Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 942: Tea, good tea, good tea

Grandma Xiao's walking stick slammed angrily on the ground, and the sound she made successfully calmed everyone in the living room.

When you see it, Li Yun will go back, but Xiao Jiayu stopped him and said: "Grandma, since you don't want to see my fiance, let's take a step first. Oh, yes, leave the gift for you."

Is she ridiculing that Grandma Xiao left her and Li Yun for a gift?

Li Yun felt that it was very possible.

It even ridiculed the billions of dollars she had taken with Xiao Yu last time.

Sure enough, Grandma Xiao's face became a bit darker again, and the dark clouds seemed to be thunderous.

"Come back, let us big guy see what kind of person you are looking for, and help you check."

She closed her eyes and suppressed her anger, turned her head and said to the young man beside her: "Go, get another cup of tea!"

Seeing her winking eyes, Xiao Si nodded suddenly and ran out to bring Li Yun another cup of tea.

Li Yun sat back in his seat and glanced at the cup of tea without a lid, no heat, no trace of fragrance.

Then, in the expressions of everyone watching the show, he picked it up and smelled it.

"Good tea!!" Li Yun praised seriously, without showing a trace of admiration on his face.


Everyone was dumbfounded. Could it be that this little white face had never drunk tea, so he was so surprised at what these people drank?

"Hehe, it's just a cup of bitter tea. It's not as good as a cup of one dollar on the street. It's actually good tea!"

"I don't know what he did before, but looking at him with a pure and innocent look, I think Xiao Jiayu likes this kind of white-faced scholar, so I was bewildered by him."

"Poor ghost! Unseen poor ghost!"

"If this kind of person can be the son-in-law of our Xiao family, that's a hell!"

"That's right, no matter what happens to my Xiao family, I can't let such a person be a son-in-law."

There was a sound of discussion in the hall, and everyone expressed their contempt for Li Yun.

Only Xiao Jiayu laughed and asked Li Yun, "How is this tea good? I think it's just average."

"Jiayu, you may not know that this tea doesn't look very good, but there is a very widely spread story in it."

Li Yun smiled and said: "Under the background of the story, no matter how bad the tea is, it will immediately become antique, like a small bridge in the place, looking ordinary, but as long as a poet writes a poem for it, It will immediately become a place of interest."

"For example, "The Night at the Maple Bridge"." Xiao Jiayu immediately understood what Li Yun said, and then asked: "But what story can there be in this cup of tea?"

The two sang and got together, saying as if they were true, they successfully aroused everyone's curiosity.

Is there really any allusion in it?

It has to be said that the older the family, the more fancy these things are.

Li Yun glanced at the people, pretending to be profound, and said: "It is said that there was a writer, calligrapher, and poet in ancient times. He liked to visit monks and ask Zen in his life. Once he took off his official clothes and put on plain clothes and went to a certain temple. Play and visit.

The abbot of this temple saw that the person was not outstanding, dressed normally, sat in his seat and did not move, but lazily raised his hand to let the little monk show him a seat, and said hello: "Sit, tea."

The poet saw that the abbot treated himself so slowly and did not make a sensation. Instead, he ordered the little monk who stood aside: "Take a good book." It means to donate some incense money.

After taking the good book, the poet wrote in front of the abbot: 100 taels of incense money.

The abbot stretched his neck to see that he was overjoyed and stood up enthusiastically: "Please sit down."

He also ordered the little monk: "Take tea."

The poet smiled, and signed a note on the good book: Dongcheng layman Su Shi.

The abbot was startled when he saw it. He didn't expect that the seemingly ordinary person in front of him was Su Shi, a famous scholar in the world. He hurriedly saluted him and said with a smile on his face: "Please sit down."

He hurriedly ordered: ‘Hurry up and serve good tea. ’"

After the story was told, sitting still, there was no one who dared to make a noise.

Li Yun pointed to the steamy cup of tea, and smiled: "This tea is the "tea" in the third-class story of the offending class. It is an allusion to Su Dongpo, Jia Yu, do you think this tea is good tea?"

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