Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 867: Brain wave glands (below)

Several people were surprised, Li Yun asked: "Do people really have a soul?"

"Perhaps, just like your brother received a signal, you can immediately tell that he is not the information generated by your brain, right?"


Li Yun nodded. It was true. He thought it was an illusion at first, but vaguely knew that it couldn't be a thought that came out of his brain suddenly. He was not insane.

Then Li Yun thought about the resurrection technology of the Golden Soldiers. Is it because the soul escaped by electromagnetic waves before death, so it could be resurrected.

Li Xiaoai continued: "My brother used to learn to use brainwave glands here, but unfortunately something went wrong and my brother was left out. As for the control of wing monsters, it is because they have no souls, and of course they do not have brainwave glands. There is only one probe in the body to receive commands, anyone with high authority will hear about it."

In other words, Li Yun's authority is higher than that of Platinum Warriors.

It's just that Lingling refused to say what his background was, so Xiao Ai naturally has no relevant information.

Li Yun thought of the zombies again. It turned out that they were brain dead for this reason before controlling them.

However, fortunately, the human body cannot be controlled, otherwise this technology is terrible.

Murong Nantian asked, "Xiao Ai, are there any other technologies except these?"

Li Xiaoai shook her head and said in an indifferent electronic voice: "The S-1 soldiers and the A-5 used to excavate the base were directly taken out by the master from the gods. There is no technology to repair them. If they break, they are gone."

This base was originally not used to fight against the gods, but was only used for refuge + raising Li Yun.

Captain Gu pointed to the robots that were busy cleaning up the environment, and asked curiously: "These are also brought from the gods?"

These robots are not as tall and mighty as the S-1 soldiers. Although they are humanoid, they are really shabby. Some even have their arms turned into rags, which are specially used to wipe the ground.

The rest of the robots are similar. They are used for wiping the floor, carrying heavy objects, and for climbing walls. I'm afraid there is not even one for cooking in the kitchen...

They have a variety of functions, but they work together very harmoniously without any mess.

Li Xiaoai took a look and said, "I can make dozens of these things a day."

In other words, these are just waste...

Captain Gu said embarrassingly: "I think it's pretty awesome, so many things work well together."

"They have simple intelligence in them, and they are within my control."

Li Yun touched her little head, "Little hobby is great, while talking to us, while cleaning the house."

"Thank you brother for the compliment." Li Xiaoai blinked her big eyes at Li Yun, looking very cute.

Murong Nantian asked, "Dozens of them are built a day? Isn't there a factory in the base?"


"Where?" Murong Nantian and Captain Gu's eyes lit up. Thinking about a factory of the gods, they looked forward to it, although there could not be too many powerful things inside.


Xiao Ai jumped off the sofa and walked to a room around the hall.

Li Yun and the others hurriedly followed her, and when everyone came to the door, the door opened automatically.

The entire nanny base is as free as Xiao Ai's body.

"This is the factory of the gods?"

Everyone was stunned by the scene inside. It was different from the huge space in the imagined room. This room was more than two hundred square meters. There were no densely packed ultra-precision instruments, only some culture tanks filled with nutrients. liquid.

It is more like a biological laboratory than a factory.

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