Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 856: Laser gun

A group of strange white soldiers appeared in front of him. After the initial shock, the real person of Sanyang barely suppressed the fear in his heart and asked coldly: "Are you Li Yun?"

The unknown is the most terrifying. Hearing Li Yun's name by his name at the moment, Madam Sanyang was able to calm down instead.

Li Yun smiled, "Didn't you mention my name just now?"

"Stop talking nonsense, leave and let this thing stop, otherwise I'll cut it off!"

"Did you make a mistake? You are the early innate period, and I am also in the early innate period. In terms of strength, you are not dominant."

Real Sanyang's face darkened, and he also realized this situation.

Li Yun shrugged, pretending to be helpless and said: "Now we are surrounded by you. You should consider how to escape from under my hands instead of threatening me like a fool."


Madam Sanyang wanted to get angry, but was worried about offending the twenty mechanical soldiers on the opposite side. He could only hold it back and said coldly, "What do you want?"

"Put down your weapons and surrender immediately!" Captain Gu yelled righteously, "This way you will have a chance!"

"Impossible! Come if you have the ability!"

Madam Sanyang is not a vegetarian either. There is a strong ferocity and hatred in his eyes, which surprised Captain Gu.

Li Yun said lightly: "Let me ask you a few questions, if you can answer..."

"You just let me go? Humph!" Real Sanyang sneered, "I don't believe your government is so kind!"

"Fight with me again, if you win, let you go."

Captain Gu looked at Li Yun in surprise, so he is confident that he will win the real Sanyang?

Li Yun smiled faintly, no matter what kind of innate early stage, he is sure to win.

Not to mention the Super Pill, just to say that his current fighting skills and nerve reaction speed are far beyond those of ordinary innate early stage.

Sanyang Zhenren's face was uncertain, and seemed to be considering the feasibility of this proposal.

"Xiao Ai, show him the combat effectiveness of these soldiers." Li Yun didn't know what the combat effectiveness of these mechanical soldiers was, but seeing that there are only these twenty soldiers in this nanny base, it should be quite impressive.

Zhenren Sanyang looked at the little girl, he knew at first glance that this five- or six-year-old girl was not easy, otherwise he would not be taken by Li Yun.

"They are semi-biochemical and semi-mechanical combat soldiers, belonging to humanoid experimental units, code-named experimental S-1."

Li Xiaoai’s words made the real Sanyang palpitations. Are these semi-biochemical cyborgs? Half biochemical, half mechanical, what kind of existence is it? !

"Number 1, attack there."

Following Li Xiaoai's command and pointing to the ceiling, one of the silver-white soldiers raised the weapon that looked like a submachine gun in his hand and issued an attack command to the wall above his head.

Li Yun accurately saw that this weapon did not have a trigger, and it seemed to be driven by brain waves.

A dazzling beam of light emerged from the muzzle. Before everyone had time to sense what it was, the beam hit the wall, instantly burning a hole in the extremely hard metal wall.

Afterwards, the No. 1 hand-held weapon was swiped up and down, and the beam of light flashed by. From the top of everyone's head to the door, in an instant, a ditch with a thick finger and a depth of more than three centimeters appeared on the wall, and the metal burned by the high temperature instantly melted , Become a weird shape.

Everyone was shocked and forgot to breathe, and the real person Sanyang trembled in his calves. This attack hit him, and it probably only took three seconds for his true energy to run out, and the light beam would penetrate his body.

"Laser Cannon!"

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