Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 931: Manager Sven (Part 2)

After dealing with Young Master Xiao, the store manager finally had time to take care of Liu Sister and Liu Yiyi.

"This is the rule in the store."

The store manager ignored Liu's plea, and said coldly, then turned around and gently said to Liu Yiyi: "As for Yiyi you, I can keep you working here while you are online, and I will not be present in the store from now on. If you do, it’s up to you!"

"Why? The manager, why should she stay in the store!" Sister Liu gave Liu Yiyi bitterly, and then suddenly realized: "I see, you are fancy this woman's appearance and want to be with her on……"

"Liu Fangling!"

The store manager yelled and said sternly: "If you dare to say a few words, I will make you unable to hang out in Zhonghai City, believe it or not?"

"You! ... What a cruel heart!"

Sister Liu slammed the door of the counter and walked away angrily, and dropped a sentence: "Okay, I resign, but you have to give me ‘enough’ my salary this month!"

Li Yun glanced at Liu Yiyi, his figure was not bad, he looked like a college student who had just graduated, and he was very young.

But with this means and courage, at least people who have been in society for a few years.

"Sorry, Mr. Zhang, I also decided to resign."

Liu Yiyi said calmly. Judging from what Liu Jie said just now, the store manager is probably not a gentleman. He is treating her well now, but there is no guarantee that he will not show his fangs to deal with her in the future.

Manager Zhang persuaded a few more words, but Liu Yiyi insisted on resigning, and in the end he said harshly: "If you resign halfway, don't want this month's salary!"

"You!" Liu Yiyi is anxious. She has sold a lot of things this month, not to mention that she has tens of thousands of wages until now.

"Zhang Quanfeng, do you really dare not to pay?" Xiao Jiayu finally couldn't help it, and opened his mouth to call out his full name.

"You haven't left yet?"

Zhang Quanfeng was a little surprised. How could this girl who looks good with sunglasses know his name? Could it be that the clerk told her?

"I'm still waiting to see a good show, how can I leave." Xiao Jiayu said lightly: "If you dare not pay this Miss Liu's salary, I will help her sue you for bankruptcy! By the way, dig you and that Liu sister. The inside story, believe it?"

Zhang Quanfeng's face changed, "Who are you?!"

Such a big tone...

Xiao Jiayu took off her sunglasses, revealing her flawless face, which was enough to overwhelm the beauty of all beings, and instantly attracted the eyes of everyone in the store, even the female shop assistants.

"You... really are Miss Xiao, the Pearl of the Sea, Xiao Jiayu." Liu Yiyi gave her a deep look and said.

"Xiao Jiayu?!"

"The daughter of the richest man in Zhonghai City?"

"Oh my god, why did she come back to our store... oh my god, I missed this rare opportunity!"

Zhang Quanfeng’s face is very wonderful at the moment. He never expected that this girl who has been holding a man’s hand is really the daughter of the richest man in Zhonghai City who has met several times and spoke to him several times. !

"Xiao, Ms. Xiao, this..." Zhang Quanfeng said with sweat and faintly: "This is all a misunderstanding!"

"Misunderstanding? No misunderstanding."

Xiao Jiayu said coldly: "You don't have to be hypocritical. I won't do anything to you. My family is not a wealthy wolf and tiger and leopard who wants to eat people. Let's go, Li Yun."

He won't deal directly with Zhang Quanfeng, but a single word from this eldest daughter is enough to affect the upper class of Zhonghai City. After it spreads out, I am afraid that the traffic of this jewelry store will be immediately reduced by half.

Anyone who knows what happened today will hesitate if they want to come here for consumption, whether they want to directly confront the Xiao family.

Hearing these words, Zhang Quanfeng's legs softened and sat on the ground.

This means that his jewelry store is probably over.

Killing is invisible, Xiao Jiayu just a word, so that Zhang Quanfeng's shop can not be opened in Zhonghai City, there is no need to do it himself.

Li Yun glanced at Liu Yiyi, who was extremely nervous, and said, "Miss Liu, would you mind doing a shopping guide for us? We are not very familiar with the pedestrian street here."

"Ah..." Liu Yiyi was taken aback for a moment, then he nodded in surprise, quickly packed his belongings, and followed Li Yun and Xiao Jiayu in the enviable eyes of the shop assistants.

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