Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 989: Li Xiaoai before the stage

Li Yun couldn't laugh or cry after hearing the message Xiao Ai came to his mind.

Things eventually developed to this point.

Because he couldn't fight against the gods, he had to use the power of Xiao Ai, that is to say, Xiao Ai will officially enter the public's field of vision, and will face the eyes of countless people's doubts and suspicions.

Li Yun didn't worry about whether Xiao Ai would be harmed. This was certain. What he worried about was whether Xiao Ai could get out of the psychological shadow of being jealous.

Li Yun believes that most people will accept Xiao Ai, but there will certainly be a small group of people who oppose her. Li Yun only asks Xiao Ai to not become paranoid because of some people's suspicions.

If Li Xiaoai is pushed to the opposite of humanity, it will undoubtedly be another disaster.

"Little love." Li Yun said solemnly.

"Huh?" Her electromagnetic wave message came from the phone.

"No matter what happens in the future, no matter how many people discriminate against you, your brother will stand by your side. As long as you don't do bad things, then you will always be your brother's good sister!"

"Bad things?"

"The teacher came out of nowhere, and he hacked into the Internet without authorization. What just didn't count...er, how to say, it is the definition of good and bad, I believe you can understand Xiao Ai."

Xiao Ai is now able to access the Internet, and Li Yun believes that she has read most of the human knowledge a long time ago, and even if it is the definition of mysterious and mysterious, she can understand more clearly than ordinary people.

"Okay. I don't care what other people think of me." Xiao Ai also seriously replied: "My brother will always be my brother, no matter what happens, no matter what your brother becomes."

Li Yun was a little ashamed. He admitted that his younger sister was conditional, but Xiao Ai didn't have any additional things when he recognized his brother.

Xiao Jiayu looked at Li Yun talking to herself strangely, and couldn't help asking: "Li Yun, are you talking to Xiao Ai?"

"Uh... Yeah."

Xiao Ai talked with Li Yun directly using her brainwave glands. Li Yun was talking directly just now, and the phone's microphone could transmit information to her.

So in the eyes of the people next to him, Li Yun was just talking to himself.

Xiao Jiayu murmured: "I think I have to add a brain wave gland, otherwise I won't hear your conversation."

In some cases just now, Li Yun would also directly talk to Captain Gu through brain waves, and Captain Gu was more direct, and all the information interaction with the players was done through brain waves.

This undoubtedly greatly speeds up the efficiency and accuracy of communication and makes the three of them cooperate more delicately.

"Brother, the missile is about to arrive. I will control the two missiles this time." This time Xiao Ai did not directly communicate with Li Yun using electromagnetic waves. In order to take care of Xiao Jiayu, she turned on the external function of her mobile phone and used the speaker to speak.

"Xiao Ai is so obedient and sensible~!" Xiao Jiayu chuckled.

Li Yun smiled and said, "Xiao Ai, you also pass the message to Captain Gu and the others."


Captain Gu and the others were familiar with Xiao Ai, and soon the three winged monsters rose into the air again, and the golden soldiers underneath were no longer blocked, and once again slew towards Xiaojiacun.

"The missile will arrive in 20 seconds."

"The missile will arrive in 10 seconds."

Following Xiao Ai's constant reminders, Li Yun and the five people also looked at the sky nervously. Soon, two missiles with tail flames appeared in everyone's field of vision again.

"How will the Sea Giant Monster respond to the attack this time?"

This thought flashed through Li Yun's mind. He wouldn't think that two missiles could defeat the Sea Giant Monster. The size of this monster was so large that even the power of the missile could not penetrate it at once.

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