In the Relics of Ruins, there was a thrilling killing.

At the forefront, Su Hao flashed like a phantom, with the body Origin Energy’s rapid consumption, stimulating the consumption of this Shadow Cloak, which was beyond his expectations.

At this rate, he can escape the Relics of Ruins in just one hour!

However, the strength of Jin Feng and the others is also unexpected.

His sudden escape, only took a few seconds advantage, I did not expect that just five minutes of time, the distance is directly closer to more than half, according to this progress, as long as one minute, it will be caught up by everyone behind! And once he stops, it will be killed in two seconds!

Specialized Level 5’s strength is so powerful!


As the lightning shuttles, the Flat model in Su Hao’s mind flashes, and the entire Relics of Ruins is all in his mind. He doesn’t need to consider anything else. Just follow a road and go to black. Of course, in fact, there is only one route for them to come in.

“It won’t work like this!”

Su Hao’s eyes are flashing, and the three Specialized Level 5’s Expert is the fastest and will soon be caught up. Once caught up, the hatred of everyone is estimated to be really bad. Pulling the package on his body, Su Hao recalls if there is something available.



Origin Energy’s tyranny reverberates in the corridor. Less than a minute’s time, Jin Feng is less than five meters away from Su Hao. As long as 10 seconds, you can kill Su Hao!

“Kid, this time I see where you are going!”

Jin Feng stared at Su Hao with a sullen look, and the Killing intent was permeated.

“Is it?”

Su Hao’s mouth raised a smile. “Jin Feng Senior, don’t forget, here is the Relics of Ruins. You have to be careful, not me.”


Jin Feng obviously startedled, but I haven’t reacted yet, suddenly felt the danger hit.

Origin Energy Defense !



In the corridor more than one meter wide, Jin Feng and Su Hao are only five meters away. However, these five meters seem to be between the two, not insurmountable. An Origin Energy Vortex exploded between the two, and the raging Origin Energy instantly burst out, and the horrific impact pushed the two away.

Su Hao, faster!

Jin Feng and the others, but they were retired by the birth, the chest shattered, and a trace of blood in the corner of the mouth was clearly visible. No one had expected that this time, there was such a thing.

“Origin Energy Vortex ?”

Everyone is dumbfounded!

“How can this be?”

Jin Feng stunned. “Is this stuff not only available when it is detected? How could it explode at this time? Is it Su Hao designed? No, no, Yao Haochen said so. It seems that only Origin Energy is fluctuating. Too strong, causing the reaction of Origin Energy Vortex.”

Jin Feng responded quickly, and after a little thought, he reacted.

I wiped the blood from the corner of my mouth and Jin Feng chased it up again.

“Surring the energy of Origin Energy, if it caused the explosion of Origin Energy Vortex, no one can save you!”

Su Hao glanced far away, secretly thought a pity, Specialized Level 5, too powerful! Origin Energy Vortex, that can be the presence of Insta-kill Specialized Level 1 and Specialized Level 2. In front of Jin Feng, such a close-range raid is only a minor injury! The strength of the Specialized Level 5 is evident.



The distance has already been opened, Su Hao escaped again, and everyone chased after him.

However, miserable is that each time they wait for Su Hao, Origin Energy Vortex bursts open. Once, it is luck. Two times, it is a coincidence. After ten consecutive occurrences of this situation, they are stupid and understand, Su Hao, can actually manipulate these Origin Energy Vortex!

Good terrifying!

In the minds of everyone, they all flashed such thoughts.

This is the ancient Relics of Ruins, Origin Energy Vortex, can manipulate Origin Energy Vortex, isn’t If Gods block, kill the Gods, if Buddhas blocks, kill the Buddhas? If it weren’t because of the Specialization Expert that was dispatched this time, just the Specialized Level 1 and Level 2, I am afraid that Su Hao single thought will be destroyed?

Subconsciously, those who fear Origin Energy Vortex slow down.

This kind of danger is better paid to Expert. Jin Feng, who was at the forefront, thought of another level. If Su Hao can manipulate Origin Energy Vortex, then all the dead Pathfinders on the road are not all…


Song Biao has a heartbeat.

It turned out that from that time on, this Su Hao began to calculate?

If the same pot of cold water was poured down, Song Biao’s furious mood was instantly calmed down, and all things were connected, and Su Hao was even more deeply taboo.

Terrifying teenager!

From the time of coming in, you will be step by step, turning everyone into a pawn, every step is carefully calculated, playing with everyone in the applause, Pathfinder’s collective demise… Origin Energy’s consumption… secretly cultivating the Mimesis Origin Tool… He was Su Hao suddenly provoked the wrath of the sky…

At this time, I want to come, every thought has been carefully thought through.

If this is the case, he did not consider the way back?

Song Biao frantically chased, finally calmed down and began to think.

Suruly, Su Bong, who was angered by Su Hao, became the leader of the action again, not just the Original Practitioner of Specialized Level 5. As a leader, the mind of his ordinary day is naturally very much. At this time, think about it and feel that there are many doubts.

“what happened?”

Jin Feng was keenly aware of the speed at which Song Biao was mad.

“Not too something is wrong.”

Song Biao whispered, full of jealous expression, “Don’t be tempted by Su Hao, this kid is step by step, every step must have a move. I am thinking, what is his next move.”

“Just him?”

Jin Feng is very disdainful. As an expert, he is naturally dismissive of this calculation. But Song Biao’s words, he also had to listen, “Can there be any problem, as long as you catch up with him, round and flat, is not let us pinch? When you want to let him die, how to die!”

“He can manipulate Origin Energy Vortex!”

Song Biao said with anxiety, “If he explodes all Origin Energy Vortex at the same time, all of us have to hang up! Even if his Origin Energy is not enough, five or six outbreaks can also block all of our roads, within a short time. I can’t chase him at all. Why didn’t he do this?”

“Do not worry.”

Jin Feng said with a sneer, “Don’t forget that he also motivated a Mimesis Origin Tool. Under this level of consumption, how much of his Origin Energy detonated Origin Energy Vortex? Didn’t see him every time unless the crisis moment, otherwise Didn’t you dare to detonate Origin Energy Vortex? As long as his Origin Energy is empty, he will be scrapped!”

Song Biao is in the dark nod.

Having said that, he always feels that it is not right.

With Su Hao’s savvy, can he not think of this?

Su Hao, what do you want to do?

In the midst of a lot of doubts, the distance between everyone and Su Hao is constantly getting closer. Every time you approach Su Hao, there will be an Origin Energy Vortex attack that slows everyone down. After numerous bursts, the rest of the people have long been left behind.

The only one who can keep up with Su Hao is only two.

Jin Feng, and Song Biao.

After half an hour of chasing and killing, everyone seems to have exploded all the potential. Under the rapid increase of speed, it is not far from the entrance. Whether it is Jin Feng or Su Hao, it seems that one thing is clear. The next time we meet, it is when we meet each other.



Jin Feng and Song Biao are approaching quickly!

“Su Hao, can you escape this time?” Jin Feng said with a sneer, “This time, I am competing with the mineral energy Vortex’s formidable power, and I will kill you! I will consider giving you a hand.” A whole body! If you stay with me, I can consider leaving your family. Otherwise…”

Su Hao does not move expression and continues to run away.


Jin Feng screamed and looked awkward. “Since you are courting death, don’t blame me for being impolite! Old Song, can’t be dragged! Up!”

“it is good!”

Song Biao took a deep breath, both shot at the same time!

At this point, the two people pulled in again from Su Hao, only five meters away, the Origin Energy broke out at the foot, and the speed increased again, directly killing Su Hao. Not surprisingly, at this time, an adjacent Origin Vortex suddenly burst open and rushed toward the two.

The two of them were shocked, but they did not stop at all.

As they said before, no defense, no stay, forcibly to withstand the entire origin energy of Origin Energy Vortex, also take Su Hao! Without the threat of Origin Energy Vortex, what did Su Hao do with the Expert of the two Specialized Level 5? Almost instantaneously, the two went to Su Hao.


Song Biao without the slightest hesitation came to Su Hao, Jin Feng was also among the rising of Origin Energy, and a stream of light came to Su Hao.

Killing strike of two Specialized Level 5!

The powerful Killing intent, which covers almost within ten meters of the scale, the cold chill, and the almost invisible Origin Energy, will lock Su Hao.

Su Hao, at stake!


It was at this time that Su Hao did an unexpected move. I saw him from the backpack, suddenly took out a white dress, included a large push Mimesis Origin Tool in his hand, wrapped it into a spherical package, then turned around and blocked the package in front of him.


Song Biao sneered, “Mimesis Origin Tool not cultivated, can it be useful?”



The attack of the two men was undoubtedly bombarded on the parcel, a strong attack broke out, and the raging Origin Energy swept away to Su Hao.

“pu ——”

Su Hao spit blood, the whole person flew out, and even the life of the blasted thirty meters far away, only smashed to the ground, there was no movement.

“Hey, look for dead end.”

Song Biao and Jin Feng are preparing to go forward. However, at this time, Su Hao, who has fallen to the ground, stood up slowly and let the two suddenly feel a little pass.

Su Hao, how could it still be alive?

Looking at the two, Su Hao showed a smile, and coldly left a word.

“Explosion!” (To be continued.)

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