Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 954: Eternal heart

"It's worth ten million?"

Although the young ladies present here can be regarded as wealthy, they don’t have much surplus, especially for the declining Xiao family. Usually a million-level jewelry or luxury car is already very remarkable, you can think of it as Baby confess.

Now this eternal heart can be regarded as their pocket money for several years, and it's no wonder everyone cries out when they see it.

Xiao Jiayu chuckled and said teasingly: "Yitian, I don't know where you bought this thing?"

"Jiayu, do you like this?!"

Xiao Yitian was asked by her in such a way, and immediately asked in surprise.

"I like it." Xiao Jiayu nodded with a sure smile, "I'm curious, where did you buy it from?"

Li Yun on the side was laughing to death. This necklace was originally Xiao Jiayu's fancy, of course he liked it. But Xiao Yitian obviously misunderstood, thinking she liked the gift he gave, which made him see hope again.

"Master Kalia is an internationally renowned master of jewellery. Everyone knows that everyone with special skills has some quirks, and Master Kalia is no exception. He has a rule. If you don’t come in person, you must move him. Conditions, he will never make jewelry for him!"

Xiao Yitian's words successfully calmed everyone present. Everyone thought that Master Kalia is a super craftsman with superb jewelry polishing skills.

Xiao Jiayu's eyes widened, shocked by Xiao Yitian's shamelessness.

She thought Xiao Yitian would say that he bought it from a jewelry store, and then she could reveal that the jewelry was only sold for 5 million.

By the way, I can still find him to settle the account, what happened to that arrogant Young Master Xiao.

But Xiao Jiayu did not expect that Xiao Yitian not only lied about the price of jewelry, but also lied about the origin of the jewelry.

"Really?" Xiao Jiayu looked at him with a smile.

"of course!"

Xiao Yitian didn’t know the person he sent to buy jewelry, so he just hit him with Xiao Jiayu. He still looked affectionate and said with a vow: “I found Master Kalia and begged him for a month. Jiayu confided all your affection to him, and Master Kalia agreed to build this eternal heart for me."

"Puff~!" Li Yun finally couldn't help it. He almost squirted out with a sip of wine. His face was flushed and coughed, and his face was full of concealed smiles.

"What are you laughing at!" Xiao Jiayu whispered, and stepped on Li Yun harder, "Help me, come on!"

She hated it in her heart, and this guy hid and watched a good show, as if she was not his girlfriend! !

Everyone looked at them weirdly, do they not believe it, or disdain it?

Xiao Qianruo was moved, turned her head and said dissatisfied: "Brother Li Yun, don't you think this behavior is very romantic?"

"It's quite romantic, if it's true." Li Yun said honestly.

"You don't believe it?!" Xiao Yitian immediately stared.

Li Yun was arrested by Xiao Jiayu, so he had to help her solve it, saying: "Brother Yitian, I think you are a little confused about drinking. If you think about it, where does this eternal heart come from? The price How much is it? Is it really ten million?"

Seeing that his tone was affirmative, everyone seemed to know what was inside, so they all looked at Xiao Yitian with questioning eyes.

"When, of course it is ten million!"

Xiao Yitian was watched by everyone and had to bite the bullet and said, "Jiayu, don't you believe me?"

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