Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 917: Disaster loss

The network is gone, the satellite positioning is gone, the mobile phone can't get through, the phone can't get through, there is no telegram, no fax.

Airplanes were grounded, motor vehicles were suspended, ships were docked, factories were shut down, and the company was paralyzed.

The day of February 11, 2019 is destined to be recorded in the annals of history. Just as the newspaper commented, mankind suddenly returned to the last century.

Everyone was horrified to discover that the technology they are proud of, without the help of electromagnetic waves, has become so vulnerable, as if it had suddenly changed from the 21st century back to the original world.

Many people even said with a wry smile that if the electromagnetic disaster continues for one more day, the pigeon industry will probably grow explosively.

Because in the future communication, we will rely on flying pigeons to pass on books!

Fortunately, after a night of panic waiting, at 8 o'clock the next morning, the electromagnetic disaster really ended as stated in the notice.

Everything seemed to be back to normal.

Everyone picked up their mobile phones with surprises and made crazy calls to their loved ones. When the phone became hot, they would only stop using it.

When I lost it, I realized that this thing is so precious

According to the incomplete level afterwards, the call duration on February 12th was longer than in previous years combined!

The Internet has also experienced unprecedented prosperity. Everyone has heated discussions on the electromagnetic accident yesterday. All explanations, including what experts say about sunspots, the abnormal magnetic field of the earth, etc., have been relentlessly mocked and attacked by netizens.

If there is no previous notice, I am afraid that some people will believe that sunspot activity may cause electromagnetic disaster.

But now it is exactly one day to end this incident, and people all over the world are pointing their fingers at the religion.

They may not know that this evil organization is called the Cult of God, but the last time a Winged Monster attacked has exposed this huge organization with powerful technological capabilities to the world.

The spread of doomsday theory became more and more widespread, and everyone began to believe that one day in the future, there would be a world-class disaster.

Maybe tomorrow, maybe a month.

"Today Morning News" commented: "The electromagnetic disaster that occurred on February 11 yesterday is an indescribable and incalculable world disaster. On this day...

Human beings on our planet have never suffered such a severe blow from the moment electromagnetic waves were applied to communication technology.

We used to be proud of the advanced communication technology in the modern world, but after experiencing yesterday, I am afraid everyone realizes that human beings are like toddlers, and evil organizations have destroyed our civilization before they even formally show up. half.

Without electromagnetic waves, our missiles would not even be able to launch, because the missile has no fuse to ignite, and no hero dares to ignite the fuse.

God bless the human world. "

"Lujianshe" reported: "According to incomplete statistics, there are 12 planes that fell due to yesterday’s electromagnetic disaster across the world, and 19 subway and train accidents have collided. Patients who were too late to treat due to this electromagnetic disaster 3562 people... The accident caused 123412 deaths and millions of people suffered injuries of varying degrees.

As a result of this disaster, companies all over the world have stopped production and work, and the loss is unpredictable, and conservatively estimated to reach more than one trillion yuan.

On February 11, human history will remember this moment forever. "

"We call on the whole world to unite to find out the truth of yesterday's disaster as soon as possible to prevent human beings... from being destroyed!"

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