

Meng Tai struggled with his life. After Su Hao took various Potions, there was Strength struggle. This strength is much stronger than Cha Lu! However, no matter how he struggled, Su Hao’s figure was completely motionless, one arm held him tightly, and one hand blocked his mouth with a wet towel.


Su Hao sneered.

The bright light flashed in the eyes, Model Analysis flashed past, and the reason why Meng Tai was not directly poisoned was because he still has some use for Cha Lu.

For example – at this time.

Model Analysis, start!

Character Model !


Meng Tai’s model was built successfully, countless Cards were shaking around, and Su Hao glanced at it and found a Card that would make him a big harvest.

High-level Origin Energy Transition Technique !

Sure enough, Meng Tai really learned! High-level Origin Energy Transition Technique Major in the amount of Origin Energy and recovery. For the general Expert, the Medium-level Origin Energy Transition Technique is sufficient. The main focus is on improving Origin Energy’s formidable power and strength/intensity. Only when Origin Energy is not enough, will the Origin Origin Energy Transition Technique be used.

So don’t look at Cha Lu itself as a Specialization Expert, but only the level of Medium-level Origin Energy Transition Technique.

Origin Energy cultivation technique has little to do with strength. The main thing is that Origin Energy Innate Talent has a need for the number of Origin Energy. High demand, naturally learn more. The demand is small, and it is natural enough. Of course, like Su Hao, almost no amount of Origin Energy Innate Talent is very rare.

Card Model !

set up!

“Card selection completed…High-level Origin Energy Transition Technique…Card Model Analysis…Card Model is in the building…Card Model is starting to build…”

After a few seconds, the Card Model is set up.

Su Hao’s mind, once again, a gray Card, High-level Origin Energy Transition Technique!

Meng Tai’s struggle became more and more powerless, his pupils were scattered, and he gradually lost his consciousness and fell to the ground. Su Hao threw him into the hospital bed, wiped his hands, and then walked out faintly.

“I just gave you the Team Leader treatment. Don’t bother him within two hours.”

Su Hao open and aboveboard went out, and the two bodyguards quickly complied. Just outside, when the three of them chatted, the bodyguard called Xiaoliuzi. He has already boasted about how many cows this doctor has. Even the chairman of the board dared. The cliff is the character they can only look up to.

Model Analysis launched.

Su Hao with no difficulty avoided the so-called leadership, went to an unmanned medical room, and took off Bai Dian. Lightly fluttering out of the window.

Swing a sleeve and don’t take a cloud.

The night is deep.

Sun Batian walked into the house with a tired face.

too tired!

After coming out of the hospital, he rushed to the Golden Nightclub without stopping. As a result, Unfortunately saw Sun Yaotian kneeling on the woman’s belly and rushed up when the fire was on the way! Every time, when everyone kills him, the Sun Family Young Master is always doing this kind of thing.

The dog can’t change it!

The unsatisfactory action tonight made Sun Batian feel exhausted.

“Master, what about Su Hao?”

Steward Zhang asked carefully.

“Su Hao…”

Sun Batian stopped at a slight pace. “Has Lu Lu shot?”

“Well, when I contacted him, it seemed to be working with Su Hao, and later I had to leave for the Young Master.” Steward Zhang flashed a bright light in his eyes.

Sun Batian sighed, or coldly said. “Kill it. Since it has already started, don’t leave any traces. All the consequences, I bear it alone!”

The two said and they went to the living room.

The automatic door opening of the living room, Sun Batian and Steward Zhang entered, but at this time. Sun Batian the whole person suddenly became stiff there, and Steward Zhang glanced inside and was cold sweat! At this time, in the lobby of the Sun Family, on the leather sofa, a teenager, sitting there leisurely.

Pour a good cup of tea, lean on the back of the sofa, hold a dilapidated newspaper, watch the keen interest pleasure, and occasionally taste a cup of tea, a look of coziness. It seems that I noticed that the two came in, and the teenager looked up and gave a big smile. “Long time no see, Chairman Sun.”


It’s like a bolt of lightning roaring in my mind!

Sun Batian is dead.

The whole person stayed in the same place, incredulously looking at the teenager in the front of us. He gave the teenagers in the front of us countless times, and praised them many times, but never thought about it. In any case, I wouldn’t think that this boy would appear in the Sun Family. !

Steward Zhang is even more stupid.

The whole person’s cold and sweaty stay, and he was not known by his intrusion. It was his fault of Steward. But he does not understand, Sun Family guards are so strict, the minimum requirements for security are Origin Energy Force 15 points or more, every time there is a security guard, how does this teenager break into?

More terrifying is the identity of the person in front of us!

Stewart Zhang was naturally familiar with the countless times of the slaughter command, and the young, excessive face was exactly what Su Hao!

Jianghe City, a big hotel.

In the top-level presidential suite, a young man is sitting leisurely in front of the window, above the right hand, a coin is beating gently, through the floor-to-ceiling glass of the room, the scenery of the entire Jianghe City, unobstructed.

“Time… almost.”

Brother Chen smiled and a horrible Origin Energy volatility suddenly converges in the hands. Within the entire presidential suite, countless glasses beating, seems to have been affected by this horrible Origin Energy Storm, and the absorption of Origin Energy can cause changes. This Strength, how powerful!

All Origin Energy, injected into the coin like Storm, is then disappeared without a trace.


Brother Chen glanced at the hand, and the coin suddenly broke out, rushing through the floor-to-ceiling glass window, and did not cause any harm, so it disappeared into the sky.

Jianghe City is still calm.

A coin that fell into Jianghe City did not seem to cause any waves.

But is this really the case?

In the western suburbs of Jianghe City, a Bai Yi person is in the shape of electricity and shuttles in the dark night, but the blood that occasionally drops from him knows that he is seriously injured at this time! quickly. When a Hovercar went out, the Bai Yi people quickly got in and couldn’t help but fall to the ground.

“Boss, what’s wrong with you?”

“Fast, Body Repair Potion!”

Inside the car. Several younger brothers exclaimed. I quickly slammed Bai Yi people, but I was faint, and I could smell a bit of scorching. A few minutes later. Bai Yi people finally recovered a trace of spirit, waking up the first sentence, “driving, withdrawing, fast!”

A few younger brothers looked at each other and immediately drove away.

The boss who can make strength strong is like this, it is not that they can match, if they chase it… However, what they don’t understand is. It’s just a delivery, how can it be like this!

Was it black?

“Boss, what happened?”

A person who is usually familiar with the boss, asked cautiously.


Bai Yi suddenly pulled down Bai Yi on his body, revealing a horrible Da Han with a scar and a scar. Only, this time Da Han, his face is full of Murderous Qi and anger. Gloomy glances at the crowd, he said coldly, “not very clear. On the delivery road, it was robbed by Sun Batian.”


The younger brother almost sprayed rice!


Just kidding?

Sun Batian? Who is that, Jianghe City, the four giants, will come black and black?

A younger brother obviously feels that something is not right. Although the strength is strong, sometimes it is a little bit sloppy. Look at this, it should be hated by Sun Family. But this kind of thing is not like the style of Sun Batian. After thinking about it, the younger brother asked: “Boss, the situation is not right, is it calculated?”


Da Han stunned and suddenly remembered a few words that Sun Batian said to him before. The whole person was stupid. What a flip of the hand gather the clouds, another flip turns them to rain, said he glimpsed, but he felt that Sun Batian was stupid. It seems that he is stupid now! Paralyzed, really calculated!

Da Han suddenly woke up.



Da Han’s face was red, grabbed the Communication Device, and he was directly connected to the past called Brother Chen. “Brother Chen, I need an explanation!”

“Your goods are not delivered, what to explain.”

Opposite the Light Screen, Brother Chen still has a light expression.

“Go to your paralysis.” Da Han finally couldn’t get out, and roared: “Don’t you just want to let our delivery person enter Jianghe City? Although forced to agree to this single business, the result is still Destroyed, so I am black to me?”

Brother Chen smiles a little cold, indifferently said: “Remind you. Dare to marry me, it can be more serious than the sin of delivery.”

The younger brother next to Da Han was nervous and cautiously reminded: “Boss, he is Brother Chen…”


Da Han kicked him out. “What about Brother Chen? What about Brother Chen? I still don’t believe it, a person who doesn’t have any fighting power and hides behind him like a girl, can fuck me.” How? He is still in the hotel. Laozi is in the western suburbs, afraid of a wool?”

After the foul-mouthed vent, Da Han suddenly felt a shock.

what happened?

“Boss, boss, what do you think is that?” A younger brother’s horrified voice came, Da Han suddenly looked up and saw only, a red flame in the distance drops from the sky, dragging long The tail of the smoke, coming directly to their Hovercar, is inevitable!


The flame came in abruptly, and everyone in the car discovered that the so-called flame turned out to be an airplane! A falling plane, and Unfortunately, this plane happened to fall on them. Thinking of the rumor of Brother Chen, everyone is scared, not really…


A high-speed flight of Hovercar, a runaway plane, collided in a strange suburb in the western suburbs, blasting open, the fire of the sky, reddening the entire western suburbs.

Like a sly fireworks, bright and dazzling.

After the moment.

The fire disappeared and the western suburbs recovered the darkness again.

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