Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 852: Silencing hallucination

After the chat, Li Yun looked into the holographic image again.

The group of Zhenren Sanyang finally walked carefully to the first turning point, where there was also a cabinet to shield the sound.

The screen showed that the group of at least thirty or forty vicious men with submachine guns in Sanyang Zhenren gathered around the cabinet and looked to the right. Under the sign of Sanyang Zhenren, a bolder man finally drummed up. With courage, he stepped forward and quickly touched the cabinet.

Then, he withdrew his hand like an electric shock.

Everyone was shocked and ran out the door in a burst of howling ghosts and wolves.

Li Yun was speechless. These people are like primitive people who have traveled to modern society. They are afraid of everything beyond their understanding.

Captain Gu laughed and said, "This group is really awkward. They are so scared of an ordinary cabinet!"

"Yes, yes!" Several of his teammates quickly agreed. They would never say that they were shocked when they saw the cabinet when they came in just now.

Li Yun smiled, and he would never say that your performance when Captain Gu came in was not much better.

"Xiao Ai, what is that thing?" Li Yun asked, pointing to the cabinet in the holographic picture.

Li Xiaoai immediately said with her unwavering electronic voice: "Answer to my brother's question: 1. It can shield the sound; 2. It is an instrument that can make people with mental resistance less than 100 fall into hallucinations. These two functions are added by the owner. Yes, it was never named."

Xiao Ai emphasized the name in particular, and Li Yun immediately said clearly: "Then call it a muffler hallucination." Is it because Xiao Ai has a name that she cares about these things without names?

"Mental resistance is less than 100?" Captain Gu accurately caught the key word in Xiao Ai's words just now, and asked in amazement: "Can this noise-cancelling hallucination really make people hallucinate?"

"The idea of ​​hallucinations is not accurate."

Li Xiaoai said: “On average, an adult’s mental power is 60, and resistance is also 60. The two values ​​of people who enter the innate are 100. In addition, the individual’s willpower is different, and the two values ​​are also different.”

Li Yun was also surprised. He didn't expect that the gods had done such a deep research on the spirit of the human body. Could it be that it was this that controlled so many golden soldiers?

He thought of ascending to the gods. The previous golden war soldiers said that relying on the ascending gods to let Long Fengming and others enter a trance state was probably to reduce their mental resistance, so as to achieve the purpose of subduing them.

In other words, most of the elite geniuses abducted by the sect with wings monsters in other countries may now have joined the sect.

Li Xiaoai continued: "The anechoic illusion device only emits strong interference electric waves, which makes the human brain's magnetic field chaotic and produces hallucinations. It is not a real hallucination device that can produce a controllable picture."

"Then...Is there an instrument that can actually produce hallucinations?" Captain Gu did not let go of any opportunity to explore the technological strength of the gods.


Li Xiaoai didn't care to say this, as long as Li Yun didn't stop, she would answer Li Yun's friends' questions.

"First, use a probe to pierce the human body. Through this probe, the signal is externally transmitted to the human brain to simulate what the eyeball sees, and the human body can produce hallucinations."


Li Yun and Captain Gu were dumbfounded, and one of the team members murmured to himself: "Would it be possible for blind people without eyes to see the picture?"


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