
Everything is ready, Su Hao without the slightest hesitation.

The Structure Model was built in an instant. In a moment, Su Hao outlined the final Structure Model, and the horrific Origin Energy storm swept around and once again shrouded everyone. Unfortunately, most people’s models are still unable to be built. The gap between Foundation and Specialization is like a gap.


With Su Hao’s Structure Model, Jin Feng and Song Biao lead the crowds to open up. The grievances that had not been shot for ten days all vented. As the end of the passage was blasted, a temple appeared in the eyes of everyone.

Golden light !

Almost everyone’s eyes flashed.

The splendour of the glory, the brilliance of the glory, the light of the Yingying, even all the ruins are excluded, and there is no trace of smoke inside the square outside the main hall. On both sides of the temple there is a Buddha and a Vedic and Lu Tuo two guards. By the two sides of the wall and the shape of the twelve rounds, the eighteen arhats on the east and west walls, the center of the main hall, is a portrait of Fahuadao, natural and lifelike.

This is the real Ancient Ruins!

If you don’t come here, who can think of it, under the endless Relics of Ruins, completely preserve all the things of the ancient temple completely!


Every Buddha statue seems to be full of spirituality.

Or earrings, or weapons, filled with a cold and killing aura. The flickering fluorescence above it seems to indicate that these things are the Mimesis Origin Tool!

Every Buddha statue has a Mimesis Origin Tool!

So many Mimesis Origin Tool?

How can it be?

When is the Mimesis Origin Tool so worthless?

Does this mean that. Most people can get one hand?

Everyone is heartbroken.


When Jin Feng saw these things, his face changed, and the time that did not give everyone thought, the first time rushed up. Song Biao thought, and it was also yelled, followed by killing. With two shots, others naturally do not let it! Jinhua Two Families A total of two Specialized Level 5 Experts, City Alliance, there are also three Specialization Level 5 Expert!

The temptation of Mimesis Origin Tool…

Number of times the number of Buddha statues…

On-site slaughter atmosphere infection…

Five Experts teamed up with the release of the Specialization Expert. Instantly formed a pressure of pressure. The people are fighting like crazy. Immersed in the endless slaughter, the Buddha statue was destroyed. The unexpected confrontation did not appear, it was completely one-sided suppression!

Not quite something is wrong!

Su Hao felt a stunned jump.

Among the group of Buddha statues, only the one in the middle of the Fahua Dao is abnormal. Nothing unexpected. It is a Buddha statue that reaches the Specialized Level 5 level. Plus his Mimesis Origin Tool, strength horror, If Gods block, kill the Gods. Magic block kills the devil! However, under the siege of Specialized Level 5, the festival retreats.

As long as this statue of Fahua is defeated, it is over.

At that time, everyone will gather together, and each will be divided, will not be finished? However, inexplicably, Su Hao always feels that something is not something wrong.

Too smooth!

“Su Hao, not quite something is wrong.”

The sound of agile was remembered in Su Hao’s mind, and Su Hao was moved. “Little guy, what do you feel?”


The voice of Blue Dream Butterfly came, “I found a strange fluctuation between Jin Feng and Song Biao. It is similar to the frequency when I normally chat with you. I don’t know what is going on.”

Jin Feng ?

Song Biao ?

Su Hao broke out of bright light in both eyes, and looked at the two people who were fighting together. I finally understood where something is not right.

Tacit understanding!

These two people are too tacit!

Complement each other, the Fahua image is suppressed at a disadvantage, this is two mutually hostile people?

Go to his sister!

These two people are joining forces!

Su Hao looks calm, but her heart is thinking like lightning. There is no doubt that these two people are together, but why join hands? For the Mimesis Origin Tool? Yes, this time Mimesis Origin Tool has produced too much, but how do they know before coming?

and many more……

Su Hao suddenly thought of something, remembered what he had swept through, quietly turned on the Light Screen, and once again glanced at the Mimesis Origin Tool, the unpredictable feelings spread again, and looked at the Buddha’s image. After the quantity, he finally understood the plans of these people!

It is no wonder that Jin Feng will change his face when he sees these statues.

No wonder Jin Feng will rush to the first time.

No wonder Song Biao will rush together.

Previously 16 Mimesis Origin Tool, and now, in the main hall, full 35 pieces, add up, is 51 pieces! This means that the production of the ancient Relics of Ruins is as high as 51 pieces!

The Origin Energy Association, which once classified the adventure Ruins, is based on the number of Mimesis Origin Tool produced.

The number of 1 pieces to 10 pieces of Mimesis Origin Tool is One Star Adventure Ruins.

The number of 10 pieces to 50 pieces of Mimesis Origin Tool is Two Stars Adventure Ruins.

The number of Mimesis Origin Tool above 50 is the Three Stars Adventure Ruins.

When the 51 Mimesis Origin Tool appeared, it meant that the adventure Ruins was directly labeled as Three Stars Adventure Ruins! Of course, these are not the main points. The point is, according to the Origin Energy Association statement, when the Three Stars Adventure Ruins appear, it must be reported!

This is a hard rule!

So, when the number of production exceeds 50, it means that these Mimesis Origin Tool may even be completely taken away by the Origin Energy Association!

This is something that no force can tolerate.

and so……


Quietly, Su Hao directly cultivated the gray cloak in his hand, and the feeling of a bloodline connected to the heart, he knows that from this moment, this cloak belongs to him! “Since it is mine, I will name you. From today, you are called Shadow Cloak!”

Su Hao moved his mind and once again put his eyes on the pile of Mimesis Origin Tool.

Since you want to play, go ahead and play!



In the Buddha statue. The most powerful Fahua image was finally killed by the Expert of the Specialized Level 5! Everyone was happy and had no time to be happy. Song Biao took the shot and turned to the Specialized Level 5 Expert! At the same time, there are Jin Family, Hua Family, and the crowd, a Specialized Level 1 Origin Practitioner that looks like Ordinary.

Four people, all of them are Specialized Level 5!

Four to two, the result is no suspense. Two people in the city league. Was killed on the spot. The two-to-one number of people, combined with the absolute advantage of sneak attack, completed the once-in-a-gorgeous Insta-kill.

1 seconds!

Two Specialized Level 5 Expert, Fallen!

Everyone is stunned!

I’m watching Song Biao incredibly. As everyone knows. He and Jin Feng are itching each other’s teeth. How could it be suddenly…


Song Biao sighed and shot again.

Jinhua Two Families Three people, also unrelenting shots. After a few minutes. All city alliance people, death! Only the songs of Song Biao and his forces, 10 Specialization Origin Practitioner, and everyone of Jinhua Two Families, 20 Name Specialization Origin Practitioner! The three forces have no damage!

At this point, near 200 Name Specialization Expert, leaving only the 30 name, the rest of the people, the whole army is annihilated! Oh, of course, there are also students who are not far away to see the lively Su Hao…


too fast!

So that Su Hao didn’t respond at all, just at the moment when Fahua was killed, the scene was chaotic, and it ended in less than a minute.

Su Hao looked at the scene and swallowed a bit of saliva.

So skilled…

35 Mimesis Origin Tool is scattered on the ground, no one is going to smash, the enemy has completely emptied, and the rest are theirs, naturally no need to worry, and at this moment, Jin Feng finally turned his head and looked towards Su Hao .

Obviously, it is his turn.

Jin Feng did not start with Su Hao at the beginning, which also benefited from Su Hao’s role – non-combatants, a timid, kind-hearted, innocent teenager, a stupid student.

“you guys……”

Su Hao looked at them in panic.

Jin Feng is a arrogant expression. “Kid, I am still pleasing to you. Now this thought, you are such a naive boy. Students… I don’t know if you get in touch with society earlier. So dead. Sorry, because of special circumstances, you must kill you today. Don’t be so stupid in your next life!”

Jin Feng said, facing the two women next to Su Hao, “Do it.”

The expression of the two women’s eyes flashed, but they still condensed Origin Energy, ready to kill Su Hao, with their strength, as long as a single hit, only the single digit Origin Energy Force’s Su Hao will be on the spot. Get rid of it. Only, at this time, Su Hao spoke again.


Su Hao said faintly, revealing a very disappointing expression. “They all seem to know what is going on? You have to tell me why! I… I don’t want to die so unclearly! Right, I… I Join Jin Family. Isn’t it good that you and Song Biao Senior didn’t compete for me?”

Song Biao has some play with said with a smile, “You won’t take it seriously? tsk tsk, innocent boy. Fighting for you, just acting. It’s a Pathfinder, it’s not worth the price. Especially training Model Analysis Innate Talent, consumes over big big, not worthwhile.”

Jin Feng said with a sneer, “Well, this time Ruins is more difficult than we imagined. Yao Haochen accidentally died. You can help us a lot. Although you can’t spare your life, I will let you die.” in vain!”

Soon, from Jin Feng’s mouth, it reveals a heaven shaking plan!

In recent years, the number of occurrences of Origin Energy Storm has increased and quality has improved.

Especially on Ancient Ruins, once attacked by Origin Energy Storm, the chances of Three Stars Relics of Ruins appear to be countless times more than before! So every time there is an Ancient Ruins influenced by Origin Energy Storm, Jinhua City will start. If it’s just the Two Stars Ruins of the Ordinary, that’s it.

At least half of Jinhua Two Families, Song Biao’s power is once again split in half, and the Mimesis Origin Tool that eventually flows out is one or two, not worth shooting. But for example, this time… 51 Mimesis Origin Tool, Three Stars Ruins, must be reported to the Origin Energy Association! Eventually everything will be forcibly acquired by the Origin Energy Association.

Although the reward for Three Stars Ruins, the Origin Energy Association is highly competitive.

However, Jinhua City, need money?

Do not!

What they need is strength, absolute strength!

So, when Three Stars Ruins appeared, they would join hands to get rid of everyone, leaving only their own people. All the Mimesis Origin Tool, naturally belong to Jinhua City Jinhua City. Song Biao, who had been in Jinhua City Jin Family for a long time.

If these actions are discovered, the Origin Energy Association must destroy them with the thunder!

Therefore, an outsider such as Su Hao naturally becomes a character that must be sacrificed.

“You must die!”

Jin Feng’s words chop nails and sever Iron. (To be continued.)

Ps: Plus in the morning! Seeking a monthly ticket!

The brethren are too powerful!

Now only the 10 ticket from the chrysanthemum in front, exploding him, continue to add more tomorrow!

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