“I am back!”

Su Hao came out of the Jianghe City airport for a burst of joy, or a good hometown.

“煞 pen!”

“That’s what you just got off the plane.”

“I have never seen the world…”

Several people were shocked by Su Hao, and suddenly dissatisfied, Su Hao frowned, turned his head with a malicious smile, “Several grandchildren, what about your mother?”


Everyone was shocked by Su Hao’s face and pale!

That is how a face, awkward, horrible, like a cockroach, covered with the entire face, in addition to the horror film, who saw this face? A few young and young faces were white and almost scared away on the spot! I still dare to chew my tongue.

“No, nothing…”

The people trembled and said.

“Apologize, don’t know!”

Su Hao yelled at them, “haunted, let Laozi hands-on?”

“I am sorry…”

A few youngsters apologized for their pale faces.

“This is right.”

Su Hao is satisfied with the smile, just with the look of her face, how to see how terrifying, a student who looked at only a teenager was scared on the spot.


Su Hao is also dumbfounded, so sharp?

“Hey, bad uncle!”

A small girl next to him stood up and said to Su Hao, “Is it interesting to bully high school students?”


Su Hao is very innocent, “They swear at me…”

“Whoever makes noise at the airport, noise pollution in public. It’s time to be detained.”

The little girl’s words are sharp.

Su Hao turned his eyes and thought it was quite interesting. “You are not afraid of me?”

“Why are you afraid of you?”

Little girl is coldly snorted, “Your Origin Energy Force is just 10. My classmate Origin Energy Force is also 10! And my classmate’s big brother Origin Energy Force is 15. If you bully others, I will Big Brother who let beat you! “

“hit me?”

Su Hao dumbfounded, this is what I think, I opened the Origin Energy shield. The Origin Energy Force of the 20 point can only display 10 points. This girl should have some kind of Origin Energy Evaluation software, so I see through my strength. However, what classmates, but also the big brother of the classmates, is somewhat interesting.

Your relationship is so far away, does your family know?

Su Hao looked at the little girl’s film in front of us with great interest. The length is not bad. Although it is not as good as the little sister, it is also a natural beauty, but the age is similar to the little sister, suddenly with a smile, “Little girl, what big brother’s brass whisker. Know you?”

“When… of course I know.”

Little girl said with some guilty conscience, “He is my idol, the Big Brother, I like me.”

“Oh really?”

Su Hao adjusts said with a smile. “Then ask him to come over and see?”

“You… don’t be proud.”

The little girl squatted. “You are a bad guy. I am not familiar with the Big Brother, but if you bully me, Big Brother will help you with me!”

“pu – it was a secret love.”

Su Hao said with interest, so that the little girl blush heartbeat, “you, you just crush it, then bully me, I really makes me Big Brother beat you.”

“What about bullying you?”

Su Hao thinks that as Scar, as a rogue leader, he should do something that suits his personality, so he touched his face behind the little girl.

Well, very slippery…

“Little girl, how can I bully you?”

銆€ 鈥滀綘锛屼綘鈥[€[€

Little girl scared to step back, his face flushed, tears were out of gas, “You’re a bad man! I told Big Brother, let him beat you! My Big Brother but Natural Selection Class first place! War College into the future! You A bad guy, Big Brother will definitely kill you!”

After that, the little girl opened the Communication Device and actually contacted the past.


Su Hao smiled and looked at the little girl, but soon he felt a little something is wrong.

Natural Selection Class first place?

Very familiar with the hurry…

Although my own Origin Energy Force is a bit low, the Natural Selection Class is the best in the first place. It seems to be only oneself. Was it later that Zhou Wang got the first? In front of us This little girl is a friend of Zhou Wang? Just came back and molested my buddy’s friend. It doesn’t seem to be a good sign.

Su Hao has some guilty conscience, and she wants to slip away when she is subconscious. However, the first sentence after the communication of Xiaotoutou communication makes Su Hao dead.

“wu wu ……Ling’er, you haven’t come to pick me up… people are being bullied by the bad guys at the airport, wu wu… a bad Uncle with a scar on his face, everyone’s chastity is gone, leave it to you later Su Hao big brother…wu wu ……”

“My day!”

Su Hao suck in a breath of cold air.

He finally remembered it in front of us. Who is this little girl?

Little sister The classmate who often mentions himself, the one who regards himself as an idol, secretly crushes his High School’s Second Year junior sister, little sister, Xiao Yezi! Another, little sister to come over? I went, although he wanted to meet the little sister, but it was not this time.

36 strategems is on the road!

Su Hao wants to slip away.


Xiao Yezi is in front of him. “Bad man, don’t walk!”


Su Hao wipes the sweat and looks at the front of us. The young and lively little Lolita, “Why don’t you let Laozi go?”

“Hey, bully, I want to go?”

Xiao Yezi didn’t cry either, tsundere looked at him. “You must have heard my conversation. Right, my friend will save it. Hey, the bad guy, now afraid, late!”


A few youngsters next to me saw this Scar man scared, and suddenly he was not embarrassed. Each and everyone said with a head-up, “We are not afraid! Are you not a cow? Make noise pollution, bully high school students, molested girls, wait for the police to come. You must be caught in!”


Su Hao is ridiculous, this is all about it. The sullen glaring at the guys who started, “Kids. Don’t go out, Lao Tzu will interrupt your legs before the police come!”


A group of people ran exactly though.

Xiao Yezi is stunned.

“Little girl, you see, these guys are gone, what are you blocking, you wait for your friend, I will go first.”

Su Hao coughed. Turn around and leave.

Xiao Yezi opened his arms in front of him. “Don’t go! You… you still bully me!”

Su Hao licked her little chest that had just developed into a cobblestone on her chest. She was helplessly said. “Small girl, I want to bully and look for those beautiful Sister Zhi. You are flatter than the airport under my feet. I don’t even have the bully…”

“you you!”

Xiao Yezi’s face is red.

“Okay, don’t make trouble, I can’t do it wrong…”

Su Hao sighed then said that he was just about to say something. Suddenly felt a burst of Killing intent and suddenly he was shocked. Subconsciously grabbed the past, Berserk’s Killing intent instantly filled the air, and the subconscious was a punch that killed the past. Just after the fist just shot, Su Hao was shocked.

The other hand took advantage of the situation and pulled the shot to the side. A fist hit the stone pillar behind her.


A punch burst.

The pillar made of reinforced concrete was hit by a punch!

“Fortunately, people are fine.”

Su Hao relaxed. Looking at the shot, the pretty face, at this time watching him reveal a dignified expression, it is his clever and sensible little sister, Su Ling!

Long time no see ,Ling’er.

Su Hao said in the bottom of his heart.

“many thanks.”

Su Ling said softly, the sound is crisp and sweet.

Su Hao’s brow is a pick, and Scar’s rough voice can’t be heard. “Many thanks? I am the bad guy who bullies your classmates.”

“Yes, Ling’er, he bullied me.”

Xiao Yezi said.

Su Ling didn’t take a good look at her. “With people’s strength, as for bullying you?”

After that, Su Ling turned around and smiled apologetically. “Sorry, my friend is not very sensible. I can subconsciously explode when I encounter an attack, and the stone pillar will be pierced. Your strength is very strong. Just now When I am shot, I can pull me when I am in danger, indicating that you are not a bad person.”

so smart!

Su Hao sighs that it is worthy of his little sister, this analytical ability is not weaker than himself!

“How about my big brother than you?”

Su Hao said with great interest, “Xiao Yezi said, it seems that your big brother is very strong?”

Su Ling thought for a moment, then said arrogantly, “My big brother will definitely surpass you! Because he is still young, um… very young!”

This girl ……

Su Hao dumbfounded Laughter, usually, only in front of her, she will show a lovely side. In front of others, she is a genius in the world. She is a little sister of a genius big brother. It is a discipline cultivated by the school’s many friends. It naturally has its own pride.

For herself, she is really blind and confident.

“Well, two little girl, I am not interested in playing with you, and I will be careful later.”

Su Hao glanced at Xiao Yezi. “Your heart is good. However, when you are busy with your business, you need to know who is good and who is bad. You can’t look at your face and recognize people.”


Xiao Yezi also understood this time and quickly apologized. “I’m sorry. But you still touched me, so you are still a bad guy Uncle.”

Bad Guy Uncle…

Su Hao has a cold sweat, forget it, it is estimated that this bad guy can’t escape.

Finally, looking at the little sister, Su Hao shook his head and walked outside the airport.

Later, Su Ling looked thoughtfully at the silhouette of Su Hao’s departure. “Weird… Why do you feel so familiar… this feeling…”

Out of the airport, Su Hao was relaxed.

Wiping the sweat on the forehead, a little sad, the hooligans are not so good… Scar children’s shoes, how did you persist for so many years?

Frustrated and shook his head, Su Hao was about to leave, but saw a familiar person – Sun Yaotian!

“Su Ling is really here?”

“Of course…Su Hao…dead…Su Ling…”

A few of them heard the sound of Sosso, because Su Hao did not hear clearly because of the distance. But just these words make Su Hao’s eyes in the eyes of Killing intent!

Long time no see , Sun Yaotian ! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to m. Read.)

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