“What to do, go up.”

Jin Cheng urged the way behind.


Su Hao clicked nod, swept the crowd and even saw the ridicule on the faces of the people in the Union City. I have to say that the Pathfinder of Jinhua City is indeed shameful.

“Jinhua City has raised his own feet this time.”

“No, Hehe, a bunch of people add up, can’t compare with a Yao Haochen. This time, as long as Yao Haochen is playing normally, the final profit, more than half of it must be our city alliance.”

“That’s it, but there is no possibility that there is no counterattack. Isn’t there one left?”

“He? You must have not installed Origin Energy Evaluation software, Ha Ha, Origin Energy Force 8, and counterattack? You have to laugh at me. If he can attack, I will eat the shoes.”

“Khan! 8? I really didn’t pay attention.”

Everyone pointed fingers, Su Hao stood there indifferently, and did not change his face. Only the corner of his mouth occasionally showed a smile, which seemed to ridicule everyone.

“What ability is this kid?”

Jin Feng in front of us One bright, calm and calm in front of so many people, this kid has a good attitude.

“Model Analysis.”

Jin Cheng reports.

“Oh? Is that Yao Haochen’s ability?”

Jin Feng in front of us One bright, “This kid, although only the number of Origin Energy Force, but this ability seems to be a good Pathfinder. Yao Haochen 20 points Origin Energy Force, Pathfinding 30 meters. This kid 8 point, ah… …how can you take Pathfinding for a dozen meters?”

Jin Cheng to blush with shame.

Where is this counted? Origin Energy Force If you can also use addition, subtraction, multiplication and division for comparison, and what to fight, everyone will come up, it will not be better than the Origin Energy Force…

However, for Su Hao, he really has some expectations. As long as 10 meters have passed, well, as long as 10 meters have passed, even if you lose, Jinhua Two Families will look a little better.

“hu ——”

Su Hao took a deep breath, his body suddenly turned a little, and gently pressed to the ground.

Model Analysis, start


A powerful Origin Energy wave rushed toward the surroundings. This time, Su Hao was not hidden, and even the arrogant one expanded the range a lot.

Almost at the same time, countless Origin Energy fluctuations swept away in the place, some Expert complexion greatly changed on the spot, almost shot on the spot, but thought of Su Hao’s identity, and relaxed.

He is Pathfinder.

The ability is Model Analysis.

This is the recognized assistant name Innate Talent. It has no ability to hurt people. It has the same ability as Yao Haochen, but the performance is completely different. Compared with the quietness of Yao Haochen’s detection, Su Hao is so arrogant when he uses his ability. Origin Energy’s volatility is horrible.

“The poor Origin Energy Control force.”

“Yeah, it’s almost impossible to compare with Yao Haochen. How much is it so much? How much is it consumed? There is only the Origin Energy Force of 8. This speed is estimated to be quickly consumed.”

“Yeah, it’s a long way from the realm of Yao Haochen.”

The crowd said again, Jinhua Two Families’s face was black again, even if they didn’t say it, they could see it, this movement… Damn is overly big! Not to mention the Specialization Expert, even in Pathfinder, the Origin Energy Force only has 5 points, and you can feel the sharp Origin Energy fluctuations.

Yao Haochen’s face showed a trace of disdain. At the beginning, he felt Su Hao’s Aura and wanted to use him as an opponent. But when the safe and concealed Model Analysis was displayed from Su Hao, his face changed.


Model Analysis is like this, it is a shame in the model world!

Not far away, Jin Feng is also a bitter smile.

Counting on an Origin Energy Force with only 8 points, he really thought too much…



A wave of Origin Energy volatility spread around, and everyone liked to watch Su Hao’s horrible Origin Energy consumption, with keen interest pleasure guessing that he could hold for a few seconds. However, I don’t know if they know that at this moment, if their trump card is all exposed in Su Hao’s eyes, can they still laugh?



Each and everyone Character Model flashed in the mind, the combination of Origin Energy Evaluation software and Model Analysis, the strength of everyone is clearly visible in Su Hao’s eyes.

300 comes to people, 200 Specialization Expert!

Model Analysis swept through everyone, and most of the Analysis Experts fed back undetectable results, but there are still 10 individuals, although with the strength of the Specialization, but the older Innate Talent is not strong, and the full exposure is unobstructed. In the perspective of Su Hao.

The chance of 5%!

In 200 Specialization Expert, only 10 can detect it, and this probability is really low and horrible. Moreover, even if this 10 individual can be modeled, once Su Hao is eyeing, the Origin Energy fluctuation will appear and he will be killed directly. So, every time I see the Specialty Expert, Su Hao is very sad.

Just like seeing a Treasure House, there is no key.

But today, it is an exception!

Is Origin Energy fluctuations not easy to find? Then let you discover! The horrible Origin Energy volatility, the direct open and aboveboard exposure, so that everyone shocked, in this case, who will Su Hao shot?

no one!

now it’s right.

This crisis-ridden Relics of Ruins will be a crazy feast for Su Hao’s harvest!

Su Hao sneered, remember this 10 individual, the Character Model is built, the first time, sweeping away the countless Cards they have with the body.

Origin Energy ** aspect. Some people have mastered the Primary Level Origin Energy Transition Technique, and some people have mastered the High-level Origin Energy Transition Technique. The most violent ones have even mastered the higher level of priming, Primary Level. Origin Energy Star Attracting Technique ! Origin Energy Star Attracting Technique …… Su Hao glanced at the buddy and remembered him. Once he has completed the High-level Origin Energy Transition Technique **, he can start the Origin Energy Star Attracting Technique!

Innate Talent specialization, more, a variety of magical specializations, but unfortunately, has nothing to do with Model Analysis, you can only look at it.

The Origin Energy Technique’s Card is also quite the same. Su Hao regrets that the Origin Energy Technology of the Origin Practitioner is the exclusive Origin Energy Technique of Innate Talent. It is similar to the Universal Origin Energy Technique, which is similar to the Mountain Crash. It seems that Cha Lu was able to learn this and it was luck.

After reviewing the strength of the crowd, Su Hao instantly made a decision.

Origin Energy **, from these Specialization Experts!

Origin Energy Innate Talent class, start with Yao Haochen!

My own business is busy, Jin Family’s account of the in any case also has meaning, Su Hao secretly calculated, Terrain Modeling started instantly.



Su Hao’s eyes flashed a strange ray of light, the surrounding scenery, the architectural structure of the entrance of the Relics of Ruins, and the location of each Origin Energy Vortex is clearly visible.

Su Hao both eyes slightly closed, feeling the state here.

At this time, everyone around him looked at him with amazement. “I am second to none, this buddy is very fierce. The Origin Energy Force 8 point can last for so long? It seems that it should not be far away.”

“That can be said, it wasn’t just a buddy who spent half an hour trying to detect 5 meters.”

“Oh, that’s it.”

“Hey, look, he can’t hold on.”

In the eyes of everyone, Su Hao persisted for a while and finally fell into disrepair. He looked at him with a cold and sweaty face, and his face was pale. It was obviously consumed by Origin Energy.

Jinhua Two Families All Pathfinding, by Yao Haochen One Insta-kill!

Su Hao swayed and almost fell.

Jin Cheng quickly helped him, “How about Su Hao?”

“Nothing, Origin Energy is empty.” Su Hao said palely.

“Hey, you are too desperate.” Jin Cheng forced a smile and said, “Look at the few, even if you are exploring three or four meters, you are not willing to spend your own Origin Energy, you just got it.”

Su Hao shook his head. “I don’t want to lose to them!”

The city alliance was first startled, then laughed out, with courage and perseverance, you have to have strength, right? There is courage and a wool role.

“well said.”

Jin Feng sneered, patted Su Hao’s shoulder. “No matter how many meters your kid detects, just rely on your words, this time I cover you!”

Su Hao smiled and connected to the detection Light Screen to display the images he had detected through the virtual computing screen.


Countless beautiful routes are drawn at this moment.

After everyone glanced at it, all of them shook!

“My second time!”

“Radiant tentatively not to say, this probe mileage has turned to 35 meters!”

“Insane! The Origin Energy Force 8 point can also detect this far, and the boy’s understanding of ability is very thorough.”

“Yeah, if Origin Energy Control is too weak, Origin Energy is too volatile. Maybe it can be better than one floor. Unfortunately…”

The crowd was shocked, Jin Feng apparently stunned, and then his eyes appeared bright light, “Ha Ha, Su Hao, right, um, good! After going out, follow me to Jin Family, Jin Family gives you a big gift.”

“many thanks.”

Su Hao smiled and smiled at Yao Haochen.

Yao Haochen said with a sneer, “Don’t be proud, I only used half of Strength. If I try my best, I can at least detect 50 meters! What about you? But 35 meters, I am tired of becoming a dog, what is the qualification for arrogant? ?”

When everyone listens, isn’t it?

When Yao Haochen detected it, he underestimated it. Although Su Hao seems to detect farther miles, it is obvious that the strength is not good, and the gap is still small.

“So what?”

Su Hao seems to be stimulated by Yao Haochen, his face is red and pointing at him. “I am more efficient than you anyway! Isn’t it necessary for Origin Energy? As long as there is Origin Energy Recovery Potion, Origin Energy’s recovery is not a problem at all.”



Jin Feng in front of us, it seems to be awakened at once, and immediately patted Su Hao’s shoulder. “That is, afraid of a hair! Kid, Origin Energy Recovery Potion, this thing, our Jin Family is the most lacking, How much you want. You can safely detect it, no matter how much Origin Energy Recovery Potion, I have provided Jin Family!” (To be continued.)

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