
a path of ice crystals falling.

Chen Yiran is in the shape of electricity, walking in the ice and snow World, within ten meters of the scale, the ice crystal moves with the mind, and is placed in a dangerous full of killing intent.


An ice crystal flashed and Chen Yiran shimmered sideways.


A stream of blood flashed, and Chen Yiran stopped and passed through the ice crystal in front of us. She could see that there was a blood on the cheekless white cheek.

She was injured!

Ice crystals that are manipulated by oneself!

“How could this be?”

Chen Yiran touched her hand, some pain, more, but heartache, because she knew. Although she is very convinced that Su Hao is still alive, at this moment, her heart began to shake… For so long, there is no news of Su Hao. Even because of Jin Family… But what about Bai Yi?

There is no news of Bai Yi people!

Relics of Ruins Two hundred Specialization Origin Practitioners, Can Su Hao escape?

Chen Yiran has some heartaches, standing there, some fascinating, beautiful on the face, but revealing a trace of confusion. For more than a month, she only let the pain of my heart be forgotten through the constant Culture and Culture! Forget the suspicion of the rise.

But now, it seems that it has not been sealed.

Gently touching the ice crystal in the front of us, through the crystal clear reflection in the ice crystal, you can clearly see, Chen Yiran a pair of beautiful eyes, some tears emerge, “stupid… tell me… tell me you are still alive. I No guessing, right?”


A drop of tears fell.


The wind outside the window blows away. The window swayed a few times and Chen Yiran lovable body trembled. It seemed a bit cold, letting the tears fall, and after a while, she recovered and determined. “I will wait for you anyway, wait until now!”

Under the reflection of ice crystal, her silhouette is so determined. However, after that reflection, it seems that there is still a white reflection, standing by the window, cold and mountainous.

“Is it an illusion?”

Chen Yiran shook his head, eyes opened again, there. The white shadow is still there.

“Su Hao!”

Chen Yiran suddenly turned his head, and there was nothing left by the window. Only the breeze moved and the window swayed. Chen Yiran smiled, “it is an illusion…”


Chen Yiran’s voice stopped. The whole person is set there. Because at this moment, a pair of arms, from behind, gently hugged her, the familiar temperature. Familiar Aura, she almost burst into tears of surprise.

Gently turned around.

Chen Yiran looks at the familiar Bai Yi in the front of us. Gently fading the hat and looking at the face of the day and night, just calm, hugged him, and then said softly, “You are back.”

“I am back.”

Su Hao hugged her lovable body.

The cold wind was a little cold, Su Hao opened the white robe and took her into it. For this girl with ice crystals like snow, he really owes too much…

For a long time, Chen Yiran looked up from the familiar warmth.

“Stupid, kiss me.”

Su Hao stunned, watching Chen Yiran close his eyes, a look of exquisite face, and then wake up, holding her, gently kissed.

The door of the training hall was closed.

The cold wind outside the window seems to have stopped.

One piece of clothes faded, revealing the beauty of Su Hao’s thoughts of countless times, which is such beauty and heart. I thought that all this would happen when the fire was burning, or under the guidance of one’s own embarrassment, and how passionate it was when faced with this moment.

However, when it really happens.

Su Hao found that only what he left was warmth, only endless love.

Holding Chen Yiran’s soft and lovable body, holding this softness that fits almost into the body, Su Hao just hugs her and integrates herself.

The two bodies are intertwined and lingering.

It comes from the fusion of spirit and flesh. Love and desire fade away at this moment, leaving only endless love, and Yiran’s thoughts on themselves these days. This girl with ice crystals like snow gave up all her pride and greeted herself under her body. Su Hao hugged her tightly and never let go of even a moment.

When the final moment came, Su Hao realized that the subconscious was like pulling out. But Chen Yiran pulled him back, so that the two were closer and closer. The sweat is sloppy and somewhat sticky. Su Hao trembled and his muscles stretched out. After a while, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Chen Yiran has a lot of blush on her face, an indescribable beauty, the clothes of the two are under her body, Chen Yiran takes away the red clothes, and draws a paper towel from the other clothes, carefully Su Hao rubbed sweat, like a little wife who loved the extreme.


Su Hao is even tighter. “Why did you stop me just now, are you afraid of getting pregnant?”


Chen Yiran was in his arms, but his voice was very determined. “If you are pregnant, you will be born.”

“you are still in school.”

Su Hao has a bitter smile. “You are still at school.”

“I can give up everything.”

Chen Yiran looked up and her eyes were very bright. “I said that the woman I love is zero. I didn’t believe it before, but now I believe that the woman I love is really stupid. But I am willing to be stupid. Silly waiting for you, to death!”


Su Hao only holds her in love.

If you have a wife, what can you ask for?

Covering the bodies of the two with Bai Yi, Su Hao slowly said all the things he had experienced these days, all the things, including when the Blue Dream Butterfly was thrown down…

Chen Yiran is very smart, but in front of Su Hao, it seems silly.

Su Hao is also very smart, but he seems to be stupid in front of Chen Yiran, who has no reservations about himself. How can you talk to your wife in front of your wife and throw a girl who is undressed? As the first brother of feelings, Su Hao was all in front of Chen Yiran’s tender attack, and said so openly.

However, after the completion, Su Hao felt that it was not right.

Days… How did you get a fever?

Can this kind of thing be all taken? I just had a relationship with Yiran. I even said this. Isn’t that meant to die? At the thought of this, Su Hao had some guilty conscience, although he and Zhang Yating did nothing.

And Chen Yiran, after listening to it silently, just gently licked him. “I won’t take such an adventure in the future. Your strength is not enough. It is too dangerous to go to this place! Zhang Yating is also a stupid girl. Looking back, I let father. Check it out and see if there is any information about Zhang Yating.”


Su Hao is awkward, and Yiran didn’t think about it at all.

Who is special to say that women are careful? Who said that women are very strong in this kind of thing? Who said that women are unreasonable in this respect? Who said that women are quite unreasonable in this regard? Look, this is the perfect wife of a good wife and a good mother!

Poor Su Hao children’s shoes, apparently did not notice the hint of crafty in Chen Yiran’s eyes. As a school flower, a brilliant and talented girl, Chen Yiran’s class is obviously a long-term sustainable development route. It is certain that Su Hao Under her tenderness, she couldn’t hold anything at all.

A wife is like water.

Tenderness is like fire.

Water-Fire was hard to blend, and the sweetness of the two people was a moment of warmth, and finally they looked at each other and finally couldn’t help it. They rolled over again and lingered together.

Tonight, it is destined to be a sleepless night.

The next day, when Chen Yiran had to go to school, Su Hao was reluctant to leave Sun Family. Of course, when I left, because the legs were a little soft, I was almost discovered by my father-in-law and killed him on the spot. Looking at the window, Chen Yiran snickered, Su Hao only smiled.


After leaving Chen Family, I received a message from Mingzhi. Su Hao discovered one thing, that is, the Hunter Organization, turned out to be a company!

Yes, that’s right!

the company!

When Su Hao saw this time, he was completely dumbfounded. He always thought that this was a title. Didn’t he think that it was a company? Is there such a company? Sun Clan Enterprise, Chen’s Enterprise is also a company, but in terms of Su Hao’s feeling, this is completely different in nature.

In this regard, Mingzhi’s explanation is that one is private and the other is private.

Of course, apart from that. The biggest difference is that the Hunter Organization strength is too weak! The distribution is loose, even if the quality is useless, so it has never been organized.

The Hunter Organization, located in the southern district of Jianghe City, is a small 2-Layer building with few of them, normally. The company that the Hunter Organization is, that is, the name of the Hanger, means that you are the Hunter of the field. It is enough to make a living. Time has long been a name, it seems to be a must-go process, a sign, only that.

No regulations, no benefits, nothing!

Everyone meets and is also killing each other!

It’s a messy organization, and it’s no wonder that the giants are scornful of such strengths, let alone the Specialization Origin Practitioner, and even if they do, they may not be organized. To sum up the Hunter Organization in one sentence, that is, a group of rabble!

Everyone is fighting for their own interests.

At this time, with the emergence of Su Hao, this organization seems to have a tendency to reunite. This is scattered in every corner of Jianghe City, the seemingly weak Hunter, when they are together, how many powerful?

no one knows!

On the way, Ming Zhi made an introduction to Hunter’s breakthrough focus, so Su Hao had a mental preparation. But when Su Hao really saw the Hunter Organization, he was still shocked.

This Damn, it’s more than broken…

This is simply a refugee camp!

A dilapidated 2-Layer white building, the roof is covered with dust, but the cleaning is clean, but at a glance it is known to be temporarily processed and cleaned today. When I saw this scene, Su Hao had some sadness for these Hunter. These people were mixed and mixed, and even the only meeting point was this. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to m. Read.)

Ps: The author who makes the soul pure as snow writes this kind of thing, hey, shame~

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