Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 884: A trillion-dollar residence

When Murong Nantian received a call from his wife, he just finished the meeting. After hearing Xiao Liyou's question, he replied in surprise: "Yes, we are now in Li Yun's hometown. Why do you ask this? As usual..."

Before he finished speaking, he knew the problem.

"Wife, do you want to ask Qingyue?"

"Do you still know Qingyue? You take her to such a place without telling me, there is yours!"

"This... don't blame me, my wife, Qingyue didn't let me say it."

Xiao Liyou hated it, and both father and daughter, including Xing'er, were hiding from her!

Of course, it was mainly Murong Qingyue's problem, she didn't want others to know about it.

"Why are you going there? Qingyue went to see her lover, did you follow?"

"How could I do such a thing, I'm here to work, about the religion."

"Hmph, I'm too lazy to care about what the gods teach, but you took your daughter out and didn't find a better place for her?!"

Looking at the photo, Xiao Liyou said with a heartache: "Look at Li Yun's hometown, how shabby, you let our daughter live in that kind of place..."


"Not what? You still want to argue!"

"Qingyue really doesn't live in Li Yun's hometown. She lives in an expensive place." Murong Nantian rubbed his temples, and the feeling of being chased by his wife was really uncomfortable.

"How do you say? Where did Qingyue live last night?"

"Well, let me reveal a little information to you, Li Yun's life experience is not simple..."

After listening to the inside information in silence, Xiao Liyou was filled with emotion. Sure enough, it was not easy every time when it came to the religion of God.

And this time, her prospective son-in-law is still a godsend and has a nanny base in that remote mountain area, which is even more complicated.

"Husband, you mean, Qingyue lived in the base of the religious sect these two nights?"

"That's right! I went in to see that place. Although it is inside the mountain, the environment is not bad at all." Murong Nantian said jokingly: "The base is worth at least one trillion yuan, probably our daughter. I can enjoy living in this luxurious house."

"My daughter is not the kind of person who cares about this!" Xiao Liyou muttered, "Well, I understand the situation, and I won't disturb your work anymore. Seizing a religious base, you must be busy now You’re dying, pay attention to rest."

"Yes! My wife!"


Li Yun drove the eldest lady to Luonan Town in a tricycle. As expected, the eldest lady's beauty once again caused a sensation. The people in the small town were attracted by the news that the peerless beauty had arrived.

Fortunately, many people in Jiugou Village are in the town. They have heard about what happened in the village early. The villagers helped Li Yun block many people, which allowed them to stroll around the town smoothly. hour.

When Li Yun returned to the village, just as he entered the village, he was booed by a large group of children and ran after the tricycle.

"Brother Yun, I heard that you are going to build roads in the village, is it true?"

"I didn't build the road, but the country built it for the village."

"Brother Yun, I heard that you are going to open a factory in the town. Is it true?"


"Big sister, you are so beautiful, I can grow up to be so beautiful~"

There is nothing to hide in the village. In just one day, everyone of all ages has learned the news. The popularity of Li Yun and the young lady has also risen rapidly, and they are warmly welcomed by the villagers. They have been watching from the entrance of the village. Hometown.

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