“ka ka! ”

Entering the underground lab, Su Hao looked at the Master’s weak appearance and couldn’t help but smile… Damn, it wouldn’t be true!

“Well? Su Hao is back?”

Zhang Zongtian looked up at him with a pale face. “Does this Ruins adventure take a long time? How come back in a few days?”

“A few days?”

Su Hao rolled his eyes. “It’s been two months!”

“Two months?”

Zhang Zongtian startled, this is the weather information on the biological alarm clock.

1 at the end of the month, winter!

“It turned out that it has been so long?”

Zhang Zongtian murmured, but soon his spirit became inspiring, and bright light appeared in his eyes. “Su Hao, you came just right, my experiment was done, Ha Ha Ha Ha! New Era Potion is a success! I want to change World, Ha Ha Ha Ha!”

Zhang Zongtian laughed, Su Hao looked towards the experimental vessel, the bottle of blue Potion.

“Medium-level Body Strengthening Liquid ?”

Su Hao in front of us.

“Medium-level Body Strengthening Liquid ?”

Zhang Zongtian sneered at him. “This stuff is many times stronger than it! It can bring side effects to the limit, physique is soaring, it is completely trans-Era’s work! Later he is called Medium-level Body Quenching Potion! As long as the final ** experiment , you can run Perfect!”

Zhang Zongtian’s eyes are light, and they are ready to invest in the experimental ocean.

Su Hao sweated, quickly stopped him, and said something about his days, Zhang Zongtian was shocked to see him.

I don’t know when. My own discipline, actually began to impact Specialization?

“What type do you want?”

Zhang Zongtian expression dignified a few points.

“Origin Energy Refinement or increase the total amount of Origin Energy!”

Su Hao without the slightest hesitation.

“Yes, you are Model Analysis, the consumption of that pothole…” Zhang Zongtian snorted. “There is less Potion in this feature. I will help you find it.”

Zhang Zongtian contacted Su Hao after a few minutes of communication.

“You don’t have a lot of Potions in this area. There are very few boutiques. I didn’t want to produce one of them at one time. But he has something to do now, and I will wait a few months. If you can wait.” When I let him send it, if you catch up with time…”

“Someone spent a lot of money and bought an expensive Origin Energy feature from the Association of Potion Masters headquarters. It will pass through Jinhua City in two days. Then it will be shipped here. The drug is unknown. It is said to be related to Origin Energy Refinement. I can tell you The one who made this Potion is a Potion Guru at the headquarters!”

Zhang Zongtian said cautiously.


Su Hao’s mind roared!

“Potion Guru ?!”

That’s a lot more than the Potion Grandmaster. This level of Potion Master, even if you make a Potion, will be robbed by countless people! Now, there is a Potion from Potion Guru flowing into Jianghe City… If the news is spread out, it will definitely be a bloody hurricane!

and many more……

Master, tell him this time…

What do you mean?

Su Hao looked up in surprise and watched Zhang Zongtian looking at him narrowly. “Isn’t it tempting?”


Su Hao smiled. “Which thing is it?”

“Sun Family.”


Su Hao eyes are bright!

“This news, some of the Grandmaster-class Potion Masters of the Association of Potion Masters know some, but there are few in Jianghe City. But it is also possible to leak out, so at that time, there are not many people who are tempted.” Zhang Zongtian Hehe A music, “Your boy, are you ready?”

“It’s not good to grab people or something.”

Su Hao is ashamed.


Zhang Zongtian just took him. “You are a stinky brat, are you going to bed at this time?”

“Master, pay attention to the image.”

Su Hao sweats.

Zhang Zongtian said with no anger, “When I finish the information, I will send it to you, and your kid will give me a go!”


Su Hao suddenly thought of something, “Master, 6 Absolute Potions, or not?”


Zhang Zongtian shook his head. “That thing, I can get it, but I haven’t met it. If you want, you can go to the Black Market.”


Su Hao just told the Master to leave.

Guru level Potion Master…Guru level features Potion… Although his function is unknown, but the word Guru alone is enough to make everyone crazy!

“Must get it!”

The rays of light abnormal in Su Hao’s eyes are bright!

Zhang Zongtian looked thoughtfully at the figure’s left body shape, the eyebrows were tight, the discipline knew that the temperament was not bad, the effort was enough, and there was also Innate Talent, acting cautiously, but the only regret is that…

Not enough!

There are too many concerns!

Every time you do something, you must first consider the consequences of failure. Even if you are about to become a Specialization Origin Practitioner, he still does! However, unfortunately, whether he admits it or not, Su Hao and Sun Family seem to be entangled in fate until the death of one party ends!

“What if you are yourself, what will Sun Family do?”

Zhang Zongtian thought about it for a moment, then smiled a bit strangely. “A bottle of Potion goes down, Sun Family is completely destroyed. How can these things happen in disorder?”

“Jianghe City ……after all is Su Hao’s hometown…”

Zhang Zongtian seems to understand something. “No matter how Su Hao takes the shot, he doesn’t want to mess around here. After all, he wants to leave a good place to live for his family! This kid… still think too much! Hope Sun Family, Can be the last step in Su Hao’s transformation!”

“Su Hao, when the teacher is looking forward to your rise!”

Zhang Zongtian smiled lightly and once again devoted himself to the study of Body Quenching Potion. The discipline strength climbed step by step, and he naturally did not fall behind!

He is bound to be. Will become the Potion Master that changes World!

The three-day time passed by.

Jianghe City outside the city, a silhouette wearing a black and blue uniform in the dark, shuttles, volatility, moving fast, unpredictable, like an elf. If the people on the road are here, you will definitely recognize this uniform. This Professional is definitely a legendary – delivery person!

Take the route that ordinary people don’t walk!

Send something that ordinary people don’t send!

No matter what. Even if you want a bomb. They are all delivered on time and on time, they are delivery people!

The delivery man is physically strong and shuttles through the forest, just between the suddenly. But stayed in place.


Coldly shouted in the air. It’s like a thunder!

“Hehe … is not a delivery person. This route is specially seen. You know how much energy Lao Tzu spent in order to find you?” The shadow of the forest. A Da Han, who came out and looked at the delivery person coldly in front of us.

“Things left, you can spare your life, get out!”


The delivery man is sneered, not at all with his nonsense, “kill!”


Two Origin Energy battles in the air, flashing out the rays of light, brightening the surrounding snow, like the whiteness in the dark night, clear and dazzling! And just under the snow of this large piece, on the big tree, there are scattered people ambushing several people! If it is not the light of this sudden, I am afraid no one can find these people!

The action of Da Han and the delivery man was abruptly stopped.

The mantis stalks the cicada unaware of the oriole behind, these people play a good idea!

“get out!”

Shout out loudly, the two quickly blasted the past to the places I saw just now. There were countless sounds of bursting sounds, and several silhouettes landed on the trees.

There are enough 3 silhouettes!

“Is you? Paralyzed, even take the benefit of the fisherman! Be careful that the food is too hard and collapse your teeth!” Da Han saw them also sneer, “Your forces dare to call Sun Family’s attention, Hehe, if let If Sun Batian knows it, you will have fun.”

“Hehe, aren’t you?”

One of them said with a malicious smile. “If you let him know that you are shooting, do you think you ran? Everyone, each other, depends on strength. I think it is better to kill the delivery person first, let’s divide it, otherwise … It’s not fun to have a mess.”

“it is good!”

A few people seem to be familiar with each other, and a few words, they have become alliances! The four people form the encirclement, and the delivery person is in the middle.

It seems that the iron heart is going to kill the delivery person first!

The delivery person is in the middle, not speaking. On this occasion, he has seen too much. With a double eye, four Specialization Level 1, with his strength, can’t kill these people, but if you delay the time or attract more people, you will lose more than you.


The delivery man twirled a small electronic component from his hand. The size of the thumb was average. It was made of stainless steel, like a ring. There was only one small button in the middle.


The delivery person pressed down and then dropped the electronic components.


A churning white light flashes out of the electronic components, and the strength/intensity of the light is ten million times stronger than before! Super high-frequency flash, flashing eyes around everyone! What is even more strange is that this high strength/intensity light does not exceed the 10 meter height, effectively controlling the propagation of light.

Along with a scream, the surrounding people were holding their eyes in pain, and the burning pain in their eyes made them unbearable.

The delivery man coldly smiled and his figure floated and seemed ready to leave again.

At this time, in a deep grass not far away, Su Hao quietly squatted there, completely motionless! Even if the delivery person is about to leave, he has not moved.

Because through the Flat model Map, he can clearly see that there is a huge red dot from the place around his 50 meters, where it is lurking!

There are people!

In addition to these outsiders, there is still a person lurking, and hidden so deep! Now, it depends on who they are patient!

Su Hao stared at the red dot.

The delivery person is leaving, you… are you planning to come out? (To be continued.)

Ps:clear understanding The festival is coming, are you ready to confess?

It is said that the clear understanding section is more successful than Valentine’s Day.

Because, if you are unsuccessful, you will be buried!

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