“This is your studio?”

In a building, Su Hao looked at the sign on the studio and couldn’t speak for a long time.

“Well, the name of our room chief.”

Hu Pai said very embarrassedly.

Su Hao had no choice but to go in with Hu Pai.

Some dilapidated automatic glass doors, once they entered, automatically closed again. Above the glass door, there was a big Light Screen plaque with a few words on it, a name that was extremely arrogant and domineering – From the Stars’ studio.

The work is very small.

It is only about one hundred square meters, and the size of an Ordinary is two bedrooms and one hall.

However, Su Hao just came in, I felt the atmosphere of studio dignified, quiet terrifying, seems to suppress what heavy feelings.

A youngster, carrying a bag, stood there with a sly look.

And across from him, two beautiful women sat on the work desk, bowed their heads, and no one spoke.

“what’s the situation?”

Su Hao has a heart and no movement.

“what happened?”

Hu Pai saw the complexion changed and looked at the youngster holding the bag. “Hey, what do you mean?”


I opened my mouth and didn’t know how to explain it.

“When studio is the most difficult time, do you want to go?”

Hu Pai angered. “I have been with each other for two years. I didn’t expect you to be such a person!”


Sitting at the work desk, Sister Zhi screamed, “I told him to go. Hey, you are different, you are a bachelor, he has a daughter-in-law, has a child, let him join us and the northwest wind. ?”

I am second time!

Hu Pai was scared and didn’t know, Su Hao was shocked!

Sister Zhi ?

Sister Zhi You fucker!

This is a man!

What about the heavy makeup?

What is this charming look?

A closer look, Su Hao found out that she, oh, no, on his neck, that seemingly no throat – it is really a man!


Inexplicable, Su Hao’s mind smashed the word, and suddenly it was speechless – he was desperate for this world with a surname to sell Meng.

“I am sorry!”

I am a bit shy. “After I work, I will definitely call everyone in the past!”

After I finished speaking, I didn’t wait for it, I took the bag and turned and left.


Hu Pai stopped him and looked at him. It seemed to understand his current mood, silent for a few seconds, and then said: “If – I found the virtual Model Architect?”


Studio everyone was surprised.

found it?

At this time, they put their gaze on the teenager behind Hu Pai who followed him. Could it be that this boy…

“Not bad.”

Hu Pai pushed Su Hao to the front, then took a deep breath, “Give everyone an introduction, this is my new virtual model Architect!”



The rest of the studio are stunned!

Not to believe, but to be surprised! What is happening in studio now, they are too clear. One Star studio, the person on the blacklist! Basically, as long as it is a normal person, it will not add a studio that will close down. Lenovo, Hu Pai’s recent part-time job, everyone seems to understand what.

Lin Yue has a slight wrinkle, “Hu Pai, I know that you are for everyone. But it is a violation of the regulations to trick the novice into our studio! This will only harm him! If our Task fails, his future is also Will be delayed!”

Hu Pai smiled, “I really don’t.”

Su Hao stood up at this time. “This big sister… Oh big brother, cough cough, I am willing. Well, I listened to Hu Pai and said that you are voluntarily coming to work. Of course, the salary can It’s just fine.”


Everyone in the front of us is bright.


Even the cockroaches that are about to leave have stopped, if it is really – perhaps, their studio is not a chance to turn over! Maybe, you can really enter Two Stars again!

Just enter Two Stars, with their strength, one day will rush into Three Stars!

At the thought of this, everyone was excited again.

Lin Yue also did not care about Su Hao’s title, excitedly asked: “You are a virtual Model Architect, what is your Origin Energy Innate Talent?”

“Model Analysis.” Su Hao replied.


If the same pot of cold water is poured down.

The expression of excitement disappears instantly and disappears.

Model Analysis ……

Everyone smiled bitterly.

No wonder they will join their studio, this Origin Energy Innate Talent, will anyone use it? The limited name of the design, the consumption of the model, even if the designer designed it, he can achieve only 10% 2, basically no possible surname!

Hu Pai opened his mouth.

He is too nervous!

He is too excited!

When I heard that Su Hao was a virtual Model Architect, I heard that Su Hao was ready to join their studio, and suddenly he pulled him over, but forgot to ask Su Hao’s Origin Energy Innate Talent.

Model Analysis ?

Maybe useful in some small buildings.

But for the design of such a large building, it is useless! Model Analysis itself consumes ten times more than other Model Class Origin Energy Innate Talents!

What a big gap!

When I hired a Model Analysis intern, even if 10% was not completed, Origin Energy was exhausted.

A simple virtual model, completed with a full three months, and finally, studio, can’t bear to end it, fire the goods!

This Su Hao looked confident and even model Analysis?

Everyone is ashamed.

Despair is not terrifying!

Terrifying is that after giving you a glimmer of hope in despair, you will once again erase this hope!

Su Hao: “…”

Second Olympics!

Do you want to react so obviously?

From the surprises just now, to the present and even desperate, Su Hao feels the broken egg for them. This kind of Innate Talent, it is a waste to not perform!

Even if Model Analysis is worse, is it necessary to react?

This is the first time.

Su Hao personally experienced how low the status of Model Analysis is.

Looking at their reaction, Su Hao didn’t change his color, looked at the surrounding environment, and then asked lightly, “Is there an Origin Energy mapper here?”

Lin Yue pointed to a machine next to you.

Su Hao walked over, turned on the machine, associated the Origin Energy mapper, and looked at an Entity Model about 0.5 square meters in front of Lin Yue’s desk to launch Model Analysis directly.


The bleak studio suddenly was covered by dazzling rays of light.

An exquisite villa model appears in the air, green lawns, bright flowers, every grass, every flower, is beautiful, and the scenery inside the villa is charming and wide. The model in front of Lin Yue’s desk is exactly the same! No, no, even more than that model!

This virtual model is full of a sense of movement.

A line of vitality.

A trace of spiralflu.

“This…this is…Perfect simulation?!”

The people in studio are shocked!

The small Entity Model is the first business when studio was just founded. It is also the business that makes their studios flourish and develops rapidly. Although the model is small, but the interior is very complicated, they are also remembered as a sign of studio.

Unexpectedly, this boy, even simulated it easily.

Even – even better!

After all, the modeler is also a human being. It is impossible to show the other person’s thinking Perfect. Even if the model data is given, the result is the same. Therefore, the qualified simulation is divided into three files, Ordinary simulation, Excellent simulation, and Quality simulation. However, on top of this, there is a perfect simulation called the legend!

And in front of us this level of simulation, it is exactly Perfect simulation!

Model Analysis, when was it so powerful?

“I think I am qualified to be the virtual Model Architect.” Su Hao smiled lightly.

“Yes! Of course!”

Lin Yue said excitedly, “This level… absolutely! If this is not possible, I am afraid that there are not a few people in the entire Jianghe City.”

Su Hao dumbfounded.

“Right, the flaws of Model Analysis, you have to see the real thing… you?”

“Well, it is true.”

Su Hao points nod, “If, just the model of Ordinary, I can make it at will. But this kind of immersive model must have a physical reference.”

“Oh, right.”

Lin Yue is instead relaxed.

There are shortcomings, this is like a word. If everything is such a Perfect Flawless, it makes him worry. After all, I have experienced a betrayal last time.

Sometimes, things that are too Perfect are often problematic!

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