Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 894: Deaf your ears (part 2)

A Weibo of Super Technology Company successfully blew up countless Yishanshan fans. Everyone swarmed in, commented or reposted, and quickly pushed this Weibo to a hot topic.

In the public relations department of Super Technology, the little beauty Yu Qianqian who is responsible for managing Weibo was almost scared to death by the comments below. Numerous ridicule and insulting comments followed, expressing contempt for this Weibo title.

Yu Qianqian was crying and confirmed again with the director of the public relations department: "Boss, are you sure that this is how President Lu asked to post Weibo?"

"It's true! That's right!"

"But...isn't our company's holographic technology taking a while to be developed? Where do we get the black technology now?"

"It also deaf other people's ears, it feels weird..." Yu Qianqian added weakly.

After a period of silence on the phone, there was a heartfelt comforting voice: "Qianqian, don't worry, in short, we must develop the conference tomorrow, President Lu's decision."

"Okay, okay."

"In addition, after get off work tonight, the Propaganda Department has already written a manuscript. You can send it out and go to bed after sending it out. You will get up tomorrow morning to promote it. Now our company is not a small company. The long focus is good!"

"Yes, boss!"

Hanging up the phone, Yu Qianqian complained: "President Lu is also true, knowing that our company is no longer a small company, and having such a sudden press conference is really exhausting."

Although she complained, she still cheered up to cope with the work. Now the employees who can enter Super Technology are not simple, and the quality is not.

It’s just that, probably the whole world will do this with this company. From getting the news to confirming the press conference, it only gave everyone a short half-day to announce it.

Five minutes later, Liao Xianhua saw the official promotional copy of Super Technology, but there was nothing in it. He just advertised the press conference tomorrow afternoon without revealing anything related, which made people irritated.

"Is it that mysterious? I didn't reveal anything!"

Liao Xianhua came with interest and decided to make a call to Super Energy, and set the qualifications to go to the press conference tomorrow. Later, he wrote an analysis article and posted it on Weibo.

"This time Super Technology will develop the conference again after two months. I believe you all look forward to it. This amazing company that started with a small game and made 20 billion yuan with an investment of 5 million. The second time What surprises did the product launch bring us?


From the point of view of the slogan, although the title is a bit grandiose, don’t forget that the president of Super Technology is Lu Ming. Judging from his style of work, this black technology is very likely to be real, and it is what is on the market. Technology products not available.

Combining the sentence afterwards, deafening our ears, why is it deafening instead of the common blinking eyes? Personally, this black technology product must be related to the ears, or some ultra-high sound quality headphones, or some headsets, in short, it is inseparable from the sound.

Okay, the above is the analysis of the editor. Next, I will present a few photos of Yishanshan, various netizens, do you think Yishanshan will appear again at SuperTech's product launch tomorrow?

Friendly reminder, Yishanshan is now also a shareholder of Super Technology, accounting for 5% of the shares. [图][图][图]"

I have to say that Liao Xianhua is infinitely close to the truth.

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