But it's still early? He has just killed a few people. If we approach now, not only will the six people on the platform be afraid to come out, even Lu Zhihong may hesitate to give up.

At least in his view, we are more like allies of the twenty or so people, but enemies with him.

Seeing us passing by, he thought we were their reinforcements and ran away, so how can we grab the token? "But some people don't agree with rushing to the layout now. Remember the URL of this site, www.biquxu.com, for the convenience of reading next time, or enter "" on Baidu to enter this site

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