Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 977: Captain Gu arrives

"this is?"

Everyone in the Xiao family was shocked. Along with the dull roar and violent air currents, three black monsters rushed from a distance in the sky, and soon came to the top of the people, hovering over the Xiao family island. With.

"This is..." Xiao Dingyi's frightened face was earthy, his voice trembled, and he said: "The flying dragon monster that attacked the world, the monster of the gods."

"It's over, it's all over..."

"Is the Xiao family going to perish?"

"Run away!"

"Let's run away with the kids..."

The Xiao family on the island in the center of the lake fled in embarrassment. Many people even wanted to jump into the lake to escape, but soon they found that the lake water was also abnormal.

Li Yun yelled: "Don't panic everyone, this is a winged monster seized by the state and will not harm people!"

Xiao Jiayu also yelled, and soon everyone understood what was going on.

These monsters were called by Li Yun to help out!

Grandma Xiao was ashamed of her previous performance, and yelled angrily: "Li Yun, why don't you bother to inform me if you ask these things?"

"Notify you early, would you believe it?"

Li Yun's understatement made Grandma Xiao's face flushed, and she stalked her neck and said: "Why don't I believe it? Even if I don't believe you, I believe in my good granddaughter!"

After seeing that Li Yun could really call such a monster, her attitude towards Li Yun and Xiao Jiayu changed a little.

Li Yun shook his head helplessly, saying that he didn't want to struggle with this issue.

"Let the Xiao family leave first..."


Li Yun was trying to find someone to contact the religious sect, especially when he was going to find out where Xiao Wanrou was right now, there was a huge explosion in the distance.

The sound was like...someone threw a 10,000-ton explosive into the lake!

The entire lake, as well as the entire island, was shaken by this huge shock. Numerous tiles, glass, and dust were scattered, as if it had experienced a magnitude seven earthquake.

"What, what's going on?" Everyone was shocked. This catastrophic scene of heaven and earth was really scary, even more terrifying than seeing the wing monster flying.

Li Yun stood still and glanced around. The walls were all cracked open, the eaves fell off, and many roof chimneys cracked.

The people who had ran to the passage in the distance were even more shocked. The lake water was like being thrown into a huge stone. In an instant, a huge wave of hundreds of meters high was shaken, and countless lake water poured in. Watered the entire island transparently.

This is no longer what the amount of rain can describe. It should be called a waterfall, a waterfall that was shaken up to a hundred meters high.

All the people who were still in Xiao's house were all lost in an instant, countless property was destroyed, large tracts of buildings collapsed, and the loss alone is unknown.

"What is this?" Everyone was dizzy and stunned by a series of incidents.

"Li Yun, it's not good!"

A winged monster above his head swooped down, and he didn't care about destroying property. The ten-meter-long winged monster fell directly into the yard. With a light flick of its huge tail, the surrounding buildings and walls instantly collapsed.

"Captain Gu, what's the matter?" Li Yun asked hurriedly.

Captain Gu has implanted brainwave probes, and with Li Yun's authorization, he can already control these wing monsters, so he and the two team members who also implanted probes can bring them to the rescue.

"A huge monster emerged from the lake. It opened its big mouth, and hundreds of people jumped out of it. The preliminary judgment is that they are all golden soldiers!"


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