Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 923: Valentine's Day (Part 1)

Li Yun and Xiao Jiayu are walking on a pedestrian street selling high-end items in Zhonghai City. They both wear hats and sunglasses. They are not big or small celebrities now. This point still needs to be paid attention to, so as not to be attracted by shopping. It's not pretty when everyone is watching.

"Jiayu, what are we going to buy back?"

"Humph!" Xiao Jiayu snorted coldly, expressing that she is very dissatisfied now and needs Li Yun to coax her.


Li Yun felt a little inexplicable, what happened to her? He was still happy when he came out, but now he has a little temper.

Seeing him like this, Xiao Jiayu prompted a little discouraged: "What day is it today?"

His elm head had to be knocked on by her, otherwise he wouldn't be able to turn it.

"Lantern Festival, what's wrong?"

"You pig~"

Xiao Jiayu took Li Yun's arm, quietly pinched him gently around his waist, and then pointed to the lovers who were coming and going around, who were walking intimately with their arms, and said, "Look at them!"

Li Yun observed and answered honestly: "It should be all lovers, buying things back home for the New Year as we did when we came out?"


Xiao Jiayu was crazy, staring into his eyes, and said word by word: "Today is February 14, Valentine's Day in the West!"

Li Yun was ashamed. He never paid attention to this. This was the first time he had a girlfriend this year. Naturally, he didn't know that little girls like Xiao Jiayu actually liked this kind of festival.

"My fault, Jiayu, don't be angry."

Seeing her awkward and angry cute expression, Li Yun smiled and held her face and kissed her smooth forehead.

"Huh~, I'm not angry."

Having said that, Xiao Jiayu’s beautiful face is full of blushes. Speaking of which, she and Li Yun have not been close for a long time, and they have been somewhat depressed recently. He never had the opportunity to have a good chat with him after the New Year. .

Xiao Jiayu, who was originally strong and confident in front of Li Yun, showed such a happy and shy expression. The gentle bowed head was shy with a smile, and his eyes flowed eagerly, seeming to be rippling in the water. The pink face was springy, the low eyebrows were shy, successful Li Yun was stunned, only looking at her silly, attracted by Xiao Jiayu's charm at the moment.

Xiao Jiayu didn't see Li Yun's response for a long time. When she looked up, she noticed his strangeness. She couldn't help but laughed out loud, slenderly pointed at Li Yun's forehead, and said softly, "Fool, what are you looking at? It’s a rare day to be fascinated by me, hehe~

Her expression of welcoming and refusing made Li Yun's heart tender. If he weren't on the street, he would be unable to control himself, and once again taste the taste of her red and beautiful little mouth.

Why isn't Xiao Jiayu like that? Her lover just kissed her on the forehead, which made it difficult for her to restrain her feelings and wanted to hug him intimately and tell her inner impulse.

"Jiayu~" Li Yun took her little hand, looked at the surrounding shops, and asked, "What gift do you want for Valentine's Day?"


Xiao Jiayu sighed, her lover always likes to break the atmosphere at this critical moment, and she is also very distressed.

"what's happenin?"

"you idiot!"

Xiao Jiayu dragged Li Yun forward angrily, "How can a boy ask a girl if he wants to give something? Fortunately, I don't mind. If you change to another girl, you will definitely not be able to catch her!"

"Oh, forgot, you still have the eldest lady, she will definitely not mind." Xiao Jiayu added angrily. Now that the atmosphere of ambiguity has been broken, even the eldest will move out.

You know, she usually didn't want to mention Miss Li in chatting with Li Yun, so she mentioned Ge Ying.

Li Yun did not dare to say a rebuttal...

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