Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 987: Authorized Li Xiaoai

"Grandpa Qi."

Xiao Ai obediently nodded her head to say hello. She talked a lot with Team Leader Qi during the last exercise, which was when manipulating a military base and a troop.

Of course, this is at Li Yun's order, otherwise she would not answer strangers' questions.

Leader Qi said: "Li Yun is your brother, right?"

"Yes, Li Yun is my brother." Xiao Ai doesn't know why he wants to ask again, is it a bad memory? However, she answered the question honestly.


Team Leader Qi nodded and said, "Now, I authorize you to take charge of the missile system, to **** the launch of the missile, and save your brother!"


Xiao Ai immediately agreed with excitement. In the next second, countless torrents of data flashed in her eyes. As long as the missile base where Zhang Zhiteng was located, as long as it was a computer connected to the Internet, all the documents contained in it were instantly taken by Xiao Ai. Read and master.

Although Team Leader Qi did not explicitly point out, Xiao Ai still knew that all he authorized was the control of the missile base.

"Group leader Qi, no!!!"

This time, everyone was shocked and even more anxious than when they received the black urgency. Some people even stood up excitedly, just to stop the irrational actions of Team Leader Qi.

One person quickly said: "Group leader Qi, you can't teach missiles to such a little girl. She... She is only 6 or 7 years old. What does she know? No, this is not a question of knowing or not, she ...Just a little girl!"

Does she know where the missile is?

Does she know how to control the missile?

Does she know where to fight?

Does she know the consequences?

Wait, there are too many issues to consider.

Handing over the missile system to this cute little girl is definitely not a fantasy, is it a dream?

Team leader Qi waved a big hand to stop everyone, and smiled: "Why have you been fighting the gods for so long, but your concept has not been converted? Don't see that people look like little girls, just say they don't know anything. Actually on,"

He glanced at Xiao Ai eagerly, "She knows a lot more than us, and she is in charge of the missile system, which is the most appropriate!"


Everyone looked at each other and sat down slowly.

It is true that she looks like a little girl, but the person who was awarded the command of the missile system by Team Leader Qi is definitely not an ordinary little girl.

"Group leader Qi, she is..." someone couldn't help but ask.

Team Leader Qi pondered for a while, and considering that he couldn’t keep it secret, he said, “Last time at the nanny base, we captured...Uh, our biggest gain was not probe technology or brain gland technology, but With the help of artificial intelligence Li Xiaoai!"

"artificial intelligence?!"

Everyone exclaimed, and sure enough, this little girl is not an ordinary person.

But is there such a smart artificial intelligence?

No, judging from the conversation between her and Team Leader Qi before, everyone couldn't tell that she was not a human being.

"Xiao Ai." Team Leader Qi said cheerfully to Li Xiao Ai on the phone: "Can you know the situation of our national satellite? Just turn the screen around. I happen to have a projector here. You can screen the screen..."

Before he finished speaking, the original PPT text on the white cloth has become a composite image of multiple images, similar to a monitoring system, which combines Li Yun, the missile base, and the sea giant monster. In front of the group leader.

Everyone was shocked and numb. The security level of this conference room was quite high, but it was incredible that Li Xiaoai was invaded and controlled the projector in an instant.

"You have mastered the right to use the missile base, and will launch two short-range missiles automatically, Grandpa Qi?" Li Xiaoai asked.


As soon as the voice fell, the two short-range missiles in the missile base had been launched automatically in the screen.


Seeing the two missiles rising into the sky in the picture, everyone looked at each other speechlessly and was shocked by Xiao Ai's ability. They didn't even know how Li Xiaoai did it.

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