Near the Golden Nightclub.

In the faint darkness, a Bai Yi person is a ghost, like a cockroach. If you don’t look carefully, you won’t notice it. Bai Yi’s relaxed footwork is like walking in his own back garden, but the flashy silhouette still makes many people feel the hair.

Who is this special?

Bai Yi people are near the Golden Nightclub. It seems to be hesitant. They stayed in the same place for a moment, and there was a hint of embarrassment between them. But soon, the expression in the eyes showed a decisive expression and rushed toward the Golden Nightclub. However, at this time, his progress seems to be no longer so smooth.


A red silhouette appeared, and it was in front of him, with a circle of flames in his hand, all the routes of his impact were sealed!


Bai Yi people startled, obviously a bit strange.

“Hello, if you want to enter the Golden Nightclub, you have to see if you have this strength.” Cha Lu snorted and vented all the anger that was suddenly transferred to the Bai Yi people! Originally thought that Bai Yi was Su Hao, but I didn’t expect that it turned out to be a mistake.

At first thought, his younger brother became a victim, and Cha Lu was a big hit.

Go to your paralysis!

If it weren’t for your dog’s day, Su Hao would be counted? Will his younger brother die so inexplicably? Su Hao is sure to kill, but in front of us this guy, it seems that it is not a good thing, the kill!


Cha Lu is full of killing intent and kills him. Almost all of Bai Yi’s retreats are blocked! One hit kill. Cha Lu’s Fist Technique is full of viciousness and ferocity.

“this is……”

Bai Yi people still want to explain, but look at this horrible Killing intent. But gave up this plan. Since the other party is going to do it, don’t blame him for being unkind!


Bai Yi people counterattacked!

A dark gap appeared in the sky, and a huge black axe rushed out of the gap and appeared directly in the hands of Bai Yi.

Bai Yi, black axe!

Heaven Splitting Slash !


The huge axe of black, drawn across the sky, diagonally down 45 degrees, like a dark lightning. Cha Lu sneered, the flame sword appeared, and the same red flame backhanded. However, when red glow and black glow met, they were killed by inhuman.


At almost the same time, the flame sword in the hands of Cha Lu collapsed, and the whole person suffered all the formidable power of the black giant axe. Blowing in my heart, the whole person flies out, life and death do not know!

One trick, Insta-kill!

“act recklessly !”

Bai Yi people sneer, black giant axe show again!

At this time, however, the fluorescence flashed. But a Da Han who appeared out of thin air intercepted, “Dare to kill my Sun Family, courting death!”

Gray mans flashed.

Da Han turned out the black giant axe completely!

This Da Han is exactly Meng Tai!

After receiving the order from the chairman, he rushed over. Unexpectedly, I saw that Cha Lu was almost killed on the spot. If he is not in time, I am afraid that Cha Lu has already seen King of Hell. But even so, Meng Tai’s face is very heart-wrenching, because from the front of us Bai Yi people, he feels tremendous pressure.

Good terrifying strength!

“It’s another death.”

Bai Yi has no change in expression, and black giant axe is like the trial of Between Heaven and Earth. Every time you kneel down, it is full of endless hegemony and Murderous Qi. This is the horror form of energized weapons! It is not only the formidable power of energy, but also the terrorist combination of imposing energy and Origin Energy.




Meng Tai strength is much stronger than Cha Lu. In the face of black giant axe, instant summon counters the energy weapon. However, in the face of the absolutely powerful black giant axe, Meng Tai is only a little helpless. It is. After another five minutes, Meng Tai’s right leg was scrapped and almost completely broken!

Too strong!

Terror of Strength, a horrible move!

If this is the case, he and Cha Lu have to explain here!

Fortunately at this time, a purple flash in the sky flashed, a silhouette, from the air, the ghost did not flash, directly shocked the Bai Yi people.

Sun Batian, Chairman of Sun Family!

Finally appeared!

In the face of the imposing Sun Batian, the face of Bai Yi people finally showed a dignified color. The rest of the Specialty Expert, he can not care, but in front of us this person… Is this a test for the delivery person? In order to show his sincerity, he has just received his mercy!

“Hey, my son, hurt my brother, you damn it!”

Sun Batian glanced at the status quo, “Meng Tai, take care of Cha Lu, I will play with our White Coat Assassin! Can be over the entire Jianghe City a flip of the hand gather the clouds, another flip turns them to rain , I would like to see, who is the identity of your Bai Yi person?”


Bai Yi people are obviously a bit stunned, what everything is in disorder!

He is just a delivery person, the target location, not the Golden Nightclub? Just now, he also received a call to let him speed to Golden Nightclub, the other party is waiting for him in the box. But the door was intercepted. At first, he thought that the other side was testing his strength, but the Sun Family people appeared!

Sun Family Chairman, what are you doing here?

I haven’t had time to ask, this Sun Batian just seems to be a bit wrong… Bai Yi people feel that something is wrong, but when he just wanted to ask, Sun Batian shot!

Sun Batian shot, never mercy!


The lightning of purple almost covered the sky, and the brushed ones smashed toward the Bai Yi people. Every lightning bolt has hidden countless killing intents.


Bai Yi’s face has finally changed!

This strength…

Chen Haonian, one of the four giants, has used the Mimesis Origin Tool Light Ice Sword to kill a number of Specialization Experts on a certain day! Sun Batian is one of the four giants, and natural strength is good. But never thought about it. His shot is the real trump card! This formidable power – definitely Mimesis Origin Tool!


Bai Yi people with the withdrawal of the slightest hesitation.

The white glow flashed and the Bai Yi disappeared from the air like a ghost. Ethereal has no trace. In the eyes of Sun Batian, the killing intent flashed, and the purple lightning rushed to the top. On the occasion of the disappearance of Bai Yi, a lightning bolt hit him, and in the air, there was a hint of scorching.


A bit boring, Bai Yi people disappeared completely.

“hmph! ”

In the eyes of Sun Batian, the Killing intent is not reduced. The shot is the Mimesis Origin Tool. It can be seen how angry he is today! The son was almost killed, Cha Lu seriously injured coma not awake, Meng Tai’s right leg was almost abandoned, although the current medical methods can be treated well, but this feeling of being played, let Sun Batian anger.


Sun Batian suddenly looked back, but there was nothing left behind.

“Weird. How can there be a feeling of being monitored.”

Sun Batian frowned, then shook his head, ridiculous! Who can monitor him not to be discovered? Maybe just an illusion. Today’s mood is really unstable and continues to run out of control. This is not a good thing.

Forced to calm down, Sun Batian confirmed his son’s safety. This personally sent the two Specialization Experts to the hospital.

A big battle ended quietly.

Jianghe Hotel.

Su Hao looked incredulously at the Blue Dream Butterfly flying around, spitting the stars and flying around for him to describe the wonderful scene just seen.

The mysterious Bai Yi people appeared… Cha Lu’s serious injury coma… A Specialization expert called Meng Tai was injured… Sun Batian’s powerful strength… Bai Yi people fled…

The Blue Dream Butterfly is very exciting and almost reproduces the scene just now.

Occasionally, when you don’t know, Blue Dream Butterfly will use the ability of ** to show the picture just now. Let Su Hao see the madness!

It turned out that this is the World of Specialization Expert!

original. This is the real strength!

“So, the appearance of this bad luck Bai Yi person has solved my identity?”

Su Hao thought a little ridiculous.

It’s incredible!

The same white dress, no, this white robe, really belongs to a mysterious organization uniform, and at this time, this person happened to pass by here? Then it was miserable to catch up with Su Hao and Sun Family, and was attacked by Sun Family.

No matter what you think, it seems that this is the biggest possibility.

Poor Bai Yi people…

The appearance of Bai Yi people has ingeniously solved all the difficulties of Su Hao. From today, no one will doubt the identity of Su Hao Bai Yi.

But is this just the end?

The death of Cai Ting…

The destruction of Team-A…

However, it was really from Su Hao’s hand. If Cha Lu wakes up, Su Hao can’t escape!

“If you are a first day, don’t blame me for doing fifteen.”

Su Hao looked at Sun Family’s direction, with a hint of coolness in his eyes and an incredibly strong confidence. Yes, confident! In the face of Sun Family’s Giant, after knowing the Sun Family’s strength, Su Hao has such confidence in this kind of pride!

“Su Hao, what do you want to do?”

Blue Dream Butterfly felt Su Hao’s Aura, watching him nervously.

“Of course it is a gift.”

Su Hao shrugged indifferently and smiled. “I remember, I said a long time ago, I want to shoot for me, yes, but I have to be prepared to bear the cost. I received the gift from Sun Family, naturally I want to give it. They have a big gift.”


Blue Dream Butterfly said nervously, “You are crazy, Sun Batian’s strength is not just for you, the horrible Strength…”

“Oh, Strength?”

Su Hao’s mouth flashed a hint of crazy expression. “In this Era, it is indeed a single force subduing ten meeting! All the tricks in front of the absolute strength are useless. Unfortunately, he Sun Batian has not yet reached that point! This time, I I will be there for a while, the chairman of this Sun Family!”


Blue Dream Butterfly is a little dizzy, she got it wrong?

Su Hao, I have to meet Sun Batian! With his current strength, wasn’t it dead in the past? But looking at Su Hao’s madness with a hint of self-confidence, she is a little obsessed. Su Hao at this time is the most terrifying, but also the most attractive!

Maybe… can it really work? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to m. Read.)

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