Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 819: Sanyang Zhenren

After Er Liang left, the sisters couldn't wait to kiss Li Yun and below, Qi Qi said softly, "Brother is so amazing~"

After enjoying the soft scented lips of his sisters, Li Yun couldn't help but rubbed their little heads a few times, and said: "My brother was very suspicious and was not very polite, but he came out to negotiate with us. Just be strong. Do you understand when I say that?"

Caixia nodded and Caiwei shook her head. She said, "Brother, I don't want to learn this very much. I will have my brother and sister to protect me in the future."

"Okay!" Caixia immediately agreed, holding her and rubbing her cute face, and said with joy: "My sister will be protected by my brother and me. My sister only needs to be beautiful."

This is an old-fashioned question, and Li Yun has no good way to solve the problem of Plucking's fear of life. After being out for so long today, she and Li Xiangui didn't say a word, all they said to her sister.

Throughout the afternoon, Li Yun and the sisters spent the entire afternoon on this mountain. In the end, Li Yun still failed to find the location of the baby base.

It seems that it is still a big project to find it.

After eating, Li Yun received a text message from Murong Nantian and opened it. It turned out to be some information from Liwei Company.

The most important thing is that Li Yun knew what the so-called real person came from.

The real person, known by the people of the rivers and lakes, is the elder of the Lingjian Tower where Duan Kaitian, the leader of the martial arts league, is located. Like Li Yun, he is also in the early innate period.

Lingjian Tower, one of the four gates, is as famous as the Bagua gate where Wang Mengyan is located.

And Duan Kaitian is not only the host of Lingjian Tower, but also the leader of the Jianghu Wulin Alliance, the power can be said to be extraordinary!

The so-called martial arts leader does not have an organization established with the goal of eliminating any sect, but just a group united by the world to fight against secular forces.

Although the martial arts leader does not have the right to command the various sects of the rivers and lakes, it can be the largest organization in the rivers and lakes, including one valley, two families, four schools and eight schools, as well as hundreds of martial arts families and sects. Duan Kaitian of the martial arts leader It can be said to be a representative figure in the world, and its reputation can be said to be the strongest!

As Duan Kaitian's subordinate, Sanyang Zhenren appeared here at this moment, and not for ten and a half months, but for a whole year, which had to make people doubt their purpose of coming here.

According to the information that Murong Nantian found, the bosses behind the Resort Villa and Liwei Company are Sanyang real people. There are so many people working there all year round in the Holiday Villa. I want to come to Sanyang real people because they have no money, so they instructed Liwei Company. Crazy money.

But, what secrets are hidden in the resort?

Li Yun couldn't figure it out. If they found the swaddling base, that year would be enough time for them to empty the contents.

Last time they heard what Sanyang Zhenren said, they found what they wanted, but failed to get it.

If what they were looking for was a swaddling base, they could not get it in one year...

Li Yun thought of Lingling. Perhaps it is really possible. The technology of the gods is powerful. These half-handed tools may not be able to open the base within a year.

Of course, Li Yun is only guessing now, and he needs more information to support his judgment.

Murong Nantian said that he had sent a team of heavily armed men to help him. Ten soldiers and five agents would arrive about three days later. Murong Nantian asked him to wait for these people to come before acting.

However, Li Yun did not accept this order and chose to sneak to the resort village again at night to find out the situation.

He has Almighty Pill, and he is not afraid of fighting.

Besides, Li Yun didn't think they could find him.

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