“Brother, get up!”

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Early in the morning, Su Hao, who was sleeping, felt the ground slightly vibrate, and then a series of footsteps came, and then a heavy silhouette was pressed against him. Helpless eyes opened, Su Hao saw Sister Su Ling, squatting on him, licking a few hairs, trying to scratch his nose, suddenly a black line.

“Taro, still can’t get up?”

“Yeah!” Su Ling saw the big brother waking up, suddenly spit out his tongue, and hurryed down, the look of a prostitute, “Brother, I just came to call you to get up, no tickling.”

Su Hao rolled his eyes and turned to get up.

“Brother, breakfast is done, wash it, go eat!”

Su Ling Tiantian said.

Su Hao licks her hair. “You are a ghost elf, okay, don’t blame you, go out.”


Su Ling ran out of the smoke and Su Hao dumbfounded laughed.

According to the information he consulted, this ruin adventure has appeared in many places, but it can be done in a few days. The last century-old wine Task, he used nearly 10 genius to complete. Under normal circumstances, the expedition is as long as half a month, and it can be as long as one or two months!

In particular, this time the Relics of Ruins is special.

The difficulty is bigger than in the past, otherwise there will not be so many architects.

According to Su Hao’s investigation, this time his main task, it should be to find the Origin Energy Vortex ambushed in the Relics of Ruins, let the Expert of Specialization destroy it. Otherwise, if this tyrannical Origin Energy blasts in the Relics of Ruins, it is likely to cause a chain burst, with serious consequences!

The situation of Relics of Ruins is unclear and the time is longer. So Su Hao stayed with his family these days before leaving. The smile on Mom’s face is much more obvious. This World, regardless of his glory success or failure, only hope to see him more, should only mother!

After eating, Su Hao continued to teach little sister Fighting Technique.



Watching Su Ling waving like a sandbag. Su Hao smiles lightly, Fighting Technique…

After the last Cultivation, it was already full, but unfortunately, so far, he still has no contact with the legendary Martial Arts moves. Slightly touched what taekwondo and karate are. It’s not a level with the Fighting Technique, no matter how advanced it is, once the Culture has a Fighting Technique, it’s all covered!

In a way, Fighting Technique. More like the various essence and foundation of Combat!

“Brother, contact me!”

Su Ling laughed, not waiting for Su Hao to answer, directly attacked. Su Hao smiled and could only start the parry counterattack carefully.




A series of quick hand-overs echoed in the room, and Su Ling shot quickly and fiercely, and turned Su Hao back. Fortunately, Su Hao has already integrated all the Fighting Technique Full Mastery and Fighting Essence, and naturally it is not at all inferior. After half an hour. Su Ling was defeated.

“Brother, I have been holding on for half an hour, great.”

Su Ling wiped the sweat from his forehead, some proud of his joy, his chest, and the newly developed chest from the training suit tsundere exposed more than half white, like two white rabbits. What level of big brother, of course she knows, Fighting Technique is perfect! Can hold on to the big brother for half an hour, indicating that he is already very powerful.

“Of course. You can be my little sister of Su Hao.”

Su Hao coughed, but my heart was helpless.

At this time, he finally realized that when they faced Chen Yiran and Chen Yifeng, they both felt.

Too hard to force!

Strength is heavy, afraid of hurting little sister. Strength is light and instantly suppressed. Fighting Technique can only use the layer of the little sister club. When you are skilled in the Military Fighting Technique and the full Full Mastery, you are always the most subconscious, and then look at the situation and take it back.

In this moment, I will be caught by Su Ling and leave to fight back! If his Fighting Technique level is too much than the little sister, I am afraid that this will lose face and lose hair. Even so, half an hour of fighting made him sweat. More tired than when confronting Green Snake!

“pu ——”

Su Ling looked at Su Hao’s appearance and suddenly smiled and ran over Su Hao’s arm. “Okay, big brother, I know you are letting others.”


Su Hao subconsciously wants to lick Su Ling’s hair, his arm is pumping, but he feels caught by something.

Looking down and looking down, I suddenly found that Little sister just started to develop a small chest, tightly attached to his arm, because just after training, the body is still full of sweat, some slimy. He looked at this eye condescendingly, and at this angle, he saw a white snow…


Su Hao sweats.

Su Ling looked at the big brother with a strange look. Su Hao coughed and quickly pulled out his arm. He bounced at the little scorpion’s head and his eyes widened, reminding him: “Small girl, don’t stick it so tightly, you are not too young, pay more attention later.”


Su Ling was dissatisfied with Su Hao’s hand: “Hey, bad big brother, but also abandon people.”

Su Hao was so disgusted that the little girl was not happy. Little feet, squatting, squatting a few times, went to Su Hao, directly holding Su Hao, directly attached to Su Hao through a thin training suit Khan, people are cheaper for you, what’s the matter!”

I go!

Su Hao didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

If it is Chen Yiran, he will definitely enjoy it before. But in the face of their own naughty baby little sister, only the bitter smile is crowned.

Su Ling looked at his appearance, and this was a little smug: “Smelly brother, it is not yours to despise others. People are high school’s Second Year school flowers! Many other classmates, class, run to our class, Just to look at me. However, people can’t look down on them.”

School flowers?

Su Hao is stunned.

Looking at the little sister again, it was a burst of emotion.


Unconsciously, the little sister also went to High School’s Second Year. I don’t know when it will start, the little girl who won’t wipe her nose and tears, has been a Great Accomplishment person.

Male classmates… peek at girls… fall in love…

Su Hao always thought that he was the exclusive owner of this session, but he never thought about it. In his eyes, he has always been a little sister like a little child. In fact, he is only one year younger than him. Suddenly, Su Hao felt that because she had always regarded the little sister as a child, she never paid attention to the private life of the little sister.

Little girl, there is no love, he is not known as a big brother!


Su Hao shook his head, and some of his beloved 揉揉Su Ling’s hair, “Well, my pretty school flower little sister, honestly, who among the male students, have you seen your eyes?”


Su Ling’s face is blushing. “People won’t fall in love.”


Su Hao promoted with a smile, “Is not found, or no one likes it.”


Su Ling said disdainfully, “Nobody will be like a big brother. High school will fall in love! Principal Teacher said, the school can match my, there are not many people! I can find it later. Those who can marry others must be The hero of the sky.”

“Oh? What is your request?”

Su Hao’s brow is picking, paralyzed, Principal dead old fogey, nothing to teach little sister all day long… What school can deserve her few. Although he thinks so, he can’t say that. The feelings of this thing, really come to feel, nothing can not stop!


Su Ling said very seriously, with a white little finger, “It’s longer than the big brother, stronger than the big brother, more powerful than the big brother, more famous than the big brother, better than the big brother, um… these five enough.”

Su Hao to blush with shame, said with no anger, “Shantou, you have to find it according to this standard, you can really marry later.”

“Hey, if you can’t get married, I’ll find a big brother!” Su Ling has a delicate sweat on his face, and said very seriously, “I will let the big brother raise me when I get there!”


Su Hao loves her little head. “Well, you can’t marry, big brother raises you.”


Su Ling complied, open the white little arms and hold Su Hao again, then the delicate nose is slightly frowned, and ran out. “Brother, I am going to take a shower! You will wash it for a while, the body is full of sweat, stinky. Dead man.”

“This little girl is just abandoned when she is just holding it.”

Su Hao dumbfounded Laughter, what I was trying to say, suddenly felt the wrist shocked, and a message came out directly from the Light Screen. After looking at it, I couldn’t help but feel a shock.

finally come!

Jianghe City, a big hotel.

In the luxurious presidential suite, a young man comfortably leans against the sofa seat, and the right hand throws an Ordinary coin, throws it away, but never leaves the right hand.

“Kacha -“

The door opened, and a cold-faced middle-aged man came in. A decent suit with a majestic national face on his face was quite powerful. But at this time, the middle- aged man has a respectful expression and a slight glimpse of the young man, “Brother Chen, I am coming.”


The young man named Brother Chen made a slight nod. He didn’t even turn around. The coin in his hand was lifted into the air by the thumb. Then he dropped it and then gently caught it. “Go, let the delivery person take a trip. Are these hangmen not always trying to break into the market of Jianghe City? I give them this opportunity.”

“Yes, Brother Chen.”

Middle- aged man Respectful response, then quietly retreat.

However, before leaving, he still had a glimpse of the coin in the hands of Brother Chen, and the expression was stunned. Because only he knows, the coin that looks like Ordinary, in the hands of Brother Chen, will have a terrible effect! A coin, invincible!


The door was closed as if it had never been opened.

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