Yao Haochen solved the problem and the team pushed forward again.

After the scene just after, it seems that this section of the temple corridor has changed to Ordinary, the detection of the Pathfinder, and the recovery is normal again. After the detection of this horror, everyone also let go of their hearts. It seems that the situation just happened is just an accident. In the next situation, let Yao Haochen shoot it.

There have been two more situations in the middle.

Without exception, it was the sudden explosion of Origin Energy Vortex. When everyone was helpless, Yao Haochen appeared like a hero, saving everyone in Water-Fire, and then accepting the admiration and admiration of everyone. There is no doubt that this is a good show planned by Yao Haochen.

Debunk him?

Su Hao has been thinking for a long time, but still has no good intentions to expose his self-directed performance.

Take people’s money and fight people.

He took Yao Haochen so many good things, how can he be so debunked? Because when Hao Haochen’s classmates were able to solve the crisis, Su Hao quietly won another Card – High-level Origin Energy Control!

He is the level of Medium-level Origin Energy Control, 70.

If High-level Origin Energy Control Cultivation is completed, it can be upgraded to 100 points. Although there is only an increase in 30 points, for Su Hao, as long as it can reduce the cultivation technique consumed by Origin Energy, it is a good cultivation technique!

And again, Su Hao looked at his strength.

He hasin the body and now has five Cards.

Plane Origin Energy Refinement, 2 Star Card, progress 0%.

High-level Origin Energy Control, 2 Star Card. Progress 0%.

Free Afterimage Analysis, 2 Star Card, progress 0%.

Model Scope Expansion, 3 Star Card, progress 0%.

Primary Level model rehearsal. 3 Star Card, progress 78%.

In theory, reading the Three Stars Card Primary Level model preview is the best decision.

However, after Su Hao’s analysis, it is still with the slightest hesitation that all Origin Energy is used on the latest learning of the Three Stars Card Model Scope Expansion!

The Primary Level model rehearsal is the cultivation technique, which is the analysis and calculation for the deduction.

Only when you are proficient and familiar can you play an important role. Whether it is fighting or deducting. There has been a substantial improvement in all aspects, but the only thing that needs is time! Therefore, the Primary Level model is rehearsed, and the role of the Relics of Ruins is minimal.

Instead, Model Scope Expansion, this intuitive Culture. Can make his strength greatly improved!

After Card Reading is completed, it is completely here. While experimenting, while upgrading, there is no delay. Of course, the most important thing is that Su Hao has an arrangement for the use of Model Scope Expansion. Does the 3 Star Card consume a lot? A lot… But with the full support of Jin Family, it seems that it is not that much.

Now, it is an excellent opportunity.

Detection – drinking Potion – reading Card – detection, Su Hao’s actions become very fulfilling. The 10 Box High-level Origin Energy Recovery Potion is in place. With the unlimited supply of Jin Family, he let go of the courage to absorb. Three Stars Card, under this horrible deduction, the progress is abnormally fast.

In a horrible speed that Su Hao can’t believe, he sprints to the front.





Su Hao is completely immersed in Card Reading.

For others, the Relics of Ruins, which is killing intent, is a paradise for his strength.

of course. In the eyes of others, nature is another situation.

In the eyes of everyone, Su Hao seriously explores the terrain every time, and then exhausts all Origin Energy every time before he walks down pale, silently back to supplement Origin Energy, and wait until the next turn to him. And silently go up, so reciprocating, there is no complaint.

“Great boy!”

Jin Feng praised that Su Hao’s hard work and no complaints won the praise of Jinhua Two Families. The only thing that bothered them was that this moment of work, a box of High-level Origin Energy repair Potion, actually bottomed out… This is why the consumption of Origin Energy is over big!

When the average person goes down, the Origin Energy in the barrel is almost full, and Su Hao is a few bottles each time, and it is not expensive to have a ghost! If you can’t get the Mimesis Origin Tool this time, don’t say anything else, the loss of Origin Energy Recovery Potion is an astronomical number…


A wall was blasted and the temple corridor was once again blasted out, but this time, behind the stone wall was a black lacquered hole. A cold wind blew through and blew through everyone, feeling a cold.

“It’s so cold!”

“Yeah, this is so cold.”

“No… there is wind?”

Everyone instantly woke up, and the color of the surprise flashed in the eyes. In the invisible Relics of Ruins, it is absolutely unusual to have the wind!

“Be careful!”


The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became tense. Don’t look at the large number of Specialization Experts here. At this time, I dare not make the slightest effort. Each and everyone looked at the black lacquered hole with vigilance. In the end, a few rough and thick Specialty Experts carefully probed in and confirmed that the safety was correct and the talents were closely close behind.

Several tubes were put down, and there was a bright inside.

Everyone found out that the place to come is a temple! As a temple in Ruins, there are countless temples here, and at this time, everyone walked through the temple corridor and came to one of them. The spacious temple, which accommodates more than 200 people, did not feel any crowded.

Under the reflection of the light, within the temple, it is magnificent.

“It’s so beautiful!”

“Yeah, it’s the landscape of Ancient Ruins. The practical value tentatively doesn’t say that these antiquities can only be seen in the movie.”

“It should be worth a lot of money to bring it back.”

Everyone has a lot of theory, Jin Feng and Song Biao look at each other, but they feel a little unusual.

It’s amazing!

The entire Ruins has become ruined, and it is safe and sound, absolutely problematic. only. Soon the two thought of something, but the expression of surprise in the eyes… It is only possible to protect this place. Here, the Mimesis Origin Tool is born!

It is not only them who can think of this, very quickly. Everyone seems to know that each and everyone is looking around, looking for a strange item within the temple.

Maybe it’s a Mimesis Origin Tool!

No matter how strong the strength is, in front of this powerful thing, you can’t help but temptation, Mimesis Origin Tool. That’s enough to make it easy for Exvined Level Insta-kill’s Divine Artifact!

Just when everyone was looking around, Su Hao alone, stayed alone, holding the Potion bottle in obscurity, pouring a bottle down, and recovering Origin Energy with the body. This situation is seen in the eyes of Expert. Naturally, I feel very bitter…

“cough cough. Su Hao, you are not looking for?”

Jin Feng asked with a smile.

Su Hao shook his head slightly. “I am a non-combat professional, it is useless. My Task is to help you detect the structure of the building, naturally it must be done seriously.”

“it is good!”

Jin Feng sighs with a sigh. “You are a teenager like you.”

Su Hao shyly scratched his head.

Less, less your sister!

He wants to take it, but has he got it? This group of grandchildren, when they entered the door, even said the mode of splitting. Even if someone is lucky enough to discover the Mimesis Origin Tool, isn’t it left for these big forces? So, instead of giving others the hard work, it is better to sprint the Three Stars Card safely.

I have to say that the resources of Jin Family are really rich.

This moment of effort, Model Scope Expansion, Zhang San Star Card, has already achieved half the progress. It won’t take long for Perfect to break! By then, his strength will rise dramatically! As for the danger here… Well, has a wool relationship with him?


Su Hao is playing his own selfish calculations, and suddenly sent a tragic sound, causing a panic on the scene.

A Specialization Expert, even if the strength has not yet erupted, was pierced by a bronze arm, bursting open, and then a bronzed silhouette from the sky, standing in front of everyone, eyes full of enthusiasm, full of endless Murderous Qi!

This is a bronze Buddha statue.

The strange face, the bronze body, is the so-called Lohan that is common in the temple, but after The Era of Origin Energy, these things are basically extinct. It is only possible to see it in a similar Ancient Ruins. So when everyone saw this thing, it was really shocking.

“This… what is this ghost thing?”

“Mimesis Origin Tool?”

“do not know……”

Everyone was taken a step back and found the joy of the Mimesis Origin Tool, instantly disappeared without a trace. Bronze Buddha statues are not terrifying, terrifying is that this thing is alive!



I saw the bronze dragon who was sitting in the disk, and slowly stood up!

The violent Origin Energy Aura, which broke out from its with the body, pressed directly to the public and instantly surprised everyone. This strength is absolutely above the Specialized Level 3!

It’s no wonder that Insta-kill has dropped a Specialized Level 2 Expert.

The powerful momentum made Su Hao’s chest boring, and Jin Feng instantly appeared in front of Su Hao, gently blocking the attack of the bronze Luohan.

“Don’t look at it, be careful.”


Su Hao sneaked back.

Looking at the Jin Family people in front of me, some to blush with shame, this strange atmosphere, let him have a local tyrant to go to the gold group to consume the feeling… Pathfinder identity of the Perfect role, revealed at this moment undoubtedly.


In the city alliance, a Specialized Level 4’s Expert was released. It was shaped like a power, and it was shot on the bronze arhat. The bronze statue of the Buddha was instantly shattered and turned into countless pieces. .

“Oh, but that’s it.”

This Expert sneered, but still not proud of it, all around looking around, his face changed.

Around the crowd, the ground trembled, and then dozens of bronze Buddha statues slowly came out from the surroundings and surrounded them all. These Buddha statues are different in appearance, or sly, or angry, or joyful, but no matter what kind of expression, this is full of Killing intent.

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