Model Analysis starts directly and is evaluated against this actor. Unfortunately, the Zhang San Star Card didn’t get it, and Su Hao’s own deduction was really too weak.

The first preparation…

The second preparation…

The third preparatory plan…


Su Hao without the slightest hesitation establishes this and everyone action plan, and then, after a lot of analysis, passes the unreasonable part, considering every dangerous part that this action may encounter, and when it is dangerous. The solution. Like snowballing, layer analysis is getting more and more expensive.

His Origin Energy is dropping at an incredible rate.

After a long time.


Su Hao’s bright light flashed in the eyes!

The initial deduction has reached the limit, and with his ability to push down and then analyze it, Origin Energy’s consumption will not keep up. Before he mastered the Zhang San Star Card, he could only get to this point.


A slight tremor caused Su Hao’s heart to shake.

Communication Device rang.

However, it is not the one on his wrist, but in the package, the special Communication Device! The long-lost Task is coming!

After leaving the seat to the bathroom, Su Hao took out the Wandering Organization Communication Device.


Wandering Organization Assassination Task

Target person: Jinhua City Jin Family disciple, Jinhua City Hua Family disciple

Target location: Relics of Ruins.

Task Reward :

Jin Family disciple 100 points Slaughtering Value.

Hua Family disciple 100 points Slaughtering Value.

Jin Family Specialization Expert, 1000 Point Slaughtering Value.

Hua Family Specialization Expert, 1000 Point Slaughtering Value.


“this is……”

Su Hao pupils shrank. Good reward!

During this time, when he was bored, he also had a little understanding of the Wandering Organization. In a way, Slaughtering Value seems to be more precious than Task Points. And this time, Task Reward, is still so rich. Even more than the last reward for Jianghe City!

Obviously, this is someone who is struggling to cut the strength of Jinhua Two Families.

“Jin Family…Hua Family…”

Su Hao snorted. This time, he accepted the Jin Family’s Task, which belongs to the Jin Family side. Under normal circumstances, you should tell Jin Family if you see this kind of Task information. Let them prepare early. As he did last time to Chen Family, but this time, Su Hao did not.

Instead, I chose “Accept!”

The fool is not picking up!

The death of Jinhua Two Families has a wool relationship with him?

If you are in a chaotic situation, the chance to kill one is to make a profit. If you don’t have a chance, you will pull it down, and you won’t lose anything anyway. For him, it is a icing on the cake, this Task. Why not?

In fact, this Task, if accepted, can not even kill an Ordinary disciple. Will lose the reputation value, but for Su Hao it does not matter. Until now, he did not know what state he was in the Killer Organization.

Not to mention the value of the credibility.

Task accepted, Su Hao accepted no psychological obstacles, it seems that he did not realize that he has unknowingly changed in several consecutive confrontations with Sun Family. From that one, he is not guilty of the world, hesitating. Even some weak and naive high school students have become a sophisticated, decisive, and savage Hunter!

Su Hao’s acceptance of this society is unexpectedly high.

“Even the Wandering Organization sent a Task…”

However, after accepting this Task, Su Hao was a move. This time, the Relics of Ruins obviously attracted wide attention, and even the Wandering Organization issued the Task. So – what about other places?

Su Hao quickly opened the school’s Task panel.

Searching for Relics of Ruins is not surprising, without any information.

The school is mainly fighting, and the training is also the Origin Practitioner. Participating in this kind of Specialization Expert running in the ground is like a dead end!

However, if the school does not have it, it does not mean that Origin Energy does not.

Su Hao quickly converted the target. After searching again, he jumped out of a small line. “Sorry, your Origin Energy Force is too low to view.”

Su Hao smiled bitterly.

The Origin Energy Force check is re-executed. When the data is updated to 16.1, the search is performed again. A row of Task information jumps out. Interestingly, on the above, Su Hao found a small banner.

“This character information is only open to the Origin Practitioner above the Origin Energy Force 15 point!”

Originally this way!

Su Hao stunned, this is to prevent those who are covered by greed to die. Because human greed is really unpredictable, he can be sure that if these Tasks are open, this news is fully announced. Under the Origin Energy Force 10 point, Hunter dares to join in the fun and see if there is any chance to be cheap. Developed and the like.

Shaking his head, Su Hao continued to watch.


“Architectural blueprint Task.”

Task Star Level : Three Stars

Task Requirements: 15 points above Origin Energy Force

Task Introduction :Relics of Ruins, because of the influence of Origin Energy Storm, has created a new environment. Those who went to the Relics of Ruins did not collect the Architectural blueprint of the Relics of Ruins to contribute to the Origin Energy Association study. (When the Task is completed, all information of the Task Completer is completely confidential, and Task delivery and completion are performed from the network.)

Task Reward: 1000 million Star Dollars.

Task Publisher: Origin Energy Association.


“Architectural blueprint Task ?Origin Energy Association ?”

Su Hao has already understood a few points.

Presumably, the Origin Energy Association wants to study the environmental impact of Origin Energy Storm based on the Ancient Ruins Architectural blueprint from Origin Energy Storm and the Relics of Ruins blueprint after Origin Energy Storm. As for the sentence in brackets, it is even more interesting. Although the Origin Energy Association’s family is big, it can’t be any force. But people who do Task can’t.

This sentence is obviously for the people of Task.

Because under normal circumstances, going to such places to explore, are absolutely not allowed to leak. Into this, it is completely open-minded qualification, once and twice, how many times are possible! The place where people have worked hard to open their lives. Let you sell it when you are light, this is not to attract hatred.

However, the Origin Energy Association has a big family, and even if others see it, they can only get rid of their teeth and swallow it…

“Interesting, this Task is exactly what I am.”


but. When Su Hao accepted it, instead of using his own Communication Device, he used Scar’s Communication Device. In this case, if he has something to do later, he can hold it. It is done through the network, and it is handled like this. Safe, reliable and concealed.

Looking down again, Su Hao spurted out of the old blood.

Although I know that the Origin Energy Association never puts the Ordinary forces in the eye, I never thought about it. The gap between the two is so much.

This is completely bare-naked contempt!


“Mimesis Origin Tool acquisition.”

Task Star Level : Three Stars

Task Requirements: 15 points above Origin Energy Force

Task Introduction: Unlimited acquisition of the Mimesis Origin Tool. (When the Task is completed, all information of the Task Completer is completely confidential, and Task delivery and completion are performed from the network.)

Task Reward: Each Mimesis Origin Tool 1 Billion Star Dollars.

Task Publisher: Origin Energy Association.


1 Billion Star Dollars?

Unlimited acquisitions?

Origin Energy Association really opened this mouth!

If you really want 1 billion Star Dollars to acquire Mimesis Origin Tool, Jianghe City is really strong strong. The last time I wouldn’t be abused, I couldn’t bear it. These people, who is not worth hundreds of millions? Throughout Jianghe City, that day, there was a Mimesis Origin Tool, still in the hands of Chen Haonian!

The value of the Mimesis Origin Tool is no longer measurable!

Whoever sells 1 billion is really a fool.

but. Su Hao always feels that the Origin Energy Association, the Task, is mainly for those who master the Mimesis Origin Tool but can’t shoot for some reason. Especially at this time, this place, the release of this Task, is simply a person who is in the hands of the public, “Look, do it! Don’t be afraid of offending who can’t sell it. Look for our Origin Energy Association, make sure you are satisfied.” “”

Origin Energy Association This is also dark enough.

Su Hao wiped the sweat and continued to glance down.


“Relics of Ruins record.”

Task Star Level : Three Stars

Task Requirements: 15 points above Origin Energy Force

Task Introduction: Every adventure is a rare experience and a great experience. Carrying a silent detector, recording every scene along the way of the adventure, every battle, every confrontation. As one of Ancient Ruins, the adventures of today’s Relics of Ruins are more worthy of record.

Task Reward: 3000 million Star Dollars.

Task Publisher: Origin Energy Association.


Second Olympics!

Su Hao heartbeat, and this kind of Task?

He is too clear about the sound detector. When he first hit the school Ferocious Beast Domain, Bai Xiaosheng used him a silent detector to report his situation to everyone in real time. After all is in school, using a silent detector is just to better show the effect, make more money Task Points.

But at the Relics of Ruins…

Never use!

Not only can’t you use it yourself, you can’t let others use it! That kind of group exploration, you pit me, I hang your place, dare to use this thing, it is definitely dragging the taunting aura! It is a ban on the use of silent detectors during the expedition.

“This Task is too joking, give up!”

After the Task was finished, Su Hao sat back in place.

After a while, the plane fell and Jin Family came to the airport to pick up the plane. Lin Yue took the flight back, and Su Hao followed Jin Cheng. With Jin Family, everyone went to Jin Family.

Jinhua City is very big, many times larger than Jianghe City.

The level of prosperity and the overall level of life are even higher. Jin Family is the signature company of Jinhua City. Su Hao stayed at Jin Family for a few days. Everything was intelligent and fully automatic, which made him feel like he was from the village to the county.

Two days of time, energy recovery to Peak.

And just on this day, the people in the city finally arrived, and everyone who could not wait, finally got up and rushed to the Relics of Ruins, a heavyweight confrontation, coming soon!

“Miao pene, no pop-up window, update fast, remember”

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