Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 844: Transformers A5

"Ah, it's Transformers!"

Caixia was shocked because her brother was in front to protect them, but she didn't worry too much. She still had time to shout, "Sister, don't you like to play Transformers? You also bought a lot of figures."

"Uh, uh." Caiwei's scared face turned pale, holding Caixia tightly and looking at Li Yun in the distance.

Li Yun doesn't know if this thing is Transformers, but he knows that this new product of the cult is very different from the Wing Monster.

It should not be a creature, but composed of cells that exhibit various characteristics, similar to the Lingling clothes that Li Yun saw last time. It can change aliens at will, and it can also change its own material to become similar to clothes. , Necklaces and other items.

Li Yun couldn't help but smile. This thing is too bad. If it is used on bulletproof clothes, the clothes will have the toughness of metal and the softness of fabric. If it can become hard again at the critical moment, I am afraid it will be taught by God. Each soldier will be as difficult to kill as a predator.

Fortunately, this thing seems to be very precious, at least the golden soldiers did not wear this kind of clothes.

Seven or eight meters high, holding a drill bit, the gleaming silver monster all over gives a great deterrent. Li Yun and Captain Gu do not doubt the attack power of this guy. Once the drill bit is taken off, they are afraid that it can A dozen people skewered into barbecue.

Fortunately, the monster did not have the desire to attack. After turning into a human form, he waited for a while. After confirming that there was no danger, the drill in his hand turned into a grappling hook again, lying on the edge of the hole and extending it in to level the ground.

A huge, majestic monster was lying on the ground to clear the hole at the moment, just like a child stabbing an ant nest with a branch. It makes people feel funny and indescribable.

However, the experimental machine body A-5, which was manufactured for this purpose, was used to excavate rocks to clean up rubble, and combat was an incidental function.

In the distance, the person who was looking at the situation with the binoculars was trembling with fright. After recovering, he quickly sent a message to Madam Sanyang.

"Real person, Li Yun has opened the cave, and a huge monster came out of it..."

Hearing these very funny reports, Sanyang Zhenren didn't believe it at the beginning, and finally became suspicious. After thinking of the magic of the door they were about to open, Sanyang Zhenren finally confirmed that there is indeed something unimaginable in this base. Things, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a legacy left by aliens.

As soon as he thought of this, Sanyang Zhenren couldn't help but breathe shortly. If he could obtain the magical technology of aliens, he might be able to extend his life, and it would not be a problem to live for hundreds of years.

Even, he can further enhance his male function, so that he can be the master of a hundred girls at night, how enjoyable the scene should be!

"Quickly, put all the explosives at the door immediately, and I want to explode it in one go!"


Master Sanyang didn't come to **** the door here. He thought it was unnecessary, and maybe the monster would go mad, so he could just ask Li Yun to deal with it, and he quietly took the contents from the back door.

He took a few photos of the shiny silver monster with his mobile phone. Captain Gu's hands trembled with excitement. He hurriedly passed these photos to Murong Nantian and reported the situation here.

"Well, I know the situation, you guys hold on, support will come soon."

Murong Nantian quickly activated the action plan he had prepared for a long time, and then hesitated and got through his daughter's phone.

His daughter came to ask about Li Yun's situation every day these days. If she didn't tell her, Murong Nantian didn't know how she would be angry.

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