
Su Wan shook his head gently. For a long time, he calmed down his emotions and showed a regretful expression on his face. Was he doing something wrong?

“Master, is it better?”

Chen Yiran asked with some concern.

Su Wan glanced at her and said softly, “It’s Su Hao’s news.”

“Su Hao?”

Chen Yiran asked nervously: “Su Hao, what happened to him?”

Su Wan shook his head in a difficult time, “Su Hao…dead.”


Chen Yiran’s eyes suddenly widened, “Is it dead again?”

Su Wan: “…”

How she is sad, is also confused by Chen Yiran, what is dead?

“Oh it’s all right.”

Chen Yiran knows his words, his face is slightly red, and he vomits his tongue. He quickly shifted the subject. “Master don’t worry, slowly say, Su Hao?”

Su Wan sees this in front of us, Chen Yiran, who is not artificial, suddenly realizes, “You don’t believe he is dead?”

“of course.”

Chen Yiran raised his fist, “I believe he is fine!”

Since Su Hao Bai Yi floated and rescued her like a myth, Chen Yiran had some unconditional trust in Su Hao, and even some blindness, Su Hao will be fine!

“Even if this is the case, do you believe it?”

Su Wan silently, hesitated, or lighted up the Light Screen and turned it into a public mode. A message was suspended in the air. It was the Origin Energy Association, the internal death list of the Relics of Ruins. among them. Su Hao’s name is impressive!


Chen Yiran cry out in surprise, “Have he gone?”


Su Wan’s face is very unattractive. “If you know that he will participate in this kind of adventure, I will definitely stop him. This kind of large-scale Relics of Ruins, the depth of the water is very common, the whole army is more common. Just, I did not expect that we left a time. , actually…”

“He won’t die.”

Chen Yiran said firmly.

Su Wan looked at Chen Yiran’s serious expression, only sighing. When he died, why didn’t he be like this?

“However, Master, why are you so excited?”

Chen Yiran looked at her strangely and received news that Su Hao might have an accident. The Master’s reaction was much more than her.

“I am not worried about you.”

Su Wan shook his head with helplessness. It seems unintentionally, “Right, the school should also be informed of the death of Su Hao, who are unconditionally convinced of the Origin Energy Association. If he removes his College entrance examination qualification…”


Chen Yiran also remembered that Su Hao would return if he was canceled by the school for his College entrance examination. Isn’t it trouble?

“I am going to the Principal office!”

Chen Yiran immediately decided to leave with Su Wan and quickly left.

Su Wan looks at the silhouette of her departure, thoughtfully, flashing a strange expression in her eyes. Seems to think of something, his face gradually recovered blood.


The door of the Principal office was opened and suddenly opened.

Chen Yiran walked calmly into it. I was shocked by Principal. “Chen Yiran, what’s the matter?”

Chen Yiran indifferently said, “Have you received the death message from Su Hao?”

Principal nod, “I am preparing to deal with his business, anyway, after all our students in the Natural Selection Class, the school will announce that the family will also issue a large fee.”

“Absolutely not!”

Chen Yiran decisively stopped him. “I believe he is not dead, everything can be as usual, and by then, he will come back.”

“Chen Yiran classmate.”

Principal is full of smiles. “I can’t ignore it because you believe it.”

“This is not a problem I believe not to believe!”

Chen Yiran looked at him coldly. “My Natural Selection Class student, it is common to not come back for a few months. Can’t find the body, you dare to confirm the death message? If you can’t find the body, you can’t confirm the death! Could it be Principal? I don’t even know this common sense? If Principal wants to go it alone, I only let my father talk to you.”

After that, Chen Yiran went out.


Principal is helpless, “I have a temper with her father.”

Looking at Suo’s death file on the table, Principal indulged for a moment and finally put it on hold. Since Chen Family stopped this thing, he didn’t have to interfere. The young people who fall in love are generally unreasonable, especially if this party has an accident.

Moreover, what if Su Hao is alive?

Jinhua City, a nightclub.

Inside the box on the fifth floor, a young man hugged in the left and left, holding two young Sister Zhi molested ones, one smiled and smiled. At this time, the door was suddenly opened, and a younger brother came in with a panic. “Brother Chen, no, not good!”

“Not good.”

The young dissatisfied looked up and revealed an unruly face. It was the coin killer who appeared in Jianghe City, Brother Chen!

“What can I do? Jin Family or Hua Family?”

Brother Chen said slowly, it is not that he is arrogant, but Jinhua City in this district, how many people can hurt him? Even if Jin Family comes, he is not afraid! Even if he is offended by the power of Jinhua City, he is sure to leave easily! This is his absolute confidence!

“No, no.”

The younger face was a little white, “It’s a woman.”


Brother Chen dumbfounded, “On a woman? By, are you kidding? When will you be afraid of a woman? Wait… the woman you said will not be…”

Brother Chen said that in the end, the face is obviously unnatural.

The younger brother’s point nod, “is the woman on the photo you showed us.”

“Fuck, you don’t talk early!”

Brother Chen complexion greatly changed, and in the eyes of everyone around, I grabbed the coat and jumped out of the window. The closed window was directly Penetrated on time. Even more terrifying is that this is the fifth floor!

Everyone is totally dumbfounded.

Brother Chen what strength, they are too clear!


What kind of woman is it that can make Brother Chen fear like a tiger, scared to run? Didn’t even open the window at all, just rushing through the glass and rushing out?


Brother Chen stepped on the ground glass slag and ran away as soon as he smoked.


The chill of the sky is coming.

The ice edge of a path of sharp falls from the sky and covers all areas around Brother Chen. Brother Chen shivered and threw a coin subconsciously.

The horrible coin, shot again!


The coin went away again somewhere. However, just in the moment of going out, a strange blue ice frost appeared, and the moment instantly became the time of ice and snow. And that horror coin is enough to trigger the Hu Die / Butterfly effect. At this moment… it was frozen!

“叮dong! ”

The coins landed and they were crisp and sound.

A silhouette floats from the sky, and then comes the ice that hides the sky and covering the earth. In the night sky, under the refraction of ice crystals, what a woman’s body is lithe and graceful. Stroll through the ice crystals. Like a female godlike, looking at the silhouette of the wolf, I finally spoke up.

“long time no see ,Chen Ge !”


Brother Chen shook and didn’t know it was frozen. Still, the body that escaped finally got stuck there. Everyone knows that his nickname is Brother Chen. I don’t know, his real name is Chen Ge! Again, this familiar voice… Who else besides that witch? Chen Ge turned slowly and smiled.

“long time no see ,Su Wan !”

Su Wan’s slightly pale, gently slid his hair to the right of the ear, is so flowing and moving. But Chen Ge didn’t dare to move, because there was always a killing intent to lock him! As long as he dares to move, ushered in, it must be the attack of today, according to his familiarity with the woman in front of us, she must definitely go.

“Su Hao is dead, I want a reply.”

Su Wan is open, it is so cold.


Chen Ge complexion changed, “My previous time helped him solve the Sun Family thing. With his cleverness, he was definitely able to take this opportunity to shake the Sun Family.”

“It’s a matter of Relics of Ruins.”

Su Wan indifferently said, “He also went.”


Chen Ge whispered a word, rubbing the sweat on his forehead. “You wait… I have a friend who is proficient in this area. I will ask him to ask.”

After that, Chen Ge quickly contacted.

Soon, he got a reply.

“He is still alive.”

Chen Ge relaxed, “Although I don’t know what the situation is, he is not dead now. However, even if he has an accident, you don’t have to find it. You should know. We can solve some minor troubles, but will give him Bring a bigger crisis! His way, you still need to go!”

“many thanks.”

Su Wan’s face finally eased and turned and left.

“Are you still hating her?”

Chen Ge suddenly asked, Su Wan’s left body was stopped.

“You know, she is not wrong.”

Chen Ge whispered, “Our circle doesn’t even have any intersection with her circle. She is just an Ordinary person. You shouldn’t blame her anyway. After so many years, you can let go. I, still, he doesn’t want to look at you like this.”

“I’m very good.”

Su Wan said in a tranquil voice, “I have been teaching in the Natural Selection Class, and I have been very good.”

“What about her?”

Chen Ge sighed then said, “With two children, she is really bitter. You used to be sisters, and you end up with such an ending. You have not tried it, even if you forgive her once?”

Su Wan’s figure flashed and disappeared.

Chen Ge smiled and the ice crystals around the sky burst.

Jianghe City, cemetery.

A tombstone stands there, with a bouquet of white chrysanthemums, and some fruits, clean and tidy. Above the tombstone is a picture of a handsome middle- aged man, some cynical smiles, but very comfortable to watch, Su Tiancheng is engraved below. Three big characters, vigorous and powerful.

Su Wan stepped forward to the tombstone and the tears on his face had already fallen.

Gently stroking Su Tiancheng’s photo, Su Wan finally burst into tears and cried out loudly, like a helpless girl, “Brother… I miss you…” (To be continued. If you like this work Welcome to the starting point to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to m. Read.)

Ps: This chapter uses 3 hours.

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