Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 836: Weird cave

The uncle continued: “Twenty-two years ago, when Li Dehua and Er Liang’s father were running for village chief, a villager in the village didn’t remember who it was. Anyway, he accidentally entered the head of the village when it was raining. A cave in the mountain, it was said that there were dark clouds in the sky, heavy rain, and the sky was very gloomy

Strangely enough, there was nothing unusual about the villager hiding in the entrance of the cave, but the heavy rain forced him to walk a few steps inside, and he immediately heard loud rumblings from the cave, as if...as if,"

Uncle pondered the words, Cai Wei was so frightened that she didn't even dare to show her half of her ears. She stretched out her hands and covered them, only leaking a little gap to listen to this ‘ghost story’.

"It seems like someone hit the rocks with a sledgehammer inside?"


The uncle looked at Li Yun strangely, "So you've heard about it, that's it. What he heard was a rumbling sound, like someone hitting something with a huge hammer on the construction site, but I heard it was terrible. Many, it's like a monster hiding in a mountain trying to break the rock and come out to eat people."

"Ah!" Caixia screamed, shivering while holding Plucking Wei, but she felt so happy, she couldn't help asking, "What happened later?"

"Later? Later, the more and more rioting, a few bold young people, the young people of the year, are now about the same age as your father. They also went to the cave, and they heard that voice."

The uncle recalled: “At the time, everyone said that there was a mountain **** sleeping and snoring in it, and they wanted to organize people to worship it, but in the end Erliang his dad volunteered to go out, and then he went in alone with a flashlight. In the cave."

"What happened later? Are there any monsters?"

"No, nothing. Erliang's father is still here, so how come there are monsters. It's just... alas~"

The uncle sighed and said, "He lost contact after entering the cave, and he came out three days later. After he came out, his face was covered with small scars, and he was confused when he asked him what happened inside. He couldn't remember clearly, as if he was stupid, and it took half a month to recover.

Unfortunately, because of this incident, Li Dehua went around saying that he was succumbed to evil, and everyone was skeptical, and Li Dehua became the village head smoothly. "

That's why Li Yun understood. It's no wonder that Erliang said that his father had lost the position of village chief because he was framed.

Caiwei breathed a sigh of relief, as long as there is no dead person, in this case, even if it is a ghost, it is a good ghost, don't be afraid!

Caixia asked curiously: "I stayed in the cave for three days, didn't everyone go looking for him?"

The uncle shook his head, "No one dared to go in, for fear of offending the mountain gods. However, after Erliang's father came out, although his spirits were not good, his body was not bad. It was not like he had not eaten for three days. Everyone was right. I am surprised at this, saying that that mountain is a good mountain god."

Li Yun smiled, probably not a good mountain god, but a good spirit.

He asked again: "After that, haven't you ever been in that cave?"

"No, after years of that incident, someone dared to go in, but the cave has become very shallow, very different from the cave where this incident did not happen, so no one dared to go in."

Twenty years ago, I talked about what happened. After I finished talking, the uncle became a little sad.

"Uncle, now the cave has collapsed, and it is not a natural disaster?"

"Yes, it has collapsed. And it was blown up by people from the resort with explosives. It took more than a week before it completely collapsed!"

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