“Rely! Mountain! Crash!”

Cha Ting flashed the sly War Intent in his eyes and pulled the words out of his teeth. A touch of Origin Energy flashed in the body, instantly stimulating several parts of the body at the same time, a singular Strength of the current, flowing through the body. Cha Ting The speed of the whole person has soared, and the surrounding momentum has merged into itself, and the body is full of the raging Strength.


In line with this unprecedented momentum, Cha Ting directly hit a misunderstood Su Hao, vigorous!


A huge muffled sound came, and after Cha Ting crashed, I heard a crisp Kacha sound. When I was proud, the complexion changed. This sound… seems to be…


Cha Ting looked up and saw a big tree being hit by him on the spot. In front of us, where is Su Hao’s silhouette?

“Not good !”

Cha Ting complexion greatly changed, just ready to go back and counterattack, suddenly felt a pain in his neck, turned his head and saw Su Hao standing behind him, holding a sharp arrow in his hand, and squatting on his shoulder.


After a word was not finished, Cha Ting only felt that his body was soft and he suddenly lost consciousness.

“hu ——”

Su Hao didn’t feel relieved about Cha Ting’s feet. After confirming that he had completely coma, this was relaxed. This time it was too thrilling. If you didn’t feel right now, check his Card in advance, I am afraid this time has been hit. The rarity is rotten.

Su Hao has been looking forward to countless times and can learn the legendary Ancient Martial arts! However, it has been regrettable to have no chance to meet each other. And this time. He really saw this from the hands of Cha Ting, the real Ancient Martial arts. Legend has it that you don’t need Origin Energy Innate Talent to be able to cast a powerful move, Mountain Crash!

Because this stuff has been hidden in theability index, Su Hao did not care, I did not expect to fall miserably in a very easy task. When I saw this Card from Cha Ting, Su Hao felt that something was wrong. Especially on this Card, this name is full of ancient charm, which makes him feel uneasy.

So pay close attention to every move of Cha Ting.

When Cha Ting took the initiative. He doesn’t feel good. One word, the majesty of the three words of Mountain Crash is revealed, and Su Hao, who reacts instantly, will count. Let Cha Ting put this trick out. After the key moments are flashed off. Immediately counter!

The sharp arrow without the slightest hesitation behind it was inserted.

One hit kill!

There is no cold burden behind Su Hao’s classmates during the battle. Don’t be too easy!


As Su Hao kills Cha Ting, the surrounding light flashes, returning to the darkness again, returning to the scene outside the hotel, from the sweat on the graceful face of Blue Dream Butterfly, this massive fantasy enchantment, for her In terms of burden, the burden is absolutely not small.

Su Hao gratefully glanced at her, and Blue Dream Butterfly floated his shoulders.

Su Hao lightly smiled, this put his eyes on Cha Ting who has passed out.

“Ancient Martial arts?”

Su Hao coldly glanced at it.

Model Analysis, start!

Ability to view!

Lock, Mountain Crash!


Mountain Crash’s Card appeared in Su Hao’s mind, and Su Hao was excited, with the choice of the slightest hesitation read.


“Card selection completed…Intermediate Foundation Fighting Technique…Card Model Analysis…Card Model is in the building…Card Model is starting to build…”

Rays of light flashed, and soon the card was read.

When Mountain Crash’s Card appeared, a new noun appeared in Su Hao’s eyes!

Name: Mountain Crash

Rating: 2 Star

Introduction : General Origin Energy Technique, fully understand the Combat foundation and physical fitness can reach Cultivation after reaching the limit. Stimulate within the body through Origin Energy, bursting out a powerful Strength in an instant, cracking the enemy!

“Universal Origin Energy Technique!”

Su Hao has a heart, no doubt, this is the first time he heard about the name. But looking at the name, you know what he means. The so-called universal Origin Energy Technique, inevitably, does not care about any Innate Talent, the Origin Energy Technique, which everyone can use, is called the universal Origin Energy Technique.

He has been exposed to the piano Origin Energy Technique, one of which I love you so much, with a strange charm. He has also been exposed to the proprietary Origin Energy Technique of other Origin Energy Innate Talents. For example, Iron Cloth used by Sun Yaotian should belong to Innate Talent’s exclusive Origin Energy Technique.

Now, this legendary Ancient Martial arts is actually a generic Origin Energy Technique!

And the use of this universal Origin Energy Technique, not to mention, the minimum requirements, turned out to be full of physical fitness and fighting skill! This condition alone has killed countless people. The ones that can get to this point are all impacting on the Specialization Expert. What is the exclusive Origin Energy Technique? Does it not use the Culture Cultivation General Origin Energy Technique?

Although Su Hao has not been exposed to the generic Origin Energy Technique, it was quickly analyzed based on other Origin Energy Techniques. Rare odds, difficult Cultivation conditions, and because of this, let these universal Origin Energy Techniques rarely appear in the eyes of everyone.


Su Hao without the slightest hesitation’s call within the body’s Origin Energy started the shock!

The Three Stars Card seems to have read half, but wants to complete it, nowhere in sight. At this time, it is better to complete the Two Stars Card first, and strengthen the strength.

Origin Energy within the body, madly flocked to the Mountain Crash Card.

Su Hao took a few bottles of High-level Origin Energy Recovery Potion from the backpack, and the same slightest hesitation was poured out. This was bought from the Master and was ready to participate in the Task. I didn’t expect the Task to start yet. It was all used here. However, Su Hao does not regret it.



The precious High-level Origin Energy Recovery Potion was all poured out by him.

Within the body O’s Origin Energy, with the slightest hesitation, launched an impact on Mountain Crash. After all, Mountain Crash is just Two Stars Card. Under this horrible Origin Energy explosion, it quickly started to highlight, sprint, sprint, and sprint! Soon, this Card is completely highlighted!

Mountain Crash, the reading is complete!


Numerous data flashed back in my mind, and Su Hao quickly remembered the information and analyzed it in his mind. However, very quickly, his body fragile, after Cha Ting evaporated, but once again folded and disappeared into the darkness.

Time is precious, absolutely not to waste!



Su Hao, like a ghost, shuttles through the darkness outside the hotel, and no one can find it. Only a moment’s effort, all the Sun Family disciple around him was cleaned up by him.

All dead!

As he had expected, that Cha Ting really is the most powerful person besides the Specialization Expert! The rest of the people, in the face of his raid, did not respond at all. Even if there are a few reactions, there is no substantial transformation ability like Cha Ting, so that it will be scratched and then poisoned coma.

From start to finish, there aren’t even 10 minutes.

All the Sun Family disciplines were wiped out.

In front of the Jianghe City Grand Hotel, inside a car, a middle-aged man is holding his eyes closed to observe everything at the gate. On the car, the scanner performs his work dedicationly. Scanning every person who appears at the door of the hotel, Su Hao has not yet come out, and the middle- aged man simply recuperates.

Just, inexplicable, middle- aged man suddenly felt a little flustered.

“what happened?”

Middle- aged man The face is a bit ugly, his eyes are wide open, and a bright light flashes in his eyes. After entering the Specialization Expert, the sensor is more powerful! Sometimes, he can feel some crises like nothing. However, this feeling has not appeared for a long time…


The electronic watch jumps to a time scale.


After another half minute, the middle- aged man glanced at it and the pupil suddenly contracted. Team-A’s order reports the progress in half an hour. At this time, it was exactly half an hour, but no one came to report. This means that everyone at Team-A has already had an accident!

Even very likely…

Middle- aged man has a whitish face. He may not care if others die, but Cha Ting…


The middle- aged man called Cha Ting’s newsletter, but nothing happened.

“Not good !”

Middle- aged man complexion changed, suddenly came down from the car, rushed to a place, the speed is fast, like a phantom. Two minutes later, he had already reached the other side of the Jianghe Hotel. However, there is nothing left. Only on the ground, there is still a beach that has not evaporated completely water stains.

Middle- aged man glanced at him, his heart was cold and his body was stiff.

“Cha Ting ……”


Middle- aged man The blue ribs in the hand were exposed, and they were suddenly pinched together. The whole face was distorted by terrifying, and a tyrannical pain that was difficult to suppress emerged. Several words were drawn from the teeth. “Since it is here, come out.”

Behind him, behind a towering tree, Su Hao’s silhouette quietly appeared.

Not coming out, Su Hao just killed the Sun Family, suddenly seen the middle- aged man rushed here, he quickly followed, I did not expect that he actually ran before Su Hao and Cha Ting is the place to fight! For the death of others, it seems that they don’t care.

After discovering that Cha Ting has died, a Bererer’s Killing intent on the middle- aged man instantly locks Su Hao. Su Hao, who thinks it is very subtle, under this Berserk’s Killing intent, has no shape, but is not as active. body. This is his first time, facing a full state Specialization Expert!

“Sure enough, you Su Hao.”

Middle- aged man The hoarse voice echoed on the quiet road, there is a distance from the hotel, no one came, very quiet.

“who are you?”

Su Hao to ask a question, when already knows the answer.


Middle- aged man said with a malicious smile , “My name is Cha Lu.”

Cha Lu !


Su Hao was shocked and jumped, finally knowing why the goods went crazy like this, because just now, he killed Cha Ting! Looking at the two people’s somewhat similar faces, in front of us this person is only slightly larger than Cha Ting. If he didn’t guess wrong, the relationship between the two… (to be continued.)

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