Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 897: Ten speakers

Li Yun looked at several speakers that were originally erected in the air, pointed at them and said, "Who will help me get them down?"

The staff who were busy on the stage were all taken aback. What is the young chairman doing?

Lu Ming asked curiously, "Why do you want speakers? Is it really to..." Deafening everyone's ears?

Among the people present, Li Yun knew what product to be released at the conference at this moment. He specifically sold it and said mysteriously: "I will understand it later, I promise you will be surprised!"

"Oh yes, all the speakers are on stage, I'm useful." Li Yun added.

Although everyone was puzzled, they took back the speakers placed in all directions and lined them up on the stage in accordance with the request of the young and somewhat excessive chairman.

Looking at the ten large speakers on the ground, the curiosity of the people in the audience was mobilized, and they speculated about what Li Yun was going to do.

"Is it really going to deaf everyone's ears?"

"Ten high-end speakers, look at their black shapes and icons, they should be the brand of XSound, not SuperTech products."

"I'm going to see how to shock!"

"Hehe, when they talk, I suggest you cover your ears to prevent deafness."

At this moment, Yi Shanshan is exactly like a curious baby, looking at Li Yun with big innocent eyes, full of curiosity inside, as if saying, ‘Li Yun, tell me now~’.

Li Yun smiled and said: "Shanshan, do you want to sing live later? Sing a song casually to cooperate with the product promotion."

"Huh?" Yi Shanshan was dizzy by Li Yun, why did she suddenly switch to singing?

"Cappella or accompaniment?"

"It's enough to sing a cappella. Can it cooperate with the product promotion?" Li Yun emphasized again.

"Okay~, I am now a shareholder of the company, of course I cooperate with the promotion~" Yi Shanshan agreed with a smile, "It's just that I'm very curious now, what product needs me to sing?"

Li Yun shouldn't always want her to sing to achieve the effect of publicity, he must have had a reason to let her sing.

"Guaranteed shock and surprise. Probably."

Probably because Li Yun didn't know if Yishanshan was bothered by noise.

"I look forward to~"

Yishanshan didn't care. She couldn't help feeling joy when she heard Li Yun say surprises. She especially liked these surprises + excitement, just like violent and unusual things.

In short, compared to her appearance of purity and kindness, Ishanshan's heart is very restless, like a restless little devil lives.

At this moment, a few people walked in from outside, carrying a white cabinet-like object in their hands.

Li Yun asked them to move the cabinet directly up and place it in front of the ten speakers lined up.

Ten black speakers, a white unknown cabinet, the speakers and cabinets are similar, it makes people wonder if this is also a speaker?

But there is no sound hole when I look at it, and where does the sound come from is another question.

Ishanshan couldn't help but curiosity, went forward to look left and right, and touched it a few times with her beautiful little hand, but she still couldn't figure out what it was.

"Li Yun, what is this?"

"This is what will be released later. Okay, come back and sit down. The conference will begin soon."


Yishanshan looked at it reluctantly, walked over and sat next to Li Yun.

She had just felt the extraordinary place of the cabinet. The white metal material felt like a piece of warm jade, which was very comfortable.

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