Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 826: Eight yuan a catty

Caixia immediately became happy, and couldn't help asking: "Brother, how should I refute what she said just now?"

The villagers in Jiugou Village were dumbfounded. They didn't expect that facing the unbeatable Li Dehua, the brothers and sisters of Li Guozhu's family were still in the mood to talk about education? !

Li Dehua's family was furious. They felt that every time they punched, Li Yun would throw them away lightly, and they would definitely not fight them head-on!

Seeing Li Dehua's resentful eyes, Li Yun smiled, and said leisurely: "You should say that in the eyes of my parents and brother, I am a priceless treasure. I can't get married for 60,000 yuan."

Caixia's eyes lit up, and she looked at Li Yun as if she was admiring. These words were deep in her heart.

Caiwei looked excited, and she thought so too.

Li Yun continued: "You shouldn't directly say that she and Li Xiangui were inverted. Instead, you should say that if you insist on your values, I look so good, but your grandma Li only thinks I am worth 60,000 yuan. , Then if your grandson grows up like this, you can probably only sell it for 8 yuan a catty."

"Eight yuan per catty?"

"Isn't this the price of pork?"

"Indeed, the pork sold in the town is at this price."

"Pork...Then what he said is that Li Xiangui is a pig?"


After trying to understand Li Yun's metaphor, everyone in Jiugou Village sighed, even the people Li Dehua had brought.

Everyone is happy to say that Li Dehua is embarrassed, and he feels a sense of pleasure that his authority has fallen.

"You, you, you!" Grandma Li and Li Xiangui's angry faces were pale. Grandma Li couldn't breathe, so she almost explained it here.

Caixia was stunned. She couldn't think that the art of speaking could have such a superb realm. Without saying a dirty word, she could curse the other party bloody.

"Brother, you are so amazing~"

Li Yun actually didn't want to play tricks, especially using human defects to laugh at each other.

Fat people are afraid of being called pigs, thin people are afraid of being called skinny, short people are afraid of being called short, taller is better, but if they are tall and thin, they will be called thin bamboo poles.

As for other physical disabilities, those who lack hands and feet, those who have one-eyed eyes, those who have long scars on their heads, and those who have pitted faces, everything else. If there is a physical defect when scolding, it can be said that you lose three points first. The damage is very negative.

Li Dehua laughed back and said bitterly, "If my son is a pig, then your sister is the pig’s wife. Don’t bury anyone! You have to get married today, or if you don’t get married, I see who Dare to object!"

He was dead, and the people who came with him suddenly responded in a group, and they clashed noisily.

"Yes! Who dares to object!"

"Whoever disagrees will beat him half to death. The village chief is the biggest in Jiugou Village!"

"Damn, do you have a lot of people or we have a lot of people? Don't **** know how to praise!"

Although the number of people on Li Yun's side was much smaller, none of them retreated. Uncles, uncles, and uncles all immediately rolled up their sleeves and spit, trying to fight, without losing their momentum.

As the family members of the same reason, if they see Li Guozhu being bullied and do not help, they will not be able to raise their heads in the village in the future.

"be quiet!"

Li Yun stopped them again, and said to the uncle and them: "Uncles and aunts, I said before, I will handle this by myself, so watch it."

"Huh, Xiao Bailian, you really are so bold! Thinking that it would be great to come back from the city?" Li Xiangui sneered, he was already determined to win the twin sisters!

Li Yun estimated that the time is almost the same. Er Liang should have got what he wanted, so he smiled at Li Dehua and the others: "I have a few words to tell you. After reading it, you can decide what to do, how about it?"

"I see what other tricks you can do!"

The people over Li Dehua looked at him with a sneer.

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