Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 967: Genius childhood

Li Yun took out the phone and said, "I will ask the eldest lady again to see how she learned when she was a child."

"Huh?" Xiao Jiayu's eyes widened suddenly, and then giggled, "Oh, you want to see how our two geniuses learn. Hahaha, I just write down my educational history and give it to The Xiao family has come to refer to it."

She had the confidence to say this, because she was the third genius who reached the innate at the age of 16, and what the Xiao family saw was the martial arts achievements.

Xiao Qianruo looked at Xiao Jiayu very enviously. At her age, Xiao Jiayu had already reached the congenital, and she was only just acquired, and she couldn't even think of the so-called congenital.

Li Yun dialed the eldest lady's phone, and Xiao Qianruo couldn't help but ask: "Sister Jiayu, who is that eldest lady? Is it also a genius who reached innate genius at a young age?"


Xiao Jiayu glared at her, scared Xiao Qianruo at a loss, not knowing what she asked wrong.

This kid really doesn't open which pot or which one to mention, Xiao Jiayu reluctantly said: "Huh, the eldest is Murong Qingyue, the eldest of Murong's family, do you know?!"

"Murong Qingyue...?"

Xiao Qianruo exclaimed, causing all the students in the classroom to look over, and she hurriedly stretched out her hand to cover her mouth.

Murong Qingyue's popularity is too high. This is the gap between the first and third places. It's like many people in the world know that the first peak is Mount Everest, but few know the third peak.

"It's true again." Xiao Jiayu said sourly. If it weren't for some good people in the rivers and lakes to call her and Miss Murong together as Huaxia Shuangjue, plus two years, no one would reach innate at the age of sixteen, I'm afraid Few people really know her name.

Li Yun quickly asked how the eldest was studying at the beginning, and the eldest also learned of the situation here, and said on the phone: "I guess that innate is a manifestation of human comprehensive abilities, not only physical It’s more soulful. If the book says it’s right, improving one’s wisdom and knowledge will also help increase the strength of the soul, making it easier to reach innate."

The most talented Murong Qingyue in the whole river and lakes said this, I believe no one will ignore it.

What she meant Li Yun understood very well, that was to help Li Yun increase his persuasive power.

"How?" Xiao Jiayu couldn't help asking: "How did the eldest learn when she was young?"

She was also a little curious about how Murong Qingyue, as the first genius in the world, developed such a cold personality.

"Miss, she... has been a genius since she was a child." Li Yun said with a complicated expression.

Because she is a genius, the Four Books, Five Classics, or piano and chess calligraphy and calligraphy are nothing to Murong Qingyue. She can remember most of the books just by reading them.

But also because she was a genius, after being valued by the family, the eldest lady began a crazy learning career.

Murong's family hired a lot of tutors for her. These teachers often taught in the first half of the year and had to dismiss them on their own, because there was nothing to teach her.

Therefore, the eldest lady can be regarded as a very knowledgeable person, she can understand from her big library and her hobbies of reading in the past.

Xiao Jiayu sighed and said, "Qingyue is probably a little bit autistic by nature. Coupled with her good head, she can't play with her peers, which makes her autism worse."

Li Yun nodded slightly, saying that it was autism is not very accurate. The eldest lady does not like to communicate with people, but it is fine to speak, and she can speak very well, not strictly autistic.

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