Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 971: Innate secret

Xiao Jiayu couldn't help but applaud for Li Yun. Before talking to Grandma Xiao, he was already on the verge of winning. After all, he had anticipated this conversation and held the information of several geniuses in the world in advance.

He doesn't win, who else will win.

Everyone look at me, I look at you, all of them are speechless.

If what Li Yun said is true, then those who break through innate before the age of 30 are those who are proficient in modern scientific and cultural knowledge?

Doesn't that mean that if you want to break through the innate, you must abandon the national studies and learn those things instead?

Grandma Xiao said coldly: "Then you mean, the Chinese national studies that have been passed down for thousands of years are useless? Those who have broken through the innate before have not seen any modern sciences!"

"I didn't say it was useless. However, the effect is not as great as you think, and it is not worth investing so much energy in learning."

Li Yun said: "It is true that Chinese studies can help people cultivate their moral character, and it is not a problem at all to teach them to be a modest and polite gentleman and lady.

But what about other aspects?

Grandma, you also said that people are talented. Not everyone is suitable for learning the Four Books and Five Classics. This is just the category of modern Chinese, and not everyone is suitable for learning the Six Arts of Gentlemen, Qinqi, Calligraphy and Calligraphy. "

The Xiao family is rich and can support the children of the next generation to learn these things. Ordinary people are completely blind, and riding horses alone can stump more than half of the people.

Reading in ancient times was a luxury, but not in modern times.

"You still say Guoxue is useless!"

"In addition to self-cultivation and cultivation of people's language skills, other effects are small."

Li Yun said lightly: "I have never studied the Four Books and Five Classics. I don't know what is in it. However, modern science is booming and knowledge is showing explosive development. I still hold on to something from my ancestors, hoping to learn. After this, you can become a great Confucian, and that can only let people get a disappointing ending.

"Modern society has built a complete scientific system based on the disciplines of mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology. From electromagnetic waves to mobile phones, from cars to rockets, from the Internet to artificial intelligence, which one is not comparable to the old ancestors. The product of something handed down over a century?"

Grandma Xiao's head was blank, and she was speechless by Li Yun's words.

Li Yun continued: "I just saw the private school of the Xiao family, and it is still in the stage of rote memorization. You probably ignore the importance of understanding. Whether it is an ancient private school or a modern private school, recitation is a major Learning methods. Although memory and recitation are proven effective learning methods by history, simply rote memorization without comprehension altogether will block children’s imagination and obliterate children’s spirituality.

If it is in such an environment, I think there will be no breakthrough results.

For example, Murong Qingyue's breakthrough innate at the age of 16 probably never happened in this environment. "

The people of the Xiao family fell silent, did it mean that if Xiao Jiayu grew up in the Xiao family, it would be impossible to break through her innateness at the age of 16?

"Probably you don't know yet, Murong Qingyue is already innately perfect."

Li Yun broke out another violent news, and successfully stunned everyone. This rumor is indeed true.

"Murong Qingyue returned from studying abroad. He is already a PhD in biology. He is a 21-year-old Ph.D. He is 21-year-old with congenital perfection. If there is any connection between them, please consider yourself."

The faces of everyone are very wonderful. Murong Qingyue, the number one genius in the world, seems to be telling them with facts that if you don't study modern science, you don't want to quickly reach innate!

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