“Strongly ask the deputy mayor to explain the reasons for the elimination of the wind forest!”

After a burst of noise on the scene, the law did not blame the public. After several leading reprimands, countless people began to start squatting, and they asked the deputy mayor to give an account.

At this time, the deputy mayor’s face was stinking.


Paralyzed, he is a shady or not!


Investigate the wool!

Is it necessary to investigate his collusion with Architectural Studio to be satisfied?

And on the stage.

Ren Wugui’s face is completely white, his mind is blank, clearly said, and it is clear that he will soon win, why is suddenly…

If you let the head of the room know that he failed this time… Ren Wugui is cold!


I have to ask why!

“Deputy mayor, I also want to consult…” Ren Wugui’s weak mouth.

“shut up!”

The deputy mayor suddenly loudly roared, the scene was silent!

The deputy mayor looked at Ren Wugui coldly, and the rest of the people were ignorant. Are you Ren Wugui still busy? Can you tell something privately?

Why choose From the Stars studio?

He just wants to come up with a style that he likes, and then he can’t solve a story. The identity of his deignified deputy mayor is there, as long as he can justify himself, no one dares to treat him!

But… If Ren Wugui tells the truth, his deputy mayor is completely abolished! He originally wanted to let go of the wind forest studio, Ren Wugui’s words, completely pushed the wind forest studio into the abyss! This kind of mouth is hairless, people who don’t know how to measure, can’t stay!

“I think everyone knows, I just took a call.”

“I received a well-documented report, Feng Zhilin studio, colluding with the rest of the studio, secretly seeking benefits, and arbitrarily invited other high Star Level studios for their Structure Model, fraud bidding! This behavior, and its hateful! I In the name of the deputy mayor, it is declared that these people are guilty of crimes! Grab the police station, that is, the verdict!”


The scene was a big mess.

Pa! pa! pa!

The cameras in the hands of countless Reporters flashed, and everyone suddenly realized it.

It is no wonder that the deputy mayor, Suddenly, chose the studio from From the Stars. It turns out that there is such an insider, which is reasonable. How can I make a super-level Structure Model with a Three Stars studio?

It turned out to be someone else to do it!

Black curtain!

It turned out that this is a shady scene!

Ren Wugui looked at everyone in a daze, and his heart was cold.

Until now, he still doesn’t understand why the result is like this? He obviously didn’t know that it was because of his words that he pushed the entire studio of the wind into the abyss.


Ren Wugui speaks, just want to say something.


The deputy mayor’s private bodyguard appeared and stunned him directly. Assist the security guard at the scene and take him directly! As long as you leave the public place, the round flat is not allowed to be deputy mayor.

“Congratulations, Comrade Lin Yue!”

The deputy mayor just held the hand of Lin Yue. “Do it well, your efforts, everyone can see, won’t let those who seize every opportunity win! I will give you the construction of this villa.” Looking back, I asked the secretary to send the funds to your studio. I have already arranged the construction team, and I will give it to the director of the forest to command it!”

“Yes, deputy mayor!”

Lin Yue is excited.

The deputy mayor was very pleased with nod, and then turned and left. With the departure of the deputy mayor, the Reporter on the scene also hurried away, and quickly wrote reports. The wind forest studio swindles, the deputy mayor demolition of such news on the spot, is also a big violent two points!

The crowd dispersed, Lin Yue and the others also returned to studio.

After half an hour, the funds from the deputy mayor were in place and several talents were thoroughly relaxed!

“hu ——”

“It can be counted, I am really afraid of any black curtains in the middle.”

“Yeah, I will definitely not accept the government-related projects next time. It’s too potholic! It’s just a deputy mayor’s private villa project. It’s so much tricky. If it’s a Government project, how many bends are there? Wander around, don’t be careful, don’t know how to die.”

“Not bad.”

Lin Yue is also deeply convinced, “If this is not Su Hao, we will be completely finished. But… Su Hao people? It seems that I did not see him back.”

“I don’t know, go to Culture again.”

Hu Pai shook his head and said with some hesitation. “I always feel that he is not all the way with us. There are strength, background, good name, and hard work. There is no reason for such a person to be unknown. Moreover, he also gave me before. I said that only when designing the model, call him, other things, let us solve it ourselves.”

“Everyone has their own difficulty.”

Lin Yue has a deep gaze. “At least, he is our friend, isn’t it?”

Everyone will smile.

“Hu Pai, statistics on all the materials needed by the villa, must ensure that the entity is exactly the same as the model, and you can’t check it out! In addition, you have to be responsible for the supervision. Hey, the garden and the surrounding environment will be handed over to you. Arranged. Jiajia, help me to contact the construction team, everything is ready, you can start working.”

Lin Yue is well organized.

As a qualified room chief, he has a good job in these matters.

“it is good!”

Everyone responded and they were busy.

At this time, in the eyes of everyone, the incomparably mysterious Su Hao classmates are pursuing refining drugs in the laboratory. For the first time, I have the Three Stars Card, and Su Hao’s eyes are tight. I can’t wait for Origin Energy’s slow recovery, and finally started the crazy intake, and Origin Energy Recovery Potion can play some role.

Low-level Origin Energy Recovery Potion is useless, so start practicing Medium-level Origin Energy Recovery Potion!

Medium-level Origin Energy Recovery Potion and Medium-level Body Repair Potion are essential and minimum requirements for becoming a Medium-level Potion Master! The difficulty is naturally very high. As a basic Potion, the material is also very expensive, inheriting the traditional style of Low-level Recovery Potion, the net profit and cost are basically one to one.

And in order to really improve the level of the Potion Master, familiar with the drug name between different medicinal ingredients, and also to save Origin Energy Energy sprint Three Stars Card, Su Hao practice, no use of Model Analysis, pure money in the pharmaceutical! The raw medicinal ingredient begins to build up proficiency.

It doesn’t matter to himself, Grandmaster Zhang’s face is green.

Without using Model Analysis, Su Hao’s Innate Talent can only be regarded as a general, the failure rate is very high, the first day of pharmaceutical nearly 100 times, the success rate is zero! Only a little progress was made the next day, and on the third day, 20% was achieved. Looking at the empty medicinal ingredient library, Grandmaster Zhang wants to cry without tears.

The loss of Early Stage is doomed.

He also knows a little about Su Hao.

Once you are really proficient in a Potion, with the Model Analysis, Su Hao’s success rate is absolutely soaring! When I made the Body Repair Potion last time, it was also the first time I lost my pants. After I went to the level, I was fully earned. This time, the same is true.

4 Day!

Su Hao’s level of Medium-level Origin Energy Recovery Potion has finally reached 30%!

At this time, that is, for different medicinal ingredients, he can succeed once every three times. And for the same identical medicinal ingredient, even if it is the first failure, he can succeed for the second time! This means that the same medicinal ingredient, he uses Model Analysis once, real time, can be successful!

Just need once the Origin Analysis of Model Analysis…

It is possible to exchange a batch of Medium-level Origin Energy Recovery Potion for 10 bottles.

Su Hao feels reliable after a careful calculation.

So, when he made the Medium-level Origin Energy Recovery Potion again, the success rate began to surge! 90%! Production success rate, directly climb to 90%! In addition to the difficulty of individual medicinal ingredients and the inability to succeed twice, most medicinal ingredients can be successfully successful in the second time!

In the horrible situation of the previous two days, the profit began again.

Such a success rate, do you have no reason to make it?

Grandmaster Zhang looked at the situation of the discipline and easily entered the fighting gold. It was also a sense of sensation. When he was young, he was a special dog.

This is making money!

Where is this person, this is completely milk awesome! Cows are on the grassland, eating grass, milk that is squeezed out. Su Hao classmates? Using Ordinary’s herb, it is expensive Potion, 90% or more success rate, almost completely successful, what is the difference with cows?

“Hey, this kid, every time I study, I have this madness!”

Grandmaster Zhang was very pleased to see what Su Hao was obsessed with. A young age, received such a discipline, all aspects are good, it can be regarded as his succession of the Potion inheritance. The only worry is that every time this guy learns a Potion, the loss begins, the cliff is very crowded, and the average person can’t afford such a discipline.


At this time, Su Hao finished it again.

Grandmaster Zhang was preparing to persuade him to take a break, and then he was surprised to find that Su Hao didn’t put the blue liquid into the Potion bottle this time, but picked it up and poured it directly.


A bottle of Potion is inserted into the body.

Grandmaster Zhang The whole person is stupid, all poured out?

Although he knows that this discipline Origin Energy Force has improved a lot, but it is Medium-level Origin Energy Recovery Potion, not Low-level, and, once a cup, it is 10 bottle, which is the crime!



The horrible Origin Energy oscillated in the body, Su Hao did not change color, and made a full impact on the Three Stars Card. Origin Energy is passing fast, and it is quickly replenished. A whole cup of Medium-level Origin Energy Recovery Potion doesn’t even allow Su Hao to be supported! It can be seen how fast the Three Stars Card is consumed.



Su Hao madly took advantage of Origin Energy’s impact until he was consumed again with the body Origin Energy.

Another impact, done!

Su Hao looked at the Card progress with the the body and has completed 70%. At this speed – I am afraid that it will take a few days to complete the Zhang San Star Card.

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