"Li Yun, revive me!"

The long sword fell inch by inch, and Xiao Jiayu closed his eyes and kept shouting to Li Yun in his heart.

When the piercing long sword was about to stick to her shoulder, a powerful mental shock wave emanated from Li Yun's brain. In an instant, this mental shock wave swept across the island. Grandma Xiao and others were five kilometers away. All felt a strong heart palpitations.

As if a terrifying monster appeared over there, their brains instinctively told them: Run away!

There was a buzz in Captain Gu's mind, as if he was hit by a truck head-on. His thinking instantly became chaotic. The intense nausea and vomiting made people extremely uncomfortable, and his body couldn't use any strength.

While dizzy, he could not see, hear, or smell any information from the outside world. His soul seemed to be broken up by this strong mental shock, unable to respond to external stimuli, and his body seemed to be Paralyzed and unable to command at all.

The flapping wings of the hundreds of golden birdmen in the sky suddenly stopped, and then, like rain, fell sharply.

"Li Yun..." Xiao Jiayu who landed freely felt dizzy. She only felt that she was being hugged, and she was fed some liquid in her mouth. After a while, she came back to her senses and saw clearly what was holding her. people.

"Li Yun!!!"


Holding Xiao Jiayu's soft body, and kissing her delicate red lips, Li Yun softly comforted: "Okay, it's all right."

Li Yun drank her super recovery fluid, and all her injuries recovered.


Xiao Jiayu's face was ruddy, and the worries and fears just now were filled with happiness.

It turned out that the feeling of being saved by Li Yun was so wonderful.

She suddenly thought, probably, Miss Murong had the same feeling of being hugged by Li Yun when she fell down in Dingwei Building. Therefore, Miss Murong, a talented person who was so cold, would kiss Li Yun excitedly.

Since the eldest has kissed, she must kiss too!

"Li Yun..." Xiao Jiayu grabbed Li Yun's neck and proactively stood on her toes, and stamped his lips with her delicate cherry lips.

Looking at him obsessively, Xiao Jiayu was extremely excited. If she changed her lipstick, Li Yun would definitely be full of red lips now, hahaha~

"Ahem, well, it's still on the battlefield now."

Li Yun was itchy and uncontrollable because of her feelings. To prevent him from being caught again, he quickly pulled away Xiao Jiayu, who took the initiative to hug and kiss him.

"Yeah." Xiao Jiayu obediently agreed, and then smiled sillyly while covering her mouth, looking at Li Yun's beautiful eyes full of tenderness and sweetness.

If it were not on the battlefield, she would definitely have to be with him and tell her how she felt.

Li Yun once again took her to sit on the recovered Wing Monster, and Captain Gu continued to chase down the Golden Birdman who fell to the ground.

This time, it was not too easy for Li Yun to control the Wing Monster to kill these golden birdmen.

Mental power has officially reached the threshold. In order to save Xiao Jiayu, Li Yun's mental shock wave was an indiscriminate attack.

But in fact, mental attacks can also be point kill + fan attack.

As long as Li Yun stared at a golden birdman, or a large area of ​​golden birdman, he could use a mental attack to stun it, and then the wing monster would immediately make a knife and slap them to death.

The manifestation level's mental power is too strong, Xiao Jiayu saw it with emotion, saying that most of the innate late stage could not resist Li Yun's attack now.

However, although this mental attack is good, it consumes a lot of physical strength. Li Yun dare not use it much. It is only used to tear a hole when the golden soldiers are charging together.

But even so, the three of Captain Gu and the others were still stunned and surprised by this magical move.

From a distance, a voice came: "Very good, after a day of cultivation, I reached the manifestation, Li Yun, I saw you with admiration!"

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